
Jun 10, 2020
Transactions Without Fees - Is This Real In 2022?

There are obvious obstacles that delay the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based platforms in general, namely price volatility (in the case of cryptocurrencies), and poor scalability (low capacity of the networks also known as the bottleneck problem). Nevertheless, scalability is set...

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Jun 01, 2020
Why Does The Speed In Blockchain Transactions Matter?

Have you ever asked yourself why blockchain is still not a regular part of our lives? Big companies are investing money in blockchain research, they implement blockchain solutions, smart and successful people talk about DLT (distributed ledger technologies) as something revolutionary, we hear that the...

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May 18, 2020
Blockchain and the Future of Urbanism - Expert Opinion

Have you ever heard of "smart cities"? That's what blockchain technology applied in the urbanism sphere is going to give us. The light bulbs won't waste energy when no one is around. The drivers won't waste time on the search for a vacant parking space, as the system will provide available options to...

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May 13, 2020
Ex-Goldman Sachs Manager: Bitcoin Will Cost $1,000,000 In Three Years

A former Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager Raoul Pal claims Bitcoin is a future of our entire exchange medium. In his research published on March 30, Pal says that he believes that Bitcoin's price will reach $1 million value in a course of three years. Pal's 100+ pages article (most of the pages are...

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May 11, 2020
Blockchain For Health: Reviewing Blockchain Use Cases in Healthcare

As the current pandemic reveals, hospitals are not prepared properly for emergencies. It seems that the national healthcare systems are not prepared for any extraordinary situations. Wall Street Journal has pointed at the way blockchain platforms could improve the situation so the hospitals would receive...

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May 09, 2020
Cybercriminals Take Advantage of COVID Pandemic - Be Careful!

In the days when millions of people have to communicate with colleagues, friends, and family members distantly via video conferences apps, cybercriminals are looking for new opportunities. Some people in need of socialization found their devices blocked by the villains demanding to pay a ransom in BTC....

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May 07, 2020
Why Do We Need Blockchain? Ticketmaster Refund Policy Scandal Review

Today we will speak of downsides of centralized human-ran services in the context of recent Ticketmaster scandalous refund policy changes. What Happened? Why Do We Need Blockchain Solutions? Existing Blockchain Ticket Sellers Conclusion What Happened? As public events could be dangerous due...

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May 05, 2020
30% of Respondents Think Cryptocurrencies Are Made For Buying Illegal Goods

Visual Objects website has conducted an interesting survey dedicated to the perception of cryptocurrencies by people who don't own any. 983 people who know what cryptocurrencies are were asked what do they think crypto owners spend their digital money for. To make their research more insightful, Visual...

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May 05, 2020
Freewallet & Changelly Present Cheap and Fast Coin Swaps

A cryptocurrency wallets platform Freewallet has joined the list of business companies that want to challenge the crisis by making good deeds. In these tense days of ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many companies are trying not only to survive but also to do their best to ease the lives of people. They...

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May 05, 2020
Cryptocurrencies vs Coronavirus - Who Is Winning?

As we have written earlier, cryptocurrencies seem to grow stronger in the wake of the financial crisis. Now that the market is strong it uses this strength to help people. Bitcoin was created as a remedy for the ill post-crisis economy. These days the diverse cryptocurrency market is already providing...

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May 04, 2020
Coronavirus Reveals Cryptocurrencies Are Crisis-Resistant

It was said many times before that in the days of disasters cryptocurrencies will be considered as a financial safe haven by many people. For years this claim was barely possible to confirm or disapprove but this time around it seems that we will see if it is true. Coronavirus hit the news right after...

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May 03, 2020
CoronaCoin: Price Is Human Lives - Coin Review And Details

The developers created the most creepy cryptocurrency in the world - CoronaCoin, and its price directly depends on human lives. The faster the coronavirus spreads and the more people get sick and die from the disease, the faster the cost of the token takes off. However, the goal of creating crypto is...

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May 03, 2020
Compare Jaxx vs Coinomi - Which Wallet Is Better?

Currently, the market has hundreds of different cryptocurrency wallets. A cryptocurrency wallet is software for reliable storage and transaction fulfillment with cryptocurrencies. Wallets are distinguished by a set of supported cryptocurrencies and software platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, IOS, Android,...

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May 02, 2020
Top 14 Litecoin Mining Pools - Which One To Use?

Since its inception in 2011, Litecoin has always been one of the most sought-after cryptocurrencies. This digital currency attracts with its stability since it confidently holds in the top 10 cryptocurrencies, without mentioning the fact that the network is almost four times faster than the Bitcoin...

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May 01, 2020
How to Transfer Bitcoin From Coinbase to Kraken In 4 Steps

Both Coinbase and Kraken exchanges are based in America. It makes them attractive for US residents as many huge exchanges hailing from other countries are not very comfortable for Americans. More than that, some of these exchanges are not even available for US citizens. So, it's hard to overestimate...

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Apr 27, 2020
Bitstamp vs Kraken vs GateHub - Which One to Use in 2022?

Both Bitstamp and Kraken were founded in 2011 and can be named among the oldest cryptocurrency exchanges. To date, both exchanges are relevant and successful. According to the Coingecko chart, these exchanges are the top ten exchanges by trading volume (volume-wise Kraken surpasses Bitstamp by around...

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Apr 27, 2020
How To Survive In The Cryptocurrency Market In 2022 - Expert Guide

A new unregulated market, where everyone strives to be the first to find himself in a new niche and get rich, is full of various risks, and, unfortunately, many are so busy making profits that they do not pay enough attention to the technologies they deal with. The last drop in cryptocurrencies cost...

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Apr 27, 2020
Stablecoins Full Guide 2022 - A World-Wide Battleground

Back in 2017, stable cryptocurrencies (stablecoins) seemed exotic against the background of volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, then in 2019 they were at the center of world political events: the defeat of the Libra project by the US government, the international condemnation of non-government...

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Apr 26, 2020
The Richest Americans Will Become Crypto Investors by 2030 - The Expert Prediction

We are used to having Wall Street banks and stock markets at the head of the financial system. The main flow of US funds passes through them, and cryptocurrencies are still just at the dawn of a new financial era. But do not forget about one thing - now there is a change of generations and stereotypes...

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Apr 26, 2020
Jihan Wu: investing in mining is more profitable than just buying cryptocurrencies

Bitmain co-founder shared important insights Jihan Wu, one of the key people behind the creation and development of one of the world's leading mining companies Bitmain, shared that investing in mining is more profitable than just buying cryptocurrencies. On World Mining Summit on October 8-10 in Frankfurt...

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