
Mar 30, 2022 37
  1. 什么是Holochain?
  2. 什么是热的?
  3. 过去几年的热门价格分析
  4. 预测Holo硬币价格的困难
  5. 我保守的2021-2025价格预测一月2021
  6. 2021年3月31日更新
  7. 结论

多年来人们认为 区块链 由于作为奖励的加密货币,网络被设计用于金融服务。 虽然对于当今市场上的大多数区块链来说可能是如此,但有一些没有走下去。 Holochain就是其中之一,我们今天将研究它,包括它对未来五年热门价格的预测。



Holochain是一个区块链网络,与大多数其他网络不同,它不是为财务目的而开发的。 即使它背后的技术是相似的,目的是完全不同的。 它可以作为一个网络,节点可以租用其存储空间,以便网络上的其他用户可以使用它。 Holochain在技术上基于 以太坊,使其成为构建分散式应用程序的绝佳平台。 有趣的是,这些应用程序被称为Happs,简称Holochain应用程序。

开发人员在网络上托管应用程序,每个节点都会获得一大块,这意味着整个应用程序是分散的。 这种区块链网络提供了与以太坊网络相同的优势。 维护成本很低,就像托管应用程序的成本一样,最重要的是,托管应用程序的地方没有中央实体,从而提高了安全性。 随着区块链的改进,实现了更多的编程语言,今天您可以开发用HTML,Lisp或JavaScript编写的应用程序。

另一个优点是Holochain实现了DHT算法,它提供了一些竞争对手没有的东西.第一个是可扩展性,这是Holochain擅长的一个方面。 第二个重要的是,为了将某些内容写入网络,您不需要整个网络的共识。 几个节点能够像Holochain网络中的子区块链网络一样创建并自行操作。


区块链网络用代币奖励他们的用户,Holochain的代币被称为Hot。 这个网络上的奖励系统不像其他节点负责挖掘的网络那样工作,但在一天结束时,Hot是它的奖励。

在3月底2018开始了Holochain的初始硬币发行价格为$0.0001。 Hot是一个ERC-20令牌,因此这些资金是在以太币中筹集的,一个月后,他们设法获得了大约20百万美元或大约30千以太币。


在我进入我对未来的全息价格预测之前,让我们首先检查硬币的历史。 它于4月30th,2018首次出现在市场上,这是ICO结束后的两天,价格为0.0004,比ICO期间的价格高出四倍。 在接下来的一周里,我们看到了价格达到$0.0018的显着上涨,而在接下来的一年里,我们没有看到热门价格达到它附近的任何地方。

在价格下跌到低于市场上出现时的价格之后,我们在整个2018和2019开始时目睹了一些峰值甚至更多的下跌。 在2018结束时,令牌价格设法通过$0.00045,随后增加到around0.0015附近。 在接下来的几个月里,价格或多或少保持在这个数字附近。 在5月底的2019,Holo的价格再次飙升,达到了0.0024的历史最高点,从那时起,事情一直在下山。 尽管价格在过去一年半的时间里继续出现一些峰值,但平均价格一直在下降。 大流行病在价格方面根本没有帮助全息。 3月中旬看到硬币历史上的最低价格降至$0.00028,几乎是2018初始价格的一半。

在接下来的几个月里,事情似乎很乐观,因为Hot设法达到$0.0009,然后再次下跌。 在撰写本文时(1月20,2021),Holo价格为$0.00069,这比ICO价格要好得多。 市值为117,240,434美元。 该硬币是市场上120th最大的加密货币。 



每当我做出任何类型的预测时,我都会尽量保留。 换句话说,我不会对某枚硬币的价格会走哪条路做出任何保证,而且我通常会告诉侧面我认为最有可能发生的事情。 在Holo硬币的情况下,事情要复杂得多,不确定,远远超过平常。

关于全息价格预测的第一个问题是,硬币在市场上的时间不够长,无法对其未来有更高的确定性。 无论如何,有一些硬币可以清楚地看到图形中的模式,这可以显示出对未来如何增加或减少的见解。 全息价格分析显示,无论哪种方式,都没有任何东西可以让我精益。


话虽如此,我认为有一种趋势,我相信在未来几年将继续下去。 由于我没想到2021比特币反弹会受到如此严重的打击,我确信热门价格会继续缓慢增长。 根据我在1月2021进行的初步预测,我认为Holo价格将徘徊在$0.0007大关附近,偶尔会出现起伏。 当时我相信到2021年底,价格不会高于0.0009美元。 我的预测是,类似的趋势可能会在未来几年一直持续到2025。

我没想到价格会在最近的几年内达到1美分大关,但是,我说迟早会发生。 我指出,价格的主要问题是网络是活跃的,但它不是任何更大的项目的一部分,将把它放在雷达上。 尽管价格取决于活动和网络成员,但有时需要外力来提高价格。 例如,如果一家公司决定利用Holochain并开始在其网络上开发应用程序,我们将看到价格的上涨。 事实上,我们看到热门价格被整体加密市场的温暖所吸引。

您可以在 Changelly PRO 在几分钟! Changelly PRO是由开发团队今年推出的加密货币交易所,该团队创建了 Changelly 2015年的即时交换。 在交易所有超过80个交易对。 值得注意的功能包括有竞争力的佣金和支持保证金交易。


在强大的加密反弹之前,我已经做出了原始的热门价格预测。 那些日子很难预测比特币和山寨币价格的这种强劲而长期的增长,Hot一直遵循这一趋势。 我说,在不久的将来,Holo价格将在around0.0007附近。 预测是真实的几个星期,但在二月初的价格开始增长。 到2月中旬,价格已经达到$0.001。 Holo在下个月上涨了100-200%。 3月27日,价格突破0.01美元大关。

由于这些天市场仍然看涨,很难说价格会持续上涨多久。 我相信硬币将继续获得价值。 随着85%的概率,我预测,在夏季,全息将达到3至4美分。 今年加密集会将结束的可能性很小。 我认为这是一个15%的机会,如果今年夏天加密市场下跌,价格可能会降至around0.001左右。

总的来说,我相信我们有理由认为加密市场将在未来几年内增长,因为它在公司和最富有的人中获得越来越多的支持者。 此外,这些项目将达到采用和发展的新水平。 整个区块链行业的增长也将体现在热门价格上。 在2025中,它将达到至少50美分。


Holochain是众多具有很大潜力的区块链网络之一。 网络的开发方式可以有很多优点,特别是如果你将它与以太坊进行比较,但最大的缺陷是缺乏社区的支持。 没有很多开发人员正在利用它,这就是为什么价格从未真正上涨。 这导致我的意见-Holo不是一个好的投资选择。 以目前的趋势,价格不会增加到一个在未来五年内进行良好投资的水平。 换句话说,你最好把你的钱在另一个硬币。

另一方面,有几种情况下,全息价格将增加到它将使一个很好的投资。 如果有更多的开发人员加入或一家大公司决定使用该网络,我们可能会看到它在接下来的几年中超过1美元大关。 这个假设的问题是它是假设的,即使在这样的情况下价格上涨是很自然的,也不能保证。

总的来说,我会说不要 投资 在全息硬币,但要保持它在你的雷达。 跟随趋势,看看事情进展如何以及Holochain是否参与了一个大项目。 如果发生这种情况,您可能正在寻找一个好的投资。


本文中表達的觀點和評估是本文作者的觀點,並不代表Cryptogeek的立場。 不要忘記投資加密貨幣並在交易所交易與風險相關。 在做出決定之前,請務必對市場和您感興趣的產品進行自己的研究。

10 February, 9:33 PM
Recovering your lost bitcoin or funds as the case might be, is not what you can do alone, you'd require the service of a trained specialist. A recovery specialist is a person or a group of people who are well equipped to work around the crypto network. They have vast knowledge about the whole network and have the right software and private keys to follow any transaction. I defrauded $25k worth of Bitcoin in Binary option, good thing I got every penny back through the help of Gavin ray he's a genius Contact MAIL : Gavinray78 @ gmail .com WHATSAPP : ‪+1 (352) 322‑2096‬ It is also important to be patient and really calm during the process.

Rodney Semmler
10 February, 5:35 PM
In 2024, I lost $575,000 worth of Bitcoins to a fake investment guru who brokered my investment account. The broker initially lured me with the promise of huge investment gains and a safe and guaranteed ROI. I invested my assets and over time, he told me that my trading account had a bug that needed to be reset. Unbeknownst to me, he diverted all the funds in my trading account to various CEX wallets and my account was compromised in the process. My trust was violated after that. While searching online for a cryptocurrency recovery company, I read several testimonials of successful recoveries. After careful research, I found out that many testimonials about ICC recovery services were worth a try with their impeccable services. I contacted them and my case was investigated and my assets were recovered within a week of the investigation. Their investigation and recovery performance was technically satisfactory. Their efficiency and commitment to mitigating computer breaches is top notch. I recommend them to anyone who has been a victim of systematic fraud or lost their wallet passwords and key phrases. To recover them in time, contact ICC Recovery Service.
Contact Addresses:
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29 January, 10:55 AM
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Liam Noah
24 January, 11:34 PM
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17 October 2024
My husband and I lost $1.1m worth of Bitcoins to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months back, we saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency to make huge profits from our investments. We contacted a broker online who was pretending to be an account manager for a forex trading firm, we invested a huge part of our retirement savings and business money into this platform not realizing it was all a scam to steal away our money. After weeks of trying to withdraw, this broker continued to request more money until we were broke and in debt, it felt as if we are losing our life. Fortunately for us, we saw an article about George Wizard Recovery Home, we were not in a hurry to contact them but we did some research about their services and found out they could help us recover our money from these scammers, we contacted George Wizard Recovery Home and in a space of 72 hours, Spyweb was able to recover everything, this company did a thorough investigation with the information we provided them and ensured that every penny was returned to us, it felt so unreal how they were able to recover everything we have lost. We are truly grateful for the help of George Wizard Recovery Home and we are putting this out there to everyone who needs their services.
georgewizardrecoveryhome AT gmail DOT com
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Owen O'Shea
9 July 2024
Avoiding Cryptocurrency Scams My Experience and Recovery Story
My husband and I wanted to invest in the stock market to get more out of our savings. I had seen advertisements on my social media and signed up to be polite and reassuring, we paid 250 for them to show us what they could do. I'd like to say that everything seemed very serious (website, personal account, personal advisor,...), so we decided to invest 30,000. I was able to get 5,000 back quickly, and it was only then that things got weird. They suggested investing more and signing a one-year warranty contract (to be able, they said, to make a monthly profit). They were talking about 50,000 to 200,000 to make a real profit! We refused and didn't feel very comfortable, so we asked for the remaining 25,000 back. I was told I had to pay 10,000 to get the money back (as a fee!) and only then would they give it back. We then contacted the FCA (Financial Control Authority), who confirmed that they weren't authorized and that we'd been scammed. Avoid these people at all costs, they mean you no good. I was lucky and got my money back with the help of a company i can highly recommend them here is their Telegram: AssetRecoverNet , WhatsApp: +1(504) 302-3464 Emeil: assetrecovernet@gmail.com I know other might have fallen a victim of this wicked people too your investment can be retrieve don't lose hope .

Adams Uk
29 December 2023
They scammed me of £45,900 and denied me access to my account. I called them and they gave me another story and changed my account manager  got my money back when I reached out to a recovery expert via Gmail ( hoskey 44april@gmail .com or hoskeyteam@ proton. meto help me recover my money and it was successful.

Bruce David
4 December 2023
After so many attempts in getting my funds back which I lost to a fake platform called truimph fx. I lost the total of $38.000. I needed the profit to celebrate in the festive season but all thanks to Marketpeace.net a recovery this company helped me in recovery my lost which I made to this fake platform. I will highly Marketpeace.net to anyone in need of help in restoring your lost. WhatsApp + 1 (470 ) 469-9769.

Grace .O. Addisson
16 November 2023
One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $14000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met Jeff Silbert who is A recovery expert that works with Jeff affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law firm. he worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact him via his
mail: jeffsilbert39 gmail. Com
WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524 Or WhatsApp 1 (470 ) 469-9769.

I advice everyone to always be careful because my experience with them cost me mentally and financially, thankful to the security agency that helped me to investigate and recovered my money mail Jeff on Jeffsilbert39 g Ma il c0m

corey oliver
5 November 2023
I was scammed over ( $345,000 ) by someone I met online on a fake investment project. I started searching for help legally to recover my money and I came across a lot of Testimonies about ETHICREFINANCE Recovery Expects. I contacted them providing the necessary information's and it took the experts about 27hours to locate and help recover my stolen funds. I am so relieved and the best part was, the scammer was located and arrested by local authorities in his region. I hope this help as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. I strongly recommend their professional services for assistance with swift and efficient recovery. They can reached through the link below.
Email Address: ethicsrefinance@gmail.com
WHATSAPP :+1 (719) 642-8467

Rita Alison
26 October 2023
got me so disappointed as i tried to get help,
Damn This people took so much from me, i was referred to Hoskey Team by a frnd via hoskeyteam@proton .me
are Expert Wizard in technology and i was able to Recover all invested Funds including my profit in Total, My advice is we all stay aware from Negative comments , Stay Caution You all.

Patricial Morg
7 September 2023
Hello Audience, My Gratitude Goes to Mrs Hoskey Recovery Expert ORG, and it would be selfish of me if I don't recommend them
I got my Invested monies all back, always make sure you are Trading with an Honest Broker not Lexatrade i fully recommend the Hockey Team in Crypto Ordeals through <
https: //hoskeyteaam.online/. Telephone {what app) +44 79 49 40 31 32.

Frank Vito
24 August 2023

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Tasha Williams
14 August 2023
I am proud to recommend Mr. Harry Chawney for a selfless and reliable Bitcoin recovery agent who helped me to recover my Bitcoin Wallet which i had all my savings on, I got his contact from a friend of mine which he helped to also recover her Bitcoin too Contact him via email: harrychawney15@gmail. com, and I hope this was helpful, I wish you Good luck...

Bruce david
18 July 2023
I want to make an advice
Do not trade with platform you don't know I about and even if you are sure of it don't trade more than you can afford to loss.
I lost a lot trading with a scam broker who I tend to give a better profit return
I was able to recover $28,500 from them with the guidance of Jeff silbert a recovery expert. Reach out to Jeff for assistance into a better trade and how tao recover from previous loses
WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524.
Email: jeffsilbert39 gmail com.

Wilder Newton
24 June 2023

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17 June 2023
( MorrisGray830 At gmail Dot Com, is the man for the job ) This man is dedicated to his work and you can trust him more than yourself. I contacted him a year and a half Ago and he didn’t succeed. when i got ripped of $491,000 worth of bitcoins by scammers, I tried several recovery programs with no success too. I kept on. And now after so much time Mr Morris Gray contacted me with a success, and the reward he took was small because obviously he is doing this because he wants to help idiots like me who fell for crypto scam, and love his job. Of course he could have taken all the coins and not tell me , I was not syncing this wallet for a year, but he didn’t. He is the MAN guys , He is! If you have been a victim of crypto scam before you can trust Morris Gray 10000000%. I thought there were no such good genuine guys anymore on earth, but Mr Morris Gray brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you sir…you can reach him via ( MORRIS GRAY 830 at Gmaill dot com ) or Whatsapp +1 (607)698-0239..

Gray walker
23 May 2023
I was a victim approximately seven months ago. Through  a phishing scam, a grifter gained access to my account. They made off with 2.8 BTC. I was horrified. I attempted everything to get my money refunded by contacting support, but they can not even help me. However, a friend of mine told me about a recovery expert with the mail (jeffsilbert39 @ gmail • com). he assisted me in combating different investment fraudsters, but I can only thank God that I was able to reclaim my funds DM him on whatsapp +84 94 7671524.

5 March 2023
Bahut accha h

11 May 2021
I still have hope. :) as being a developer my self, I read quite some things about holochain and in general it seems to be pretty hard to develop around this tech. Not super good documentation yet etc. So I still think that eventually there will be more projects coming. Developers just need to learn it. :) but hey just an idea of an crypto rookie:)