MediBloc (MED) Price Prediction 2022-2030 - Should You Buy It Now?

MediBloc (MED) Price Prediction 2022-2030 - Should You Buy It Now?
Jan 31, 2022 0
MediBloc (MED) Price Prediction 2022-2030 - Should You Buy It Now?

Cryptocurrencies become a tool of self-finance for more and more people around the globe. However, investors need to know if the asset they want to buy will bring a certain level of profit at a specified moment. Any asset on the market can be subjected to technical and fundamental analyses. The curve of the price in the past influences the future trajectory of the asset's value. The world news impacts the markets, too. At the same time, many cryptocurrencies are native tokens of blockchain-based decentralized ecosystems/networks. The success of these ecosystems, the demand for the services provided by these platforms boost the prices of native tokens.

Today, we will speak about MediBloc (MED), a relatively successful blockchain-based platform that presents itself as a company aiming at creating a patient-centric medical data platform. As of January 2022, the native token (MED) of the platform is among the 250 best cryptocurrencies by market cap (that's a good result considering that nowadays there are more than 8,000 cryptocurrencies). We are not going to focus that much on the features of the platform. Rather our goal is to predict the prices of the MediBloc token for the following years until 2030. We will provide enough info to let you know if the token is worth investing in, what price will MED have in 2023, 2025, 2030, and other years, and will answer other important questions. This MediBloc price prediction is based on tech analysis and future trends that have a high probability. We suggest that MediBloc is not the best investment if you want quick returns.

  1. What Is MediBloc?
  2. Past Market Performance
  3. Price Prediction
  4. Conclusion

What Is MediBloc?

The company responsible for MediBloc creation and development is based in Seoul, Korea. MediBloc is a healthcare data management platform based on blockchain. Healthcare is one of the classic examples mentioned in every article telling about potential use cases of the decentralized ledger technology. Safe storing of the medical data on the blockchain and providing access to it to professionals in any location you need is much more convenient than any pre-blockchain form of managing this type of data. A good use case is one of the reasons why MediBloc had potential at the very start. 

The MediBloc ecosystem includes a Medipass mobile app, a Dr.palette tool, and a blockchain-based DID. The latter is responsible for safe and simple validation and management of medical data. Medipass helps users to manage and control their medical records collected from different hospitals. Medipass allows users to provide access to this data quickly and effortlessly. This info assembled can be useful for numerous purposes: doctors will have the full picture of the patient's healthcare history, then, this data is needed while interacting with health insurance companies, too, and so on. Dr.palette is an electronic health record solution managed via a cloud. Dr.palette streamlines the cooperation between doctors working with the same patient. The tool allows access to the feedback from medical physicians and collects new data.

Launched in 2017, the project came through a number of important collaborations with private and governmental medical and scientific companies, partnered with several hospitals, and got a handful of awards. Most of these partnerships and accolades are associated with South Korea as MediBloc is yet to spread its services outside the home country. If we speak about the obvious downsides of the project we should mention that despite generally positive reviews from investors and users, MediBloc seems to have somewhat poor management. The graphic evidence of it is that in early 2022 the roadmap of the website doesn't have anything after the second quarter of 2021. It doesn't mean that the project has no future. The very market movements of the MED price prove that the project is alive. However, it shows that the dev and/or marketing team are not so strong and possibly the platform needs more or better resources to boost the growth in a highly competitive landscape.

MediBloc has the native token of the same name (the symbol is MED). As of January 11, 2022, the token is traded at about 5 cents and has a market cap of nearly $270 million. The currency is supported on several huge exchanges including Upbit,, and Bittrex among others. MED coin hit the market in December of 2017, amidst the crypto craze, which made its price skyrocket right after the launch of the platform. In January of 2018, the price fell down and didn't have serious growth until the rally of 2021.

The price as of February 2022 $0.041
Market cap as of February 2022 $221,461,762
Rank as of February 2022 #252
All-time high $0.351 (April 2, 2021)
Decline (compared to all-time high) 88.4%
All-time low $0.001614 (March 13, 2020)
Growth (compared to all-time low) 2431.8%
Popular markets Upbit,, Bittrex, Upbit Indonesia

You can see the detailed trajectory of the MED price in the next chapter.

Past Market Performance

What was good for MediBloc is that from the very beginning the token was available for trading on, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. It kickstarted things effectively. MED appeared on the crypto markets in December of 2017. At that time, the token was only 2.5 times cheaper than it is now. That's quite a slow growth compared to top cryptocurrencies, however, the very fact that throughout the years the project has kept its potential to grow says that MediBloc is still worth your attention. What matters more, is that 2021 saw a resurgence of the MED token and now its future seems brighter than several years ago.

The times when MediBloc appeared on the market are the ICO bubble era when many people have learned about cryptocurrencies and started to invest much money in different cryptocurrencies hoping for quick returns. No wonder a native token of healthcare data management platform based on new disruptive technology has caught attention. The price began to grow quickly. Just like most of the crypto market at that time. On December 22, 2017, the price was $0.02 per 1 MED. In just a few days the price nearly reached 7 cents per token. Then, there was a decline and a short period of stagnation but in early January of 2018, the price continued its growth. On January 10 price peaked at nearly 35 cents per token. This record was outstood only in 2021. In general, you can see that the price grew 17 times in less than three weeks. On January 11, the market cap reached over $685 million which is more than twice as big as the current market cap. Beginning with that day, MED started to lose its position on the market. It was typical for any cryptocurrency at that time. The entire market saw a huge decline. 

By February, MED dropped to around 5 cents again. The downward movement continued. By March MED already traded at 3 cents. At the beginning of April, its price was 1.5 cents. Between April and June, the crypto market was on the rise (far less impressive than in December of 2017 though) and the price of MED experienced a resurgence in this period, too. In April the price started to rise again. From April 11 to the end of the month it doubled. On April 29 it reached $0.037 and then began to decline slowly. During May the price kept holding above the $0.022 level but quickly sank in June. 

The following two years were quite tough for MED believers. The price didn't reach even the level of 1 cent up until February of 2021. It wasn't standing still all these months though, of course, as the project has been in the active phase, participating in important IT and healthcare events, developing new products, making new partnerships, etc. In November of 2018, the MED token was listed on Bittrex. Unfortunately, this fact didn't help to boost the price in the short run. Even the bigger cryptocurrencies were in decline in these years struggling to gain value and as a less ambitious project, MediBloc was facing a harder task to survive.

From June of 2018 to February of 2021, the MED price was fluctuating between $0.0019 and $0.0057 meaning that even at the peak the token was 10 times cheaper than at the first days on the market. Those who invested in MediBloc during the first few months have lost their investment and didn't have a chance of getting their money back until the next powerful bull run that caught the crypto market in early 2021. 

Although Bitcoin began to make big steps ahead in the fall of 2020, the MED price skyrocketed only in February after most of the hot coins proved their potential to grow. In January and early February of 2021, the MED price was slightly above $0.004. In the middle of February, it began to grow quickly, reaching the value of one cent on February 19. Three weeks later it was already $0.04 but the peak value was reached only in April — as of January 2022, this month is still the highest point in the history of the crypto market. On April 2, MED reached its historical maximum at 35 cents for 1 token. Please note that it was only by 1 cent higher than the previous ATH. Considering the fact that most popular coins experienced much higher peaks than the ones they had in 2017 - 2018 we can conclude that MED didn't recover that well as the leaders of the market. Of course, we cannot deny its potential for slow growth, as well. In May the price went below 10 cents and quickly shrank to $0.05. There were ups and downs but as of January 2022, the price is still around this value. Now, let's see what is the future of this asset.

Price Prediction


The current state of the market (Jan 2022) is characterized by a decline triggered by the political crisis in Kazakhstan (which is an important country in the cryptocurrency mining industry) and other factors. As a young blockchain project with a good use case, MediBloc will recover from the current decline. Most probably the rest of the market will trigger its price to go up this year. By the end of 2022, the MED price will reach around 6.5 cents. It might even reach around 8 cents at best while the minimum for this token is $0.061.


Although the roadmap on the website doesn't display any plans for the future, the company's active Twitter with messages about new achievements convinces us that MediBloc is here to stay. However, the narrow focus on the Korean market won't allow the price of the token to unleash. Our MediBloc price prediction for 2023 is that by the end of the year the token will cost from 7 to nearly 9 cents and isn't likely to break the $0.1 level by that time.


That's where things get more uncertain. Depending on success in going international the price might start growing much faster or be stuck if MediBloc fails to cover other countries. In the optimistic scenario, MED goes far beyond its previous records reaching values close to 1 USD. If the company continues to focus on the domestic market, the token's price won't go beyond the 35 cents level. More than that, it is possible that MediBloc won't even break the previous record and reach only about $0.24 by the end of 2025.


Without a doubt, the MED price will be higher than now by the end of 2030. However, the possible prices heavily rely on the success of the MediBloc dev team and marketing. If they don't expand their market and keep their low profile at advertising, the price of the token won't go further than $1 by that time. Most probably it won't even exceed 80 cents. If the company will be active around the globe, then $2 per 1 MED by 2031 doesn't seem that fantastic.

Year Min Price Max Price
2022 $0.061 $0.08
2023 $0.07 $0.099
2025 $0.24 $1
2030 $0.8 $2


All in all, MediBloc can't be called the best investment. Without a doubt, the project has good potential but its price will grow much slower than most of the popular crypto tokens. MediBloc isn't that independent token, it is strongly influenced by the big trends on the market. Unfortunately, MED is more sensitive to the negative ones. MED may not be the bad choice for the diversification of your portfolio. In general, outside the benefits of using this token on the platform, MediBloc is not the best investment compared to faster-growing coins.

The opinions and assessments expressed in the text are the views of the author of the article and may not represent the position of Cryptogeek. Do not forget that investing in cryptocurrencies and trading on the exchange is associated with risk. Before making decisions, be sure to do your own research on the market and the products you are interested in.

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