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DFI.Money (YFII) logo

DFI.Money (YFII) Review

Site: dfi.money
Expert Review
Oct 22, 2020

DFI.Money (YFII) is a DeFi platform which aims to build products on aggregated liquidity provision, leveraged trading, automated marketing making.

It was forked from yearn.finance (YFI), after yEarn Improvement Proposal #8 (YIP-8) which proposed to prolong the minting of the platform utility token YFI by another 2 months and with a weekly-halving emission curve was rejected.

The YFII token is the native utility token of the DFI.Money platform. Users can earn it by contributing liquidity to DFI.Money's aggregated liquidity pool, and use the token for platform governance.

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