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User reviews
Marwah Seymour 7 February 2022

Not the best user experience. I had problems withdrawing funds for a long time. Virtually every inference procedure stumbled over delays. It was also difficult to get in touch with the support team.

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Grade points: 0.00
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EQUOS is the exchange division of Diginex Group—A fully diversified blockchain financial services company that provides a regulated infrastructure for digital currency investing, including capital markets, custody, and asset management.
Founded in 2013, AEX is the earliest batch of exchanges, and it has been nearly 10 years.
Hotbit is one of the youngest exchanges opened in early 2018. The exchange does not work with fiat currencies. Hotbit has also adopted some advanced technologies such as GSLB, distributed server clusters, and storage. It goes with a high-speed memory-based trading engine all backed up in multiple machines, cold storage locations, and hot wallets with offline private keys.