148 companies

AirdropJob - is a reliable source for cryptocurrency airdrops. As a platform created to serve you better, the project will be sharing with you the best and perfectly-researched airdrops, which are going to help you generate funds out of nothing.  Presently, there are many active airdrops all over the world, however, it is important for you to know that a great number of them are either fake or do fail to meet up to their promises. And that's the main reason why the creators have decided to supply customers with full detailed airdrops so that users won’t have any problem in receiving the free tokens when the time comes.


There are several fairly effective ways to get cryptocurrencies on the cryptocurrency market without trading, mining or investing. However, the simplest of them is airdrop. The AirdropRaiting platform will perfectly cope with this task, which provides users with many options for choosing among plenty of Airdrops or Bounties. It also presents all the possibilities for registering your own Airdrop.

AFX Search LLC is a licensed private investigative agency providing services in Texas and Florida. The platform specializes in document forensics, background and character investigations, pre-litigation asset discovery, asset recovery, electronic intel, corporate due diligence, security assessment, and activity tracking for attorneys, government agencies, insurance companies, real estate professionals, and private citizens.


In the age of modern technology, almost everyone who works with online payment methods has an idea of electronic wallets. Today our review will be about one of the most famous payment systems - Advcash. Also, we will answer the questions: Is Advcash secure? Is it profitable to use Advcash? How to use Advcash? Let us together now consider all the strengths and weaknesses of this service.


AdEx Network is a new-generation solution aiming to address and correct some of the most prominent inefficiencies of the online advertising industry: ad fraud, lack of transparency in reporting, end user privacy misuse, etc.

AdEx originated in 2017 as a decentralized ad exchange and subsequently evolved into a full protocol for decentralized digital advertising. The protocol facilitates trading of advertising space/time, as well as the subsequent verification and proof of ad delivery. It covers all interactions between publishers, advertisers and end users. The protocol combines traditional peer-to-peer technology, cryptography and blockchain.

The AdEx team also develops an open source platform built on top of the Ethereum implementation of the protocol, available at


The 4CTrading Bots have been developed with one thing in mind, and that is to give you the capability to set up your trading bots and let them do the trading for you.


3iQ Digital Asset Management


3Commas is used to manage multiple trading bots. All the available bots are managed via a single account. 3Commas can be used globally. The service is available on mobile devices and on the web. Paper trading mode allows trying the functionality of 3Commas to get an experience and good understanding of crypto trading and service features before investing real money. Additionally, 3Commas is used for social trading. Users can see the strategies applied by others and copy the trades they like. The platform is designed not only to bring the profits to the max but also it helps to avoid losses. Considering the user-friendly interface, this makes 3Commas an attractive service for beginning traders.
