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Emercoin (EMC) logo

Emercoin (EMC) Price and Reviews 2023

Site: emercoin.com
Market cap: $ 0.0
Supply: 0.0
Symbol: EMC
Price (USD): $ 0.197
Volume 24h: $ 18,203.72438
Change 24h: 7.84%
Algorithm: SHA-256
Proof type: PoW/PoS
Max supply: 1,000,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 43,059,795.80478
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Expert Review
May 23, 2020

Emercoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that was created to be used as a payment system and also as a platform for other blockchain-based services. This platform provides its users with a decentralized platform for different services like digital identities, secure storage of documents, and more. The Emercoin network is based on the blockchain technology and operates on a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm. Emercoin is an open-source platform and is accessible to everyone.

History and Development of Emercoin (EMC)

Emercoin was created in 2013 and since then it has been working on providing users with a decentralized platform for different services. The development team behind Emercoin has been working hard to make sure that the platform is secure, fast, and accessible to everyone. The Emercoin platform was created with the goal of providing users with a decentralized platform for different services like digital identities, secure storage of documents, and more.

How Emercoin (EMC) Works

Emercoin operates on the blockchain technology and uses a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm. The proof-of-stake algorithm is a way of ensuring that the network is secure and that transactions are validated in a fast and efficient manner. The Emercoin network is decentralized and is accessible to everyone. Transactions on the Emercoin network are validated by the network’s nodes and the process of validation is done through the proof-of-stake algorithm.

Features of Emercoin (EMC)

Decentralized platform: Emercoin is a decentralized platform that provides its users with a secure and fast way of doing transactions.
Digital identities: Emercoin provides its users with a platform for creating digital identities that can be used for different purposes.
Secure storage of documents: Emercoin provides its users with a platform for storing their documents in a secure and decentralized manner.
Fast and efficient transactions: Emercoin uses the proof-of-stake algorithm to validate transactions in a fast and efficient manner.
Accessibility: Emercoin is accessible to everyone and anyone can use the platform to do transactions or store their documents.

Advantages of Using Emercoin (EMC)

Security: Emercoin is a decentralized platform that operates on the blockchain technology. This makes the platform secure and ensures that transactions are validated in a secure manner.
Speed: The proof-of-stake algorithm used by Emercoin ensures that transactions are validated in a fast and efficient manner.
Accessibility: Emercoin is accessible to everyone and anyone can use the platform to do transactions or store their documents.
Decentralized platform: Emercoin provides its users with a decentralized platform for different services like digital identities, secure storage of documents, and more.
Open-source: Emercoin is an open-source platform and anyone can access the platform’s code and make contributions to it.


Emercoin is a decentralized platform that provides its users with a secure and fast way of doing transactions. The Emercoin platform operates on the blockchain technology and uses a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm to validate transactions in a fast and efficient manner. Emercoin provides its users with a platform for different services like digital identities, secure storage of documents, and more. Emercoin is accessible to everyone and is an open-source platform. The development team behind Emercoin has been working hard to make sure that the platform is secure, fast, and accessible to everyone.

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User reviews
Jin LEE 31 March 2021

Old and reliable technology.

Site: emercoin.com
Market cap: $ 0.0
Supply: 0.0
Symbol: EMC
Price (USD): $ 0.197
Volume 24h: $ 18,203.72438
Change 24h: 7.84%
Algorithm: SHA-256
Proof type: PoW/PoS
Max supply: 1,000,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 43,059,795.80478
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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