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BitAsset Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

Country: Hong Kong
Launched: 2017
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Country: Hong Kong
Launched: 2017
Mobile app: -
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Bitkub is a leading cryptocurrency digital exchange in Thailand. It was established in early 2018. Bitkub refers to integrity, customer, efficiency, and innovation as its top values. The fees are charged per trade and make 0.25%. You can check out deposit and withdrawal fees as well as financial terms on the company’s website. To go through the Level 1 identity checks, an individual must be over 20 y.o and have a zero criminal record. 
LEOxChange is currently not operating. It disappeared without any prior notification. LEOxChange was founded in 2015.
GDAC is the centralized Korean exchange offering trading pairs against BTC, KRW (Korean Won) and GT, native token of the platform.