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Expert Review
Sep 30, 2021
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User reviews
Hunter 5 October 2021

How to register on this exchange?

Lion 5 October 2021

Android app sometimes freezes, preventing the transaction from being completed.

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Grade points: 0.00
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Stupid Simple Crypto Trading
Tidex is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded right before the crypto storm in October of 2017. To date, the reported daily trading volume extends $2 million. By different accounts, Tidex is slightly below the 50th position or 100th position in the list of the top exchanges ranked by liquidity. The exchange is known as a clear user-friendly platform with low fees and over 100 available trading pairs. Some might find it disturbing that there is too little information about the exchange team, however, there are little to no reports claiming that Tidex is a scam. In this Tidex review, we will check out the most important facts about this exchange and figure out is it safe to use Tidex and how profitable is trading on this exchange.
Bithesap is a Turkish cryptocurrency exchange offering two trading pairs: BTC / TRY and LTC / TRY. The platform is aimed at customers who need help with cryptocurrency trading services, you can safely sell, buy, exchange such as Bitcoin and Litecoin with reference to the Turkish Lira (TRY) here. The turnover of the exchange is about $2.708.845 according to coinmarketcup at the moment.