Kyber Network is a Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based in the N/A. The exchange was launched in 2018. Its reported volume is about 2161230 $ as for 8 October 2019.
Kyber Network has 57 available trading pairs and 74 coins. Deposits are Free on the exchange.
Kyber Network doesn't have Fiat de...
AirSwap is a Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based in the USA. The exchange was launched in 2017. It’s reported volume is about 4.5-5 mln. $. The exchange provides peer-to-peer trading and has 3 available trading pairs and 6 coins.
Horizen (ZEN) is the native cryptocurrency of Horizen blockchain. It can be mined. Much alike Zcash, ZEN offers regular and shielded addresses. A number of exchanges feature ZEN, including USD as a pairing choice on Bittrex.