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Bit-Z is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange that was launched towards the end of 2016. It is one of the top ten crypto exchanges around the world in terms of the reported trading volume.
Livecoin was founded in 2013 in London. This exchange works with dollars, euros and roubles. It has more than 100 available coins to trade. Additionaly, the trading fee is not so high, it could be less than 0.02 for high-volume traders. Livecoin's volume is quite high and it represents more than $30.500.000.
TRX Market is a Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based in the N/A. The exchange was launched in 2018. Its reported volume is about 0 $ as for 8 October 2019. TRX Market has 7 available trading pairs and 6 coins. Deposits are on the exchange. TRX Market doesn't have Fiat deposits option. Margin...