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Expert Review
Sep 30, 2021
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User reviews
Hunter 5 October 2021

How to register on this exchange?

Lion 5 October 2021

Android app sometimes freezes, preventing the transaction from being completed.

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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CoinJar is an Australian online exchange. The company was founded in 2013 and is registered in England and Wales. CoinJar is also registered with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Center.
OKX was launched in 2017 in Belize by OKEX Technology Company Limited. It was announced in 2018, that the platform was going to open headquarters in Malta, in order to have an opportunity to provide service for users in over 100 countries.
In late 2013 the project team started as a spin off another Lithuanian company - Mistertango. BTC-EXCHANGE has managed to bootstrap itself into an independent company while maintaining its partnership with Mistertango. It is now a multi-cryptocurrency exchange platform that will allow users to trade (buy/sell) their digital assets through a P2P (Peer to Peer) mechanism. In addition, market makers won't pay any fees and market takers pay a 0.1% fee. For ETH, BCH, XRP, and USDC, no trading fees will be charged and deposits in Euro are accepted.