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Binance is currently one of the biggest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges. Originally coming from Hong Kong, the company has recently moved its headquarters to Malta. Back at the beginning of its path the company had an ICO and gathered 15 mln USD. Participants got Binance Coin (BNB) which could be used to trade cryptocurrencies and pay for a fee on Binance exchange.
OTCBTC is one of the largest Asian OTC (over-the-counter) cryptocurrency platforms. It also maintains the Exchange Market. 
In 2007, "The Rock Insurance Co." was born as a Virtual Insurance Company in Second Life, the first one of its kind. Since then, their product has evolved a lot but they kept the same management teaIn 2010, they changed their name to “The Rock Trading”, with a division dedicated to managing funds and an exchange to trade currencies and stocks. In June 2011, the first Bitcoin was traded on The Rock Trading, making it one of the oldest exchanges still alive! As the website continued to grow, they started to add new currencies (such as Litecoin, Namecoin and others) and in May 2013 they became a Ripple gateway and an official XRP reseller.