WAX (WAXP) Price Prediction 2022-2030 - Invest or Not?

WAX (WAXP) Price Prediction 2022-2030 - Invest or Not?
Feb 01, 2022 0
WAX (WAXP) Price Prediction 2022-2030 - Invest or Not?

What is WAX?

WAX is a token that was created by a team of developers to simplify trading, collecting game items by gamers, who in turn began to help the platform with their investments, which led to a very rapid distribution and improvement of the coin. WAX stands on ERC-20 and it has its pros and cons, unique features that other similar coins do not have.

Users who have WAX can transfer, by agreement of the two parties, a certain number of coins just like that, so to speak, "in a friendly way". (There is a limit per month).

Waxp is also a specialized blockchain token and protocol designed to speed up and simplify the security of e-commerce transactions for all participants.

The primary token in the block chain is WAXP. This is a transaction token in the block chain. Customers use it to buy collectibles, video games, and wax NFTs.

In addition to hosting several decentralized games, the digital asset allows users to exchange NFT on their platforms. Some consider him the king of NFT. 

The platform controlled a significant number of NFT sales from serious partners. Consequently, the cryptocurrency has partners from Major League Baseball, Atari and others.

The WIX platform uses a DPoS system (Delegated Proof of Stake), as a consensus mechanism that is fully backward compatible with EOS. WAXP guilds are based in the Dos system to manage token generation.

The developed technology, according to the project team, has the form of a blockchain architecture with a running time of 500 milliseconds, which cannot be compared with any other analog. Blockchain is free for customers and provides rewards to those who voted to participate in the selection of blockchain suppliers and offers.

Scope and use of cryptocurrencies

Waxp is the world's leading platform for trading virtual goods for online games and certain software. The platform was created by the founder of OPSkins to serve more than 400 million players worldwide who collect and buy virtual items worth up to several hundred thousand dollars.

Using a simple WAX exchange widget, players will be able to enter the global market, where all transactions will be confirmed using blockchain trust mechanisms.

The founder of OPSkins, the world's first virtual trading platform, WAXp intends to significantly expand the market for buying and selling virtual items in games, which amounts to $ 50 billion.

The platform will allow players to trade many other types of digital assets, so almost any asset that can be tokenized will benefit from the project.

OPSkins already processes millions of digital goods, and the platform will mark them up for trading anywhere.

Advantages of Waxp

The token has a number of its own characteristics that distinguish it from the rest of the cryptocurrency markets.

The creators of WAX position it as a safe and convenient way to create, purchase and exchange virtual items - for anyone, from anywhere in the world.

Waxp has created a complete set of blockchain-based tools that allow anyone to instantly and securely sell digital and even physical goods around the world.

On the WAX cryptocurrency exchange, you can sell and buy gift cards or easily create an online store using B2B tools.

The reward for placing WAX is also an important advantage. I explain that the owners of WAX figures who place their tokens and then vote with them receive additional WAX tokens. The development team calls this income a reward, and it is transferred directly from the Waxp blockchain.

The price as of February 2022 $0.33
Market cap as of February 2022 $627,949,254
Rank as of February 2022 #130
All-time high $2.77 (January 9, 2018)
Decline (compared to all-time high) 88.2%
All-time low $0.01594711 (December 30, 2019)
Growth (compared to all-time low) 1952.2%
Popular markets Gate.io, Binance, HitBTC, Upbit, Crypto.com, Huobi Global

P.S. DApp developers also benefit from the placement of their tokens, as it helps to reserve system resources (processor and network). Dedicated RAM can be bought or sold as needed.

WAX has several types of tokens, namely:

- WAX or Waxp



WAX is the main symbol of the ecosystem. It is used to perform most activities.

WAXE tokens in the ERC-20 network, which are obtained by transferring wax tokens over the ETH bridge. This allows you to add liquidity to the WAXE-ETH pool for future profits.

WAXG is a token for ecosystem management. These are the only tokens that are used for voting and management.

Buying and Mining Waxp

To buy digital coins, you need to visit one of the cryptocurrency exchanges and exchange bitcoin or Ethereum for tokens. To do this, you can use fiat money (euros, rubles and dollars). The following exchanges offer the opportunity to buy WAX - Bittrex, CEX.io, Kucoin, Tidex, EtherData and others.

If we talk about mining this coin, then this is impossible, because if many users started mining this token, the cost of all games and collectibles would fall to almost zero, and it would become a meaningless occupation.

You can store the assets of your trading platform on cryptocurrency wallets that provide storage of digital coins of the ERC-20 standard. Among the most popular e-wallets are MyEtherWallet, Mist, Parity and MetaMask. The first wallet is unique in that it does not require additional configuration or software installation. The second and third services are desktop applications that will be convenient for home use. The fourth is an add-on for Chrome and Mozilla FireFox browsers. The MyEtherWallet platform supports two hardware wallets Trezor and Ledger.

Analytical reports on the WAX token account

Assessing the prospects of WAXp Coin, most experts and analysts of the cryptocurrency market agree that the creators of this platform are doing the right thing in many ways. However, analysts point to the need to expand the functionality of the platform for its wider integration into various areas of the digital economy.

In any case, given the gradual expansion of the audience of players, as well as the steady maturation in the future, the Waxp token can certainly become a full-fledged cryptocurrency payment instrument capable of competing on an equal footing with other digital and fiat currencies.

The project definitely occupied its niche, but did not arouse much interest among the cryptocurrency community due to its narrow scope of application. Although the project is compared with OX, they differ significantly, so WAX has no direct competitors yet. The project is promising, but we should not lose sight of the risks associated with the successful implementation of the blockchain platform.

WAX price forecast for 2022-2030

Wax is difficult to associate with other coins. Over the past 7 days, Waxp has risen by almost 18%. The coin continues to show risky segments over the past few days, the coin may have fundamentals, but we don't think it will be a viable asset in the short term.

The WAXP token expected to rise in price, reaching a minimum of $0.41 in 2022. In 2022, the peak price for wax may be $0.58, and the average price - $0.43. However, by the end of 2023, the price will grow a bit, and if you believe the forecasts, WAX will reach a minimum of $0.64 in 2023. The token price is likely to peak at $0.79 with an average trading price of $0.67.

The token's price is expected to grow gradually in the following years. In 2024, WAX will hit $1. At worst, it will reach 90 cents by the end of the year. In 2025, WAX will reach from $1.2 to $1.49. Beginning with 2027, the WAXP price will grow by more than $1 each year. By the end of 2030, the token will cost up to $8.8.

Year Min Price Average Price Max Price
2022 $0.41 $0.43 $0.58
2023 $0.64 $0.67 $0.79
2024 $0.9 $0.92 $1.08
2025 $1.2 $1.25 $1.49
2026 $1.69 $1.71 $2.08
2027 $2.52 $2.56 $2.94
2028 $3.57 $3.6 $4.33
2029 $5.29 $5.38 $6.55
2030 $7.05 $7.12 $8.8
The opinions and assessments expressed in the text are the views of the author of the article and may not represent the position of Cryptogeek. Do not forget that investing in cryptocurrencies and trading on the exchange is associated with risk. Before making decisions, be sure to do your own research on the market and the products you are interested in.

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