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BaaSid (BASS) logo

BaaSid (BASS) Review

Expert Review
Mar 30, 2022

BaaSid is a Identity verification, authentication, DID, data authentication, 2FA, and MFA based on data decentralization and blockchain. Authentication data is stored and managed in decentralized storage without original copy. This is applied to various services by interlocking with solutions and platforms.

BAAS is the native utility token that is:

designed to be paid as a fee for 2FA, MFA, DID, and various data authentication services. In addition, we are preparing to receive various benefits by depositing BAAS through the De-Fi wallet that BaaSid is preparing. For example, if you deposit BAAS in the "Topick" service, the My Data Exchange business, the level of participation and rewards in My Data increases.

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User reviews
Garry 29 June 2022

A promising coin that has a high potential for price growth.

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