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VALR Exchange Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

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Coinlim provides access to BTC, ETH, USDT markets for trading. The company was incorporated by HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD with the focus on the Chinese market. The Coinlim exchange platform is supported on both iOS and Android clients. The platform’s utility tokens were launched as Coinlim tokens (CLT). 
InfinityCoin Exchange is operated by UNIA TRADE AND INVEST. LIMITED registered on British Virgin Islands. It provides only BTC and XIN (the abbreviation of the Infinity Coin) markets.
Stex is an acronym for Smart Token Exchange and is one of the innovative crypto exchanges out there in the industry. The exchange is run by Etna Development a financial firm based in Estonia which is one of the few European countries that have laws licensing crypto exchanges. Stex exchange prides itself on its unique user interface, flexibility, speed of transaction and top notch security. In addition it has the support of top financial merchants such as Visa and Mastercard.