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Bit-Z is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange that was launched towards the end of 2016. It is one of the top ten crypto exchanges around the world in terms of the reported trading volume.
LocalBitcoins is a p2p cryptocurrency exchange platform launched in Finland in 2012. In some countries, the service is not available however it is possible to use it via VPN or other methods concealing the user's IP address. The main purpose of this platform is the exchange of local national currencies for BTC.
Coinsquare is a cryptocurrency trading platform located in Toronto, Canada. The company was founded in 2014. The aim of Coinsquare was to create a platform for fast and secure trading of cryptocurrencies and fiat money. We can't say that this exchange boasts huge trading volume, but it is one of the comfortable cryptocurrency platforms providing fiat money options that include Canadian, Australian, and US dollars, Swiss francs, Pounds sterling, and Euro.