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Buda is the crypto exchange platform focused on the markets of Argentina, Chile, Columbia, and Peru. The company was established in Chile in 2015. With the help of Buda service, residents of the above-listed countries can buy and sell top crypto coins for their national currencies. You can check financial terms for each market on their website. There is an Android and iOS app. Trading commission for instant purchase and sale makes 1.2%. There is a fee schedule for limit and market orders depending on volume traded.
Kuna exchange is the Ukranian company led by Michael Chobanyan and operated by the group of companies registered in England, British Virgin islands and Estonia. It was founded in 2017. 
Kraken was founded back in 2011 but was officially opened two years later. It is one of the oldest active cryptocurrency exchanges. Kraken provides efficient trading opportunities in numerous Fiat currencies. It is currently holding the world leadership in terms of Bitcoin to Euro trading volumes. The exchange supports both crypto and Fiat deposits as well as withdrawals.