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User reviews
Samuel 17 November 2021

I used this platform, until somehow, my bitcoins disappeared. Though I wrote to their support, I never got any response.

Tobias Dillon 15 November 2021

it took a long time before I was able to withdraw the money. this exchange clearly has something to work on, but for now I'll refrain from using

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Grade points: 0.00
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Bitbank is one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges targeting the residents of Japan. The exchange tab of the website is not available in languages other than Japanese and those who want to register on Bitbank from overseas have to pay $100 commission. Nevertheless, for those in Japan, this platform is quite convenient as it collects no deposit and trading fees (it’s relevant only for Makers) and has some other nice features.
Actionable digital currency trading platform.
CPDAX was established in 2017 and stands for the “Coinplug Digital Asset Exchange”. It accepts KRW (Korean Won) deposit and withdrawal. This exchange is the development of the Coinplug blockchain technology company.