كيفية فتح حساب الأعمال سوينباس?

كيفية فتح حساب الأعمال سوينباس?
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Jun 28, 2022 36
كيفية فتح حساب الأعمال سوينباس?

اليوم ، سوينباس إكسهانج هي واحدة من أفضل التبادلات كريبتوكيرنسي المعروفة وموثوق بها. بل هو منصة بسيطة جدا لشراء وبيع عملة معماة. و 98 مليون مستخدم تم التحقق منهم هم أفضل دليل على الموثوقية. 

على عكس بعض التبادلات الأخرى, كوين بيز يقدم حسابات لكل من الأفراد والشركات. من المريح جدا لبعض الشركات امتلاك حساب تجاري شخصي في البورصة. إذا كان إنشاء حساب لنفسك أمرا بسيطا للغاية ، فإن بدء حساب لشركة ما يكون أكثر تعقيدا بعض الشيء.

دعونا معرفة كيفية فتح حساب الأعمال سوينباس وإلقاء نظرة سريعة على مزاياها ، ومتطلبات الاشتراك ، وعيوب ، وما إلى ذلك.

حساب كوين بيز مقابل حساب كوين بيز للأعمال 

بصراحة ، ليس هناك الكثير من الاختلافات بين حساب سوينباس وحساب الأعمال سوينباس. ذلك يعتمد فقط على أغراض واحتياجات المستخدم.

يختلف حساب الأعمال كوين بيز عن المعتاد في نقطة واحدة فقط: يتم تسجيل حساب الأعمال كوين بيز تحت اسم الشركة وفي مكان الاستخدام. وبعبارة أخرى ، فإنه يجعل من الممكن للتجارة تحت اسم الشركة وتمكن التمويل مع عدد من الحسابات المصرفية المرتبطة بالشركة. 

حسابات الأعمال سوينباس المستخدمين لا تزال لديها الفرصة لاتخاذ قرار بين سوينباس العادية و كوين بيز برو أنواع الحسابات.

ما هي المزايا الأخرى التي يتمتع بها حساب كوين بيز للأعمال?

  • ميزات الأمان.

لطالما كان الأمان هو الأولوية الرئيسية أثناء الاستثمار في العملة المشفرة. علاوة على ذلك ، يحتوي كل حساب على تسهيلات متطابقة تماما.

  • الرسوم. 

مقارنة سوينباس و سوينباس برو ، والثانية تكاليف أقل. كما أنه يساعد على جعل خيار معقول في حالة الأعمال لديها كمية كبيرة من الأصول للتداول. 

  • الاستثمار المؤسسي.

الاستثمار المؤسسي هو واحد من الاستخدامات الأكثر شعبية من نوع حساب الأعمال كوين بيز. أنه يعطي القدرة على تقسيم الأنشطة الشخصية من المهنية. 

  • باستخدام منصة التجارة سوينباس.

سيكون حساب الأعمال كوين بيز مفيدا إذا استخدم المتداول منصة التجارة كوين بيز. سيكون من الأسهل بكثير قبول العملة المشفرة كدفعة للسلع أو الخدمات وتتبع مدفوعات التشفير أيضا. 

يحتوي حساب كوين بيز برو للأعمال على خيارات تداول أكثر تقدما. ومع ذلك ، ودراسة الصورة الكاملة من سوينباس برو من وجهة النظر هذه ، قد يستغرق وقتا طويلا.

حساب الأعمال كوين بيز: إيجابيات وسلبيات

عندما نعرف الحقائق الرئيسية لحسابات كوين بيز بشكل عام ، دعونا نلقي نظرة فاحصة على إيجابيات وسلبيات حساب كوين بيز للأعمال. 

يقدم هذا النوع من الحسابات بعض المزايا أكثر من الحساب العادي. ها هم:

  • أولا ، هو الفصل بين الأصول الشخصية والمهنية. 
  • بفضل ذلك ، يصبح تتبع الأرباح والإنفاق أسهل بالإضافة إلى مسح بعض المساحة عند حدوث المعاملات التجارية المشفرة.
  • يمكن لحسابات كوين بيز التجارية تقييد المسؤولية لمنع المزيج غير المرغوب فيه بين الأصول التجارية والأصول الشخصية للعملات المشفرة. 
  • أما بالنسبة للعيوب ، فإن بعض إجراءات التحقق الإضافية مطلوبة أثناء التسجيل. 
  • تستغرق الموافقة على حساب الأعمال وقتا إضافيا.

عموما ، جميع أنواع حسابات سوينباس لديها الكثير من القواسم المشتركة. بعد, حسابات التجارة لديها العديد من السلبيات:

  • إن امتلاك حساب كوين بيز برو يجعل من الممكن الحصول على تكاليف أقل على الرغم من كونه نشاطا تجاريا أو متداولا فرديا. 
  • قد يستغرق الأمر وقتا أقل لمستخدم حساب التجارة لضرب العتبات والحصول على تخفيضات أفضل في الأسعار. بعد, من يدري ما إذا كان يمكن للأفراد الحصول على نفس الحظ تماما أم لا?

بمعرفة كل هذه الحقائق ، يمكن لأي متداول أن يتوصل إلى قراره الشخصي فيما إذا كان سيحصل على حساب أعمال كوين بيز أم لا.

كيفية فتح حساب الأعمال كوين بيز

عندما نعرف معظم إيجابيات وسلبيات حسابات كوين بيز ، فقد حان الوقت لمعرفة كيفية فتح حساب أعمال كوين بيز. حقيقة أخرى هي أنه من المفترض أن تكون الشركة مسجلة بالكامل بالفعل ويجب أن تكون جميع المستندات متاحة على اليدين لإرفاقها في التطبيق.

يتطلب إنشاء حساب تجاري مزيدا من الجهد مقارنة بإنشاء حساب خاص. تشمل الحقول المطلوبة للتسجيل تقديم معلومات ملموسة عن الشركة:

  • اسم الكيان القانوني;
  • بلد ودولة التأسيس;
  • مكان العمل;
  • نوع العمل;
  • وصف الأعمال;
  • عدد الموظفين على مستوى العالم;
  • أصول الصندوق تحت الإدارة.

وفقا لقواعد كوين بيز ، يجب أن يتطابق اسم الكيان القانوني مع الشركة التي ستستخدم حساب كوين بيز التجاري. يجب أن يتطابق أيضا مع الاسم الموجود في الحساب المصرفي التجاري حتى لا تواجه مشكلات عند تمويل الحساب.

باستثناء تلك النقاط الضرورية ، هناك بعض النقاط الاختيارية أيضا:

  • ممارسة الأعمال التجارية كما. يتم إجراء هذا الحقل في حالة تسجيل النشاط التجاري تحت اسم واحد ، ولكنه يعمل باستخدام الاسم الآخر. مطلوب تقديم أسماء أخرى.
  • المنتج من الفائدة. هناك عدد قليل من الخيارات المتاحة: رئيس الوزراء ، الحضانة ، الصرف ، التحليلات. عند اختيار الأولين ، سيكون من الضروري التحقق من إمكانية تلبية متطلبات الحد الأدنى للرصيد.
  • تخصيص الحساب الذي المنتجات والميزات للاستخدام.
  • تقديم بعض التفاصيل الخاصة: الاسم الأول والأخير وعنوان البريد الإلكتروني الإضافي ورقم الهاتف والمسمى الوظيفي وتفاصيل الاتصال الإضافية مثل رابط لينكد إن أو أي حساب وسائط اجتماعية آخر.

في حالة التاجر لا تريد إضافة هذه المعلومات ، فمن الممكن لحذفها وببساطة وضع علامة على كلمة التحقق وتقديم. 

مع استمرار التسجيل ، من الضروري التحقق من عنوان البريد الإلكتروني. واحد الموردة مع تفاصيل الاتصال.

ثم يتعين على التجار تقديم دليل على حالة الملكية وبعض وثائق تسجيل الأعمال. وتختلف قائمة الوثائق تبعا للبلد الأم حيث يتم تسجيل حساب التجارة سوينباس ومن المفترض أن تعمل. في تلك المرحلة ، يأتي دعم كوين بيز إلى الحياة ويساعد على إنهاء العملية. 

كما ذكر من قبل ، يختلف وقت التحقق.


الآن كل شيء واضح حول كيفية فتح حساب الأعمال سوينباس. وبمجرد الانتهاء من ذلك ، لا تتردد في بدء التداول حيث يأتي الوقت المثالي لتجربة جميع الخدمات والميزات المحددة أثناء التسجيل. وسوف يساعد على مواصلة فهم خصوصية حساب الأعمال سوينباس.

لجعل التداول أبسط وأكثر راحة ، هناك إمكانية للبدء في استخدام محفظة كوين بيز للعملات المشفرة لسحب العملات المعدنية من البورصة.

ومع ذلك ، الأمر متروك لك فقط لتقرر ما إذا كنت تريد الاستثمار في كوين بيز أو العثور على آخر تبادل التي من شأنها أن تناسب بشكل أفضل.

The opinions and assessments expressed in the text are the views of the author of the article and may not represent the position of Cryptogeek. Do not forget that investing in cryptocurrencies and trading on the exchange is associated with risk. Before making decisions, be sure to do your own research on the market and the products you are interested in.

Michael Turtzer
11 March, 3:31 AM
What makes A p t R e c o u p different is that it was founded by scam victims. They know how fraud works and use that knowledge to help others recover their money. I trusted them with my case, and they delivered. If you’ve been scammed, they’re the team to contact , look them up on google!

27 February, 11:37 PM
The Best Hackers In The World Contact Lost Recovery Master

My name is Roland. Here's my recommendation: One of the best hackers out there is Lost Recovery Masters. They can fix your low credit scores, Recover Your Lost or stolen cryptocurrency, spy on your spouses to know if they are cheating, clear bad criminal records (database)…… Just name it any kind of hack you can think of. They can break the code and get it done, they are reliable, trustworthy and they deliver right on time, the job they carried out for me was perfectly done and the best part of it all is your secrets are safe.
Contact Lost Recovery Masters
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Johanna Gretchen
22 February, 8:38 PM
I was drawn into the world of cryptocurrency with the promise of high returns and financial independence. One day, I stumbled upon a website that looked legitimate, boasting impressive profits and testimonials from seemingly satisfied investors. It promised a low-risk, high-reward investment in Bitcoin, and before long, I had invested €48,750 into what I thought was a secure platform. At first, everything appeared to be going well. The returns were as promised, and I watched my investment grow. But when I attempted to withdraw my earnings, the site suddenly became unresponsive. My attempts to contact customer support were met with silence, and it dawned on me that I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam.Desperate and feeling betrayed, I turned to the internet for solutions. It was here that I first heard about Alpha Spy Nest. The stories on various forums spoke of their success in recovering funds for those scammed in the crypto world. Skeptical but with nothing to lose, I reached out to them.From our initial conversation, the team at Alpha Spy Nest exuded professionalism. They asked for details about my transactions, the platform used, and any communication I had with the scammers. They assured me of confidentiality and explained how they would use blockchain analysis and cyber forensics to trace my lost Euros converted into Bitcoin.The process was both fascinating and nerve-wracking. Alpha Spy Nest's experts delved into the blockchain, tracking the movement of my Bitcoin through various wallets, which was no small feat given the anonymity and complexity of cryptocurrency transactions. They identified patterns and connections that led them to the scam operation's digital footprint.The breakthrough came when they managed to freeze some of the assets on various exchanges where the scammers attempted to cash out. Through negotiations and leveraging their network, Alpha Spy Nest was able to recover a significant portion of my lost investment.The relief was overwhelming when they informed me that they had successfully reclaimed much of my €48,750. Not only did they recover my funds, but they also educated me on how to better secure my digital investments going forward, teaching me about secure wallets, the importance of due diligence, and how to verify the legitimacy of investment platforms. Contacts: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, WhatsApp: ‪+14159714490‬, Telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest

Henry Miller
21 February, 1:21 AM
In the bustling world of cryptocurrency, where fortunes rise in the blink of an eye, my story began with a costly misstep. Seduced by promises of exponential returns, I invested my life savings—42 Bitcoin—into what turned out to be a fraudulent exchange platform. Overnight, my digital wallet was drained, leaving me in a vortex of panic and regret. The exchange vanished, and with it, my trust in the crypto ecosystem. Desperate, I scoured forums and recovery services, stumbling upon *Dexdert Net Pro Recovery* a name whispered in hushed tones among survivors of crypto heists, Skeptical but out of options, I reached out Within hours, a specialist responded, They explained their process: *blockchain forensics* to trace transactions, What stood out was their empathy—they understood the psychological toll of such losses ,one weeks later, my Bitcoin was restored—every last satoshi. The relief was indescribable. Dexdert’s blend of *cutting-edge tech* had done the impossible. They even provided post-recovery guidance to secure my assets, a gesture that transformed my cynicism into gratitude. Today, I champion Dexdert Net Pro as a beacon in the crypto storm. For anyone trapped in the darkness of lost assets, their team offers not just recovery—but hope. They are the real deal, Contact them via. Email:(DexdertNetPro@mail.com)


David zel Harris
31 October 2024
The sudden loss of my husband, a U.S. citizen, to a heart attack caused by a scammer left me devastated. Fortunately, I could recover my Bitc0in with the assistance of Brunoe Quick Hack. They helped me regain funds for my children and me. The sorrow of my husband’s passing due to fraud stays with me, and I call on everyone to unite against scammers. Join our movement by contacting Brunoe Quick Hack: Your Support in Recovering Lost Bitc0in. 
Whtas-App: + 1705 78  42 6 35
Website: Brunoequickhack.COM
Email: Brunoequickhack AT gmail DOT com

Amir Begovic
26 October 2024
Cryptocurrency investing is a smart move. When I first began to trade cryptocurrencies, I invested in a phony trading organization that stole from me more than 110,000 Dogecoin and 1.95BTC (approximately). It was a terrible moment for me; I sought out a recovery specialist immediately to retrieve my money, and Deftrecoup saved the day. From the very start to the the end, they was helpful. If you find yourself in a similar circumstance to mine at that time, I strongly recommend using Century Hackers' services. Send an email to s u p p o r t @ d e f t r e c o u p . c o m right now.

Alosa Manfred
20 September 2024
Hello everyone, I want you all to help me pray and thank Recovery Nerds for the good work done, without this honest firm I don't know how my life could have been today because my money was stolen by Bitcoins scammer who promise me a huge percentage if I invest with them but turn out to be scammers, but with the help of Recovery Nerds after I enroll my case with them and I followed their procedures, they swift to action and recover all my lost money including my supposed percentage from this scammers firm back to my wallet with in 24 hours and I gladly refer them to some one out there who needs this help too, email: mailus@recoverynerds.com Whatsapp: +1 (514) 312-2803, They are good in their job..

vandee Gideon Heller
16 September 2024
500 SOL Stolen from Phantom Wallet by BONKbot Bot, Recovered by BitReclaim

I lost 500 SOL from my Phantom wallet after it was drained by the BONKbot exploit. The funds vanished after I connected my wallet to a dApp, and I had no idea how to recover them. Fortunately, I found BitReclaim.com.

Their forensic team got to work quickly and traced the stolen SOL. They recovered most of my funds, and I’m now waiting on the Ethereum gas fee to recover the rest. BitReclaim’s 24/7 customer support was responsive and kept me updated every step of the way.

Contact BitReclaim:
Email: bitreclaims@protonmail/com | Phone: +1 310-893-5756
Telegram: @bitreclaims – 24/7 customer support available for immediate action.

jennifer bryner
7 July 2024

I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $38,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband's urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

Adams Uk
29 December 2023
They scammed me of £45,900 and denied me access to my account. I called them and they gave me another story and changed my account manager  got my money back when I reached out to a recovery expert via Gmail ( hoskey 44april@gmail .com or hoskeyteam@ proton. meto help me recover my money and it was successful.

12 December 2023
I wonder if there is any form of humanity in them. They made me deposit more and more just to get a withdrawal, but it was all a lie. I lost almost my savings to them until I sought help elsewhere and I was able to regain my asset through email aDdReSs

Phibb john
11 December 2023
Hallo. Haben Sie schon von CYBERPUNK SERVICE gehört? Sie sind sehr zuverlässig und schnell. Bei CYBER SERVICE ist nichts unmöglich. Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen meine Bitcoin verloren, bin aber dank eines Freundes auf CYBERPUNK SERVICE gestoßen. Sie arbeiten mit endlosem Einsatz, dank ihres genialen Geistes und ihrer Fähigkeiten konnten sie meine Bitcoin zurückgewinnen. Vielen Dank an CYBERPUNK SERVICE: Kontaktieren Sie CYBERPUNK SERVICE per E-Mail (cyberpunk1@cyberservices.com)
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Phibb john
11 December 2023
Hello. Have you heard of CYBERPUNK SERVICE? They're very reliable and fast. With CYBER SERVICE nothing is impossible, I lost my Bitcoin some days ago but thanks to a friend, I came across CYBERPUNK SERVICE. They work with endless efforts, due to their genius mind and skills they were able to recover my Bitcoin back. Thanks to CYBERPUNK SERVICE: Contact CYBERPUNK SERVICE Via Email (cyberpunk1@cyberservices.com)
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Gwendoline George
7 December 2023
I actually know how it feels and how it hurts to lose money you have worked half of your life for to invest with the thoughts of getting returns when you are retired. Throughout my years in the history of binary trading this is the worst company I’ve encountered doing business with them. These people are so rude and unfriendly after they steal from you. I learnt the hard way and I made a promise never to deal with them anymore though I had to find a way of how I can get back my money from them. After doing a lot of research on how I can get all my money back, I was able to get a lasting solution from a recovery agent, Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. We got to have a conversation after I emailed him on (jeansonjamesanchetawizard62@gmail.com) or WhatsApp number: +447529524472., he explained to me what is needed and why it was needed. I decided to take my chances with him due to my desperations. After 5 days, he emailed back with great news. I was so relieved to be able to make this much (408,000USD out of 688,000USD) of a recovery after losing much more to the phonies. If you are out there and need to recover your funds from any type of online bitcoin fraud, I urge anyone out there to contact him once you notice that the people you are investing with start to give you excuses before it’s too late.

Grace .O. Addisson
16 November 2023
One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $14000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met Jeff Silbert who is A recovery expert that works with Jeff affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law firm. he worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact him via his
mail: jeffsilbert39 gmail. Com
WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524 Or WhatsApp 1 (470 ) 469-9769.

I advice everyone to always be careful because my experience with them cost me mentally and financially, thankful to the security agency that helped me to investigate and recovered my money mail Jeff on Jeffsilbert39 g Ma il c0m

Amani Koth
6 November 2023
Reliable DeFi Versed Recovery Professionals!
Thoughts of crypto investing, I'm currently shunning from them. I happened to deal with this scrupulous crypto platform that I got invited to be a member and it resulted to losing quite a huge sum. I actually referred colleagues to also join the madness because of the returns, I mean, they were crazy good. We invested over 600,000usd cumulatively. The moment we made the withdrawal request was the beginning of our end. Why I say so, after a week or so a buddy had an emergency and needed some of their cash but we wouldn't be allowed to make withdrawals from the site. We quickly cooperated to find any reliable recovery professionals who maybe specialist in DeFi forensics related affairs. We came upon thecybergoat@) techie_ com team who we collaborated with and gave them all details concerning that trading platform. In just a week, I believe, thecybergoat team had us checking our phones and emails since our funds were ready for transfer back to our deposit wallets. These pros are mesmerizing! If swindled and need retrieval aid, I can offer a guarantee that thecybergoat@)techie_ com have your back!

Rita Alison
26 October 2023
got me so disappointed as i tried to get help,
Damn This people took so much from me, i was referred to Hoskey Team by a frnd via hoskeyteam@proton .me
are Expert Wizard in technology and i was able to Recover all invested Funds including my profit in Total, My advice is we all stay aware from Negative comments , Stay Caution You all

Angella Walter
4 October 2023
Please keep in mind that it is important to be careful and take steps to protect yourself from future scams. One way to do this is to be very careful about the websites you visit and the links you click on, HI TECH recovery thought me to avoid giving out personal or financial information to unfamiliar websites. It is also important to use a secure Bitcoin wallet and to keep your private keys safe. You can do this by using a hardware wallet or by storing your private keys on a piece of paper that is kept in a safe place. If you have any questions or concerns about Bitcoin security and recovery of lost funds, please don't hesitate to ask HI TECH recovery because they are always happy to help.

Contact: hitechrecovery21@proton.me
Telegram: @hitechrecovery

27 September 2023
I’m very excited to speak about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related issues.

Email: eliterecovery247@cyber-wizard.com

WhatsApp: +1 (740) 688-0116

Call: +1 (805) -386-9670

Greg Tonis
25 September 2023
I’m one of those few people who invested in the cryptocurrency market and was hoping to make enough profits after my retirement. Unfortunately, I had invested in a platform that was out to steal from me, I lost around $312,000 to this platform excluding the promised profits. I had lost every penny I invested into it including the money I had to borrow from friends. I thought it was all over until I came across a Cryptocurrency recovery expert, Spyweb Cyber Security, who helped me recover my money from these fake investors. It took Spyweb Cyber Security 48 hours to recover my money and I was able to track down these people. I’m truly grateful for their service and I highly recommend them to anyone with the problem.

E-Mail: Spyweb@Cyberdude . com

Whats App: +1 (2137236292)