
Oct 21, 2022
Why Bitcoin is Revolutionizing Money

The world is in a digital era, where digital technologies are the main thing. You can't hide from this reality, whether it's your digital health technology or digital financial transactions. With particular regard to money, what has the digital age brought up? You have heard about the concept of digital...

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Oct 20, 2022
Why Some People Think Bitcoin is a Bubble

When Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin in 2009, the timing was perfect. That's because it was just after the 2007/2008 global financial crisis, which many believe was caused by the Wall Street bullies. Bitcoin came as a better alternative to the existing payment and economic system. It removed centralized...

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Oct 20, 2022
Is It Safe to Leave Bitcoin on a Crypto Exchange?

Prosperity in the cryptocurrency sector depends on various factors. For example, one needs to understand the market trends comprehensively. Also, you must know the appropriate investment strategies to boost your chances of winning the game. However, there's another essential thing many people still...

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Oct 17, 2022
Crypto Trading with API

What does API mean? The abbreviation API stands for Application Programming Interface. Most large companies at some stage develop APIs for customers or internal use. An API helps various applications interact with each other. In everyday life, we constantly use APIs but we do not always realize that...

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Oct 10, 2022
NFTs For Dummies | A Conclusive Guide

The acronym NFT stands for a non-fungible token or unique asset that cannot be fully replaced by any other token. It is a kind of currency that has only one unit. NFTs come in diverse forms, including audio, videos, images, concert tickets, virtual collectibles, in-game items, character skins, and other...

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Oct 04, 2022
Should You Sell Bitcoin in Dubai: The Pros and Cons

If you're living in Dubai and you want to sell Bitcoin in Dubai, there are a few things you need to know first. Read this blog post, and learn the pros and cons of selling Bitcoin in Dubai, so that you can make an informed decision about what's best for you. Dubai: A Global crypto hub Dubai is quickly...

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Sep 29, 2022
Different Types of Bitcoin Investments

Bitcoin is one of the safest virtual asset investments, and users can secure it differently when they are using biticodes platform. Also, you can efficiently conduct online payments using this digital money since it enhances safe and fast cross-border transactions. Moreover, this digital asset has an...

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Sep 22, 2022
How to Make Money With Cryptocurrency On Student Budget

Cryptocurrencies have been at the top of the news for quite some time. Some people earned fortunes in the early days of Bitcoin; others were not so lucky with their investments. Today the market is more stable and open to anyone willing to earn money. It makes a lot of sense why students would want...

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Sep 20, 2022
Cryptocurrency Broker DotBig - Terms For Traders

DotBig company – it’s a great forex broker. Brand was founded in 2003. At the beginning of its activity, the company worked in narrow areas and worked exclusively as an intermediary in the foreign exchange market. Today, DotBig can be called a universal broker that works in almost all countries of the...

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Sep 08, 2022
How Crypto Wallets Work: 5 Important, Key Things You Should Know

Contents What Are Cryptocurrency Wallets? How do cryptocurrency wallets work? Sending and receiving Cryptocurrency using crypto wallets Sending Cryptocurrency Receiving Cryptocurrency Keys things you should know about how Crypto wallets work 1. The types of wallets available  Hardware...

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Sep 08, 2022
Ethereum Merge - Ultimate Guide 2022 | Cryptogeek

Anyone who read about cryptocurrencies since the ICO boom or more could have learned that Ethereum is planning to abandon the PoW consensus protocol in favor of PoS. The knowledge of this planned transition was so habitual that some of us could hardly believe that Ethereum would adopt the PoS algorithm...

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Sep 08, 2022
10 New Coins That Are Cheap Now but Gaining Popularity

By now, everybody has heard about cryptocurrency. Some people don’t understand how it works, and others say that this is the future of secure banking. In any case, these digital currencies definitely aren’t going away anytime soon. Millions of people keep an eye on stock market prices, playing around...

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Sep 04, 2022
Blockchain In Schools and Colleges

Blockchain technology is associated with digital currencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum. This technology is decentralized, and the data entered are kept in interlinked blocks in chronological order. This makes it easy to trace the origin of the data and verify its authenticity. Several sectors are...

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Sep 01, 2022
What Is an IDO? Initial DEX Offering Meaning in Crypto

Most people have heard about cryptocurrencies for the first time during the ICO boom of late 2017. The term "ICO bubble" is associated with that period. Initial coin offering was an intuitive and popular way to get the investment needed for the further development and launch of a new cryptocurrency...

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Aug 29, 2022
What Is a Bitcoin Mining Reward and Why Does It Matter?

One of the most important aspects of Bitcoin is the mining reward. And this is the incentive miners have to keep mining, giving new bitcoins their value. The mining reward is also how the network creates new bitcoins. Also, if you want to trade using bitcoin, use efficient and secure trading websites...

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Aug 29, 2022
A Guide to Bitcoin Mining for Beginners

Mining is an essential and integral part of Bitcoin that ensures fairness while keeping the Bitcoin network stable, safe, and secure. As Bitcoin becomes popular, there are a lot of scam sites so better use a trusted website like Bitcoin Motion if you are planning to start bitcoin trading. What is Bitcoin...

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Aug 29, 2022
Crucial Things to Know Before Venturing into Bitcoin Mining in 2022

As the world increasingly moves towards a digital future, more and more people are looking for ways to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. And you can do this through mining, which allows users to earn new Bitcoins by verifying and recording cryptocurrency transactions on the blockchain. If...

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Aug 28, 2022
Seven Things To Look For In a Crypto Exchange Platform

Cryptocurrency has risen in a meteoric fashion over the last decade. Where once bitcoin stood alone, there are now dozens of different viable cryptocurrencies out there. But it comes down to finding a crypto exchange platform that you can trust. There are a few traits that potential investors should...

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Aug 28, 2022
How to Earn Money By Playing Metaverse Games?

Modern technologies are expanding uncontrollably, and a tremendous amount of money is changing hands. Artists and entrepreneurs are being hailed as forerunners of a new generation. The Metaverse is one of the most prominent terms in innovation, and every investor wants to capitalize on it. Video gaming...

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Aug 26, 2022
Everything You Need to Know to Understand Cryptocurrencies

To many people, cryptocurrencies may seem a bit confusing. There is a lot to know and understand about these fascinating digital currencies to fully comprehend everything they have to offer. To gain a better understanding of the complex concept, this article provides you with an easy guide to cryptocurrencies...

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