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User reviews
Yoshi Goldstein 26 October 2021

- Simple UI
- Interoperability
- Cross-Chain Design
- great Community

Nasty 26 October 2021

I don't understand the value of such NFT markets.

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Grade points: 0.00
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Bilaxy is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange launched in 2018. Its reported volume is about 98-105 mln. $. The exchange is available both in English and Chinese versions.  Bilaxy has 157 available trading pairs and 134 coins. Exchange provides the possibility of trading with a number of different altcoins against the ETH. The traders won’t find fiat currency trading, and also there is no trading against the BTC. is founded by forex and information security industry veterans with over 10 years of experience.
Trade Satoshi exchange was closed with a prior notice published in February, 2020. A 10 days’ period was given to customers to withdraw their funds till March 1, 2020.