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Expert Review
Aug 15, 2021
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User reviews
Tymoteusz Clay 8 November 2021

Communication with users needs to be improved as it is very difficult to communicate with such long intervals between replies. But it would be unfair to point out fixed fees that are so small that you hardly even notice them.

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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Cripto InterCambio is a Chili-based crypto instant exchange service with the focus on the Latin community. Cripto InterCambio serves as an aggregator and intermediary layer in the actual exchange process. The platform was launched in 2018.You can operate with more than 100 coins, using this anonymous service. The average time of a conversion transaction is from 10 to 30 minutes. Cripto InterCambio speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese. is a crypto trading platform which integrates with any crypto exchange and gives superpowers to traders.
In 2007, "The Rock Insurance Co." was born as a Virtual Insurance Company in Second Life, the first one of its kind. Since then, their product has evolved a lot but they kept the same management teaIn 2010, they changed their name to “The Rock Trading”, with a division dedicated to managing funds and an exchange to trade currencies and stocks. In June 2011, the first Bitcoin was traded on The Rock Trading, making it one of the oldest exchanges still alive! As the website continued to grow, they started to add new currencies (such as Litecoin, Namecoin and others) and in May 2013 they became a Ripple gateway and an official XRP reseller.