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Kraken was founded back in 2011 but was officially opened two years later. It is one of the oldest active cryptocurrency exchanges. Kraken provides efficient trading opportunities in numerous Fiat currencies. It is currently holding the world leadership in terms of Bitcoin to Euro trading volumes. The exchange supports both crypto and Fiat deposits as well as withdrawals.
Bitbns was founded in two years ago, and it went live on December 14, 2017. It is an Indian cryptocurrency exchange, and its name is an acronym meaning ‘Bitcoin buy and sell’. On the ‘about us page’, the exchange does not mention the real names of its founders. The exchange supports over 50 coins. There are 73 digital assets, as indicated on their webpage. On the coinparika.com site, we can see the details of the trading volume.
BitFlyer is a Japanese exchange founded in 2014. The company has official permission in different countries including some states of the USA, Europe, and Japan. Also, bitFlyer offers automatic trades via API.