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Stellar (XLM) logo

Stellar (XLM) Price and Reviews 2021

Country: International
Launched: 2014
Market cap: $ 16,383,381,595.834
Supply: 50,001,786,894.45
Symbol: XLM
Price (USD): $ 0.3277
Volume 24h: $ 35,141,950.96007
Change 24h: -4.15%
Max supply: 50,000,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 20,223,415,802.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Expert Review
May 22, 2020

Stellar is an open-source cryptocurrency network launched by non-profit Stellar Development Foundation. The currency itself is called Lumen (XLM). Some experts note that this asset has similarities with Ripple because of its quick and cheap transactions. 

The Stellar network is guarded by the special contract that doesn't temporarily allow holders of big amounts of Lumen to sell it. Stellar works as an exchange platform where Lumen is used to pay a small exchange fee. The project has a high level of decentralization and provides equality for all of its participants. It has one of the biggest market capitalizations.

Our Score
Transaction speed 5 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 3 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Our Score
4.2 / 5
Pros and Cons

Improved trade volume

The consensus protocol is fast

Improved daily rates

Constant upgrades


Strong competition from Ripple

Too much focus on growing network

No mining rewards

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User reviews
Hans 16 September 2021

Nice. Like this coin.

Chad 20 May 2021

Huge potential to be used all over world for transactions in a safe cheap way

Martin Alekseevich 7 December 2020

Perfect choice for long term investment strategy

Country: International
Launched: 2014
Market cap: $ 16,383,381,595.834
Supply: 50,001,786,894.45
Symbol: XLM
Price (USD): $ 0.3277
Volume 24h: $ 35,141,950.96007
Change 24h: -4.15%
Max supply: 50,000,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 20,223,415,802.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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