As of now, Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) coin is represented on a few exchanges paired against BTC. Originally being an ERC-20 token, it switched to its own mainnet in 2018. The QRL claims to be the first decentralized cryptocurrency, that is resistant to both classical and quantum computing attacks.
Released in 2014, Groestlcoin (GRS) cryptocurrency enables private and fast transactions. It is the first coin that activated Lightning Network and SegWit. You can buy GRS for both crypto and fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, KRW). This cryptocurrency is listed on multiple exchanges.
Ripple is a global payment protocol aimed to provide fast transactions and cheap payments internationally. The network uses a digital currency known as XRP (sometimes it's referred to as Ripple). Unlike other cryptocurrencies Ripple is not aimed to replace banks, rather this project is created to improve the work of banks (including transactions between different banks) via blockchain solutions.