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Uniswap is a decentralized protocol for automated liquidity provision on Ethereum.
In late 2013 the project team started as a spin off another Lithuanian company - Mistertango. BTC-EXCHANGE has managed to bootstrap itself into an independent company while maintaining its partnership with Mistertango. It is now a multi-cryptocurrency exchange platform that will allow users to trade (buy/sell) their digital assets through a P2P (Peer to Peer) mechanism. In addition, market makers won't pay any fees and market takers pay a 0.1% fee. For ETH, BCH, XRP, and USDC, no trading fees will be charged and deposits in Euro are accepted.
Itez is a fast and simple way to buy bitcoins with Visa and Mastercard bank cards. With every sale or purchase of bitcoins, the owner of the web resource on which the Itez solution is integrated will receive a remuneration of about 0.75%.