Expert Review
Aug 19, 2020

Mining4 is a multi-currency pool, divided into 3 websites:


Mining4 Equihash pool
High performance dedicated servers based in the EU (UK).
PPLNT payment system, Low fee 0.25%
minimum payments: 0.01 zec, 0.1 zen, 0.1 btz, 0.1 zcl , 0.1 kmd, 0.1 hush.


Mining4 Dash pool
High performance Dedicated servers based in the EU (UK).
PROP payment system, Low fee 0.25%
minimum payments: 0.01DASH


Mining4 Bitcoin Gold Pool
Dedicated SSD raid servers based in the EU (UK) with high-speed internet access for global miners.
PPLNT payout system, Low fee 0.25%
minimum payments: 0.01 BTG.

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List of coins

# Currency
  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
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