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Expert Review
Nov 03, 2021

Hopex is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform establish in 2018 and registered in Republic of Seychelles. Headquarter located in Hongkong

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User reviews
Carlos Méndez 25 October 2023

Problemas también para retirar dinero en hopex, la página me exige tener 90 puntos de crédito para poder retirar mi dinero, ahora necesito invertir 1000$ para poder obtener los puntos que me faltan para poder sacar mi dinero, usted que han tenido experiencia con esto, ¿será posible que con los puntos de crédito pueda retirar mi dinero en Hopex?

14 May
El mismo problema me pide que deposite un impuesto del 2204.212 usdt ,aún no consigo esta cifra,y alguien ya avanzo de este paso, o tambien pedira un seguro
Shanda Kim 12 October 2023

I got into the platform was trading kept losing money, so I was trying to take the last 1600 out and put it back in my crypto wallet. My funds have been frozen since April and went to customer service. Several times got no response now the entire hopex platform seems to of disappeared out of my crypto wallet. I can’t even use the login anymore because there’s nothing there.

Ann 17 April 2023

Customer service not responding and my money is not being transferred. Any help would be really appreciated! Feel scammed.

07 Mar
Si pudiste retirar tu dinero?
Veronica 23 March 2023

I proceeded to withdraw money from my account. Learned it was frozen instructed to send $115,000 security deposit to my account in order for them to verify me and release the funds.

Dead end
27 May 2023
I had 7 days to pay security deposit to verify account. Now locked for 180 days. It's a scam. We've been had!
Laura lane 24 January 2023

No words to say, Its awesome. Easy to use

ivan rodriguez
09 Apr
07 Mar
Haven't you had any problem withdrawing your money?
Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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