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Mar 30, 2022 43

购买加密货币的最简单方法是加入交易所,链接银行账户,然后进行购买。 不幸的是,许多提供此功能的热门交易所在其他地区不可用。 你可以用信用卡购买比特币或以太坊,但仅此而已。

绕过这一限制的最佳方法是在一个交易所购买加密货币,然后将资金转移到另一个服务。 N.硬币基数宾纳斯 是这种类型交换的主要候选人。 更重要的是,这两个平台都是Kraken最受欢迎的交易所之一, HitBTC,Gate.io,和其他人。

购买大量加密货币的最快和最简单的方法是充值您的Coinbase帐户,将这些资金转移到Binance并开始交易。 如何将BTC或ETH从Coinbase转移到Binance? 从Coinbase转移到Binance需要多长时间? 即使您以前从未转移过您的资金,我们下面的指南将帮助您一步一步地完成整个过程。

  1. 什么是Coinbase?
  2. 什么是宾纳斯?
  3. 为什么从Coinbase到Binance?
  4. 如何从Coinbase到Binance?
  5. 如何从Binance到Coinbase?
  6. 从Coinbase转移到Binance需要多少钱?
  7. 从Coinbase转移到Binance的最便宜方式是什么?
  8. 如何在没有费用的情况下从Coinbase转移到Binance?
  9. Coinbase到Binance转移时间
  10. 结论


问题 回答
如何在Coinbase和Binance之间转账? 您通过发送/接收功能转账。 从技术上讲,它是一个提款到外部钱包。
如何将费用降至最低? 您可以选择较慢的交易速度,并以交易费用最小的货币之一转账。
我需要多少时间转账? 这完全取决于您使用的货币。 


N.硬币基数 是一家美国加密货币交易所,是世界上最大的加密货币交易所之一。 Coinbase在两个不同的品牌下运营,Coinbase和GDAX。 Coinbase最有可能专门针对想要为法定货币购买比特币的零售客户,而GDAX是一个更先进的加密货币交易平台。 由于Coinbase是一家美国加密货币交易所,来自美国的投资者可以在这里自由交易。


这个交易所只有少数硬币可用(他们的名单在GDAX上更完整)。 主要的加密货币可以在这里找到:BTC,BCH,ETH和LTC。 这意味着该服务主要针对那些对加密货币交易感到不安全的个人,也许只是在加密世界中迈出了第一步。



您可以通过银行转账或信用卡在Coinbase存款。 这似乎对初学者加密货币投资者特别有用。

一般来说,值得关注的是在银行转账和信用卡交易所存入法定货币的各种费用,因为它们可能会有所不同。 使用信用卡向该交易所存款时,您很可能会支付4%的存款佣金。 这是一个相当大的数额。 如果您通过银行转账补充您的帐户,存款费用将为1.5%,与市场上存在的竞争对手的佣金相比,这也是不错的。


宾纳斯 是一个来自香港的交易所,拥有大量的交易所。 在某种程度上,香港是加密货币交易圣地。 竞争对手的不完整列表-这个交易所的同胞包括Bit-Z,KuCoin,Gatecoin,BitFlip和CoinEx Market。


Binance并不禁止美国投资者在自己的交易所进行交易。 尽管如此,所有来自美国的投资者都应该独立进行彻底的分析,并找出他们的州是否存在任何法律障碍,可以阻止他们在顶级加密货币交易所中包括的网站上进行交易,其中一个可能被认为是他们最好的加密货币交易所。


目前,Binance只接受加密货币作为存款。 因此,新铸造的加密货币投资者将无法立即开始在Binance上进行交易。 如果您刚刚开始投资加密货币并希望在交易所开始交易,您首先必须在另一个交易所购买加密货币,然后在Binance上进行存款。 在这次审查中,它将是Coinbase。



Coinbase是世界上最着名的交易所之一。 它的主要特点是能够将法定货币连接到加密货币。 通过将信用卡或银行账户与Coinbase联系起来,您可以将资金转换为比特币,比特币现金,以太坊,XRP或Litecoin。

然而,Coinbase并不是满足所有交易需求的一站式商店。 该服务以其高职责和明显缺乏交易对而闻名。 如果您想购买BTC或ETH以外的加密货币,则需要将资金从Coinbase转移到另一个交易所。

Binance是世界上最大的加密货币交易所之一,每天赚取约17十亿美元(截至3月2022)。 与Coinbase相比,它提供了数百种加密货币的交易对,强大的买入和卖出功能以及令人难以置信的低佣金。



将资金从Coinbase转移到Binance并不是那么复杂。 现在我们将向您展示如何通过5个简单步骤将资金从Coinbase转移到Binance。


转到Coinbase中的个人帐户并选择"帐目"在标签栏。 如果您使用移动应用程序,则此选项卡将位于屏幕的最底部。



接下来,从可用加密货币列表中选择要发送的硬币,然后单击"发送"按钮。 您可以将比特币,以太坊,XRP,Litecoin和其他加密货币从Coinbase转移到Binance。 在这个例子中,我们将BTC从 N.硬币基数宾纳斯 帐户。

在几分钟内购买和出售加密市场上最低的费用:Binance Exchange
在几分钟内购买和出售加密市场上最低的费用:Binance Exchange


在此步骤中,您需要输入您的Binance地址,该地址将在您的Binance帐户中生成。 如果您通过移动设备传输,请单击位于屏幕右上角的纸飞机的小图标,系统会要求您输入要发送的金额,然后单击"发送"。 此转账不会被发送,因此您仍然需要提供您的Binance存款地址。






现在仍然需要输入刚刚为您生成的地址,就在"收件人"您的Coinbase帐户中的字段。 只需输入您要发送的金额。 在您的手机上,只需添加您刚刚收到的地址,然后单击"提交",你就大功告成了!



在最后一步中,单击"继续"并检查所有交易细节,然后完成提交。 完成了!

将比特币或其他加密货币从Coinbase转移到Binance需要多长时间? 通常,转移不会花费很长时间来处理,这取决于几个因素:货币,金额,区块链负载等。 处理可能需要5到一个小时。 请不要忘记仔细检查您输入的所有数据,因为如果您将钱寄到错误的地址,您将不可能恢复它们。



现在,让我们看看如何做相反的事情。 如果您需要从Binance汇款到Coinbase,您应该执行以下操作: 
确保您在Coinbase和Binance上都有帐户。 如果您在Coinbase上还没有帐户或您的Binance帐户未激活,请创建新帐户。 转到您的Coinbase帐户,选择您希望在那里转移的货币,然后单击接收按钮。 将生成此硬币的新钱包地址。 复制这个地址并继续到您的Binance帐户. 在那里,你应该点击资金,然后退出. 它将打开一个带有"To"字段的窗口。 将复制的Coinbase钱包粘贴到那里并完成交易。 就这样! 就像从Coinbase汇款到Binance一样简单。


当您从Coinbase中提取加密货币时,您只需支付矿工费(加密货币网络费)。 费用以您提取的货币支付,金额取决于所选货币。 价格可能低于$1以及超过$30。 Binance也是如此。 如果您从该交易所提取加密,您只需向矿工支付交易费用。 


您可以以最低的网络费用以货币转移资金,以节省佣金。 请注意,Coinbase和Binance都必须支持您选择的货币。 我们建议几种选择,但你可以自己寻找更多。 Coinbase和Binance支持的交易费用最低的硬币是比特币现金(BCH),Stellar(XLM),Dash(DASH)和Litecoin(Ltc)。

货币   平均费用 交易时间
比特币现金(BCH) $0.0024 2.5小时
恒星(XML) $0.004 4秒
短跑(短跑) $0.0043 15分钟 
以太坊经典(等) $0.00749 8分钟
莱特币(LTC) $0.041 30分钟
狗狗币(DOGE) $0.239 20分钟
卡尔达诺(ADA) $0.27 10分钟

除了通过使用最便宜的交易货币来最小化成本外,您还可以通过配置交易速度来节省资金。 Coinbase支持三种速度(慢,中,快)。 速度越慢,交易越便宜。 Binance上也有收费选项。


没有任何方法可以让你免费获得资金。 据称,一些网络不收取交易费用,这些网络的本机令牌在Binance和Coinbase(例如EOS)上得到支持。 尽管如此,这些网络上的交易需要另一种类型的交易支付。 因此,在交易所,每当您提取/trasnfer这些令牌时,您仍然需要支付费用。 


Binance和Coinbase都具有强大的能力,因此交易时间主要取决于您用于转移资金的货币的参数。 例如,恒星交易通常在4秒内完成,而比特币现金转移可能需要2.5小时。 Litecoin和Dash可以在30分钟内完成。 


干得好! 转移加密货币 N.硬币基数宾纳斯 并不像看起来那么复杂。 完成初始设置程序后,剩下的只是将资金从一个钱包转移到另一个钱包。 对于任何新手加密货币交易者来说,最好的建议是慢慢来。

本文中表達的觀點和評估是本文作者的觀點,並不代表Cryptogeek的立場。 不要忘記投資加密貨幣並在交易所交易與風險相關。 在做出決定之前,請務必對市場和您感興趣的產品進行自己的研究。

Angelica Hudnall
22 October 2024
I'm grateful that Jack, a cryptocurrency recovery expert, was able to recover the bitcoin I lost when I unintentionally transferred funds via my Website to the incorrect wallet. Just a few weeks after transmitting $101,000 worth of Bitcoins to the wrong wallet address. I at first thought I had swiped away everything. But just as I was about to lose it, an associate of mine suggested ExpressHacker99, a hacking group that was able to locate and recover my cryptos. I genuinely appreciate the excellent service provided by this company because they are so helpful and dependable. If you were victimized by scammers and lost cryptocurrency, you may easily contact ExpressHacker99 by email at: expresshacker99[@]gmail[.]com, Also through Telegram:@btcblueprint

Jeo Batilome
3 January 2024
Had a bad experience regarding investing my funds here, wasn’t easy for me as I was scam severally. I lost almost all of my money until I came across a recovery expert named Jeff. He help and assisted me and helped in terms of recovery my funds . I got my funds recovered in just 4days with just little effort. I will highly recommend Jeff , he is sincere and honest in all way round he helped me got everything i lost.
Contact him now if you need get his help
WhatsApp. + 84 94 767 1524.
Email; jeffsilbert39 g ma!l. com.

Bruce David
30 November 2023
Am a victim to them please guys stay away from this platform. I managed to get help from Marketpeace.net they helped with my re claim Jeff was helpful you can WhatsApp him + 1 (470 ) 469-9769.

Grace .O. Addisson
6 November 2023
I also lost about $175,000 to a Greenfield Capital broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam binary options, dating scams and fake ICOs.
However , I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of a recovery professional named Jeff Silbert, and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to scam.
you can reach out to him by searching by Contacting Below:
Email: Jeffsilbert 39 g mail c0m.
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Rita Alison
26 October 2023
got me so disappointed as i tried to get help,
Damn This people took so much from me, i was referred to Hoskey Team by a frnd via hoskeyteam@proton .me
are Expert Wizard in technology and i was able to Recover all invested Funds including my profit in Total, My advice is we all stay aware from Negative comments , Stay Caution You all.

20 October 2023
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Patricial Morg
7 September 2023
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20 August 2023
И подскажите пожалуйста, на coinbase у меня остались средства я отправил 100 USDT на бинанс и до сих пор ничего не пришло, подскажите почему???? В приложения захожу через телефон и почту

20 August 2023
Здравствуйте, у меня большая проблема, меня кажется , подскажите что делать пожалуйста!!! Отправил с coinbase на бинанс 30.000 USDT , бинанс запросил ещё 3000 usdt для подтверждения суммы, потому что кошелёк новый а сумма большая, но тот кто мне помогал сразу исчез как я сказал что такой суммы у меня нет, это были мошенники и деньги украли??????

Tasha Williams
14 August 2023
I am proud to recommend Mr. Harry Chawney for a selfless and reliable Bitcoin recovery agent who helped me to recover my Bitcoin Wallet which i had all my savings on, I got his contact from a friend of mine which he helped to also recover her Bitcoin too Contact him via email: harrychawney15@gmail. com, and I hope this was helpful, I wish you Good luck...

Silvester W
10 August 2023
Is it possible for scam victims to receive their money back? Yes, if you have been a victim of a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, you may be able to reclaim what was stolen from you, but only if you report it to the appropriate authorities. You may reclaim what you've lost with the appropriate strategy and evidence. Those in charge of these unregulated platforms would most likely try to persuade you that what happened to your money was an unfortunate occurrence when, in reality, it was a sophisticated theft. If you or someone you know has been a victim of these situations, you should know that there are resources available to assist you. Simply do a search about LFRescue.org . It is never too late if you have the right information, your sanity can be restored or WhatsApp + 1 (470 ) 469-9769

Bruce david
18 July 2023
I want to make an advice
Do not trade with platform you don't know I about and even if you are sure of it don't trade more than you can afford to loss.
I lost a lot trading with a scam broker who I tend to give a better profit return
I was able to recover $28,500 from them with the guidance of Jeff silbert a recovery expert. Reach out to Jeff for assistance into a better trade and how tao recover from previous loses
WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524.
Email: jeffsilbert39 gmail com.

Wilder Newton
24 June 2023

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Local Guide; Since 2014

17 June 2023
( MorrisGray830 At gmail Dot Com, is the man for the job ) This man is dedicated to his work and you can trust him more than yourself. I contacted him a year and a half Ago and he didn’t succeed. when i got ripped of $491,000 worth of bitcoins by scammers, I tried several recovery programs with no success too. I kept on. And now after so much time Mr Morris Gray contacted me with a success, and the reward he took was small because obviously he is doing this because he wants to help idiots like me who fell for crypto scam, and love his job. Of course he could have taken all the coins and not tell me , I was not syncing this wallet for a year, but he didn’t. He is the MAN guys , He is! If you have been a victim of crypto scam before you can trust Morris Gray 10000000%. I thought there were no such good genuine guys anymore on earth, but Mr Morris Gray brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you sir…you can reach him via ( MORRIS GRAY 830 at Gmaill dot com ) or Whatsapp +1 (607)698-0239..

William David
24 May 2023
Trading market trends are constantly evolving and shifting, making it critical for all traders to stay updated with the most recent information. Traders can identify key opportunities and maximize safety by tracking market trends.

Gray walker
23 May 2023
I was a victim approximately seven months ago. Through  a phishing scam, a grifter gained access to my account. They made off with 2.8 BTC. I was horrified. I attempted everything to get my money refunded by contacting support, but they can not even help me. However, a friend of mine told me about a recovery expert with the mail (jeffsilbert39 @ gmail • com). he assisted me in combating different investment fraudsters, but I can only thank God that I was able to reclaim my funds DM him on whatsapp +84 94 7671524.

james scott
19 May 2023
Many people try to invest their money so as to make more profit after a certain period of time. This is certainly not a wrong move but scammers online make use of this opportunity to deprive people of their money. You might have invested your Bitcoin in the wrong investment company and lost it but you do not need to worry seek the help. Lisa.Eric @ proton.me or whatsapp + 84 94 767 1524 is the contact info of Mrs Lisa Eric and she help in recovery lost crypto and she helped me restore from my previous loss

Rita Alison
30 April 2023
One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $14000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met Mrs Lisa who is A recovery expert that works in affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law firm. she worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact him via her mail: Email Lisa.Eric @ proton.me WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524

29 March 2023
Be strong in any situations you are going through just know that a lot of people go through the same problems almost everyday. I’m happy to announce my finding of solutions about recovering my money from these crooks. If you’ve been ripped off, email  zattrecoverypro1 @ gmail com. I was in the same shoes also and I know how it feels to be ripped off by someone you trusted with your investment, They take no upfront payment. Just email this recovery agent and thank me later. God bless you and stay safe

Gunter Stefan
20 March 2023
I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency about two months ago and I took my chance. I contacted a broker who I saw videos on youtube and I invested a huge sum of money around £665,211 which was deposited using Bitcoin with hopes to gain massive returns on my investment. I kept tracking my portfolio and it was increasing daily on the website. It made me excited and confident. Fast forward to 30 Days after, which was supposed to be my payout date, I tried to make a withdrawal as I needed money to foot my bills and buy my new house, but the broker insisted that I continue to invest or will have to pay some fees to withdraw my funds. That was very disappointing to hear, because it was all going smoothly when I deposited the funds. Eventually, I paid the fees which was about £45,800. I was desperate now because according to my portfolio, I had made about £1,512,400. Now you see why I was willing to pay the fees. It turned out it was a scheme to keep asking me for more money for one thing or the other, like Taxes, miner fees and so many others. I declined, and instead I won’t pay more. They locked my account for several weeks. A month after, I saw a post on Quora about GHOST CHAMPION HACKERS  which stated they were capable of getting my money recovered. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had.
In less than a week, I was able to recoup my BTC. I praise the universe for sending them my way. I wish to recommend them to everyone out there. they are capable of recover any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, now i have my funds back with there guidelines and skills you can always contact them via 
EMAIL  : ghostchampionwizard @ gmail.com
Telegram : https://t.me/WizardGhosthacker
Contact via WhtsAp : +1(202)495 0665