Blocknet (BLOCK) logo
Blocknet (BLOCK) logo

Blocknet (BLOCK) Price and Reviews

Market cap: $ 0.0
Supply: 0.0
Symbol: BLOCK
Price (USD): $ 0.7
Volume 24h: $ 55,521.2647
Change 24h: -10.98%
Expert Review
May 23, 2020

Blocknet (BLOCK) coin is provided on a few exchanges. You can trade this coin against BTC. 

The Blocknet Protocol allows for an easy interaction between different blockchains. This technology has been evolving since 2014 and enables developing multi-chain apps. Block DX is a decentralized exchange without any intermediaries. The exchange provides quite a number of trading assets. 

We appreciate it if you share your feedback,comments and reviews about Blocknet cryptocurrency here.

Our Score
Transaction speed 5 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Our Score
4.4 / 5
Pros and Cons
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User reviews
Alex 5 February 2020

What your thoughts guys?

Market cap: $ 0.0
Supply: 0.0
Symbol: BLOCK
Price (USD): $ 0.7
Volume 24h: $ 55,521.2647
Change 24h: -10.98%
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