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Expert Review
Oct 20, 2021

INDOEX is an advanced trading platform that is designed for experienced digital assets traders and specializes in Altcoins, Algos and Performance. INDOEX, the ultimate trading platform for digital assets, provides advanced exchange functionalities to allow users to buy and sell digital assets.

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User reviews
Mira 27 October 2021

My friend lost $ 2,000 from his account. I don't recommend it.

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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IDEX is a cryptocurrency exchange that was launched early last year. The exchange aims to offer users the experience of a centralized exchange that boasts the security benefits of a decentralized platform. The exchange provides a peer-to-peer trading environment. It also uses smart contracts to relay transactions over the Ethereum blockchain, and this allows the order book of your account to be updated in real-time. is a centralized exchange based in the UK. is a crypto-to-crypto trading platform that aims to be trustworthy, transparent, safe and reliable. is one of the pioneering payments and cryptocurrency platforms with the mission to accelerate the world’s transition to cryptocurrency. With its well-developed ecosystem, there are now 3 million users using this platform worldwide. is constantly adding new features and offers to its products, including the Exchange, App, Wallet and MCO Visa Cards.