Cómo Identificar y Evitar Estafas de Criptomonedas

Cómo Identificar y Evitar Estafas de Criptomonedas
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Apr 21, 2023 32
Cómo Identificar y Evitar Estafas de Criptomonedas

Las estafas criptográficas vienen en todas las formas y tamaños, desde correos electrónicos de phishing hasta proyectos de extracción de alfombras; la industria criptográfica está familiarizada con estafas costosas. A medida que pasa el tiempo, los estafadores se vuelven más sofisticados. Hoy en día, hay demasiadas estafas para llevar la cuenta.

Sin embargo, este artículo compartirá los principios fundamentales para ayudar a mantenerse alejado de las estafas criptográficas más comunes.

La Prueba del Pato

Si camina como un pato y grazna como un pato, entonces puede ser un pato. Lo mismo ocurre con las estafas criptográficas. Su capital duramente ganado está en juego cada vez que presiona el botón 'aprobar contrato' o aprieta el gatillo de esa nueva moneda de pequeña capitalización.

En este sentido, es mejor estar seguro y alejarse en lugar de arriesgarse si detecta una estafa. Vendrán otras oportunidades, pero podrías perder tu cripto para siempre.

Por lo tanto, si solo uno de los otros principios en este artículo es cierto, es mejor evitar lo que sea que esté considerando hacer a toda costa.

Bomba y Vertederos

Un esquema de bombeo y descarga es una forma de tracción de alfombras que merece una mención especial debido a la frecuencia con la que ocurren. La comunidad criptográfica está altamente conectada y altamente digitalizada. 

Hay personas influyentes populares en el espacio que pueden hacer que el precio de una moneda aumente miles de millones en capitalización de mercado a partir de un tweet. Recientemente, Elon Musk fue acusado de ejecutar un esquema de bombeo y descarga. Sin embargo, él lo niega y ha solicitado a un juez que desestime el caso de la corte. 

En una declaración reciente, el abogado de Musk dijo: "No hay nada ilegal en tuitear palabras de apoyo o imágenes divertidas sobre una criptomoneda legítima que continúa teniendo una capitalización de mercado de casi USD 10 mil millones.”

Si bien la demanda de Elons se relaciona con Dogecoin, la mayoría de los esquemas de bombeo y descarga se relacionan con monedas de bajo volumen y baja capitalización de mercado que pueden manipularse más fácilmente en el precio. Dicho esto, no todas las monedas de baja capitalización de mercado son bombas y vertederos, con la existencia de muchas monedas prometedoras por menos de un centavo en cripto.

La primera etapa de un bombeo y descarga es una cantidad anormalmente grande de actividad en las redes sociales para una moneda. Por ejemplo, si una criptografía de la que nunca has oído hablar aparece en Twitter o en los canales de Telegram varias veces en un día, puede ser un esfuerzo de marketing para crear publicidad y aumentar el precio de la criptografía antes de que los fundadores e influencers descarguen sus tokens.

Otra señal es si un influyente prominente promueve una moneda de bajo volumen de negociación. El bajo volumen es una señal de que hay pocos compradores y vendedores, por lo que si un grupo de vendedores ingresa al mercado rápidamente, puede aumentar el precio con poco esfuerzo. 

Los influencers que compran una criptomoneda de bajo volumen y la promocionan en las redes sociales podrían obtener rápidamente una ganancia masiva.

Entonces, si está buscando comprar criptos que los grandes influencers están promoviendo, asegúrese de que tengan un alto volumen de negociación y considere las pistas que mencionamos para los tiradores de alfombras también.

Sin embargo, si está buscando monedas de baja capitalización con más espacio para el crecimiento, intente encontrarlas en microinfluencers más pequeños, ya que no tienen la audiencia para bombear el precio artificialmente. 

Si Alguien Se Pone En Contacto Contigo

Tal vez trabajen en Binance o Metamask, o sea un amante en línea que de repente convirtió la conversación en Bitcoin; la ingeniería social puede ser la estafa más difícil de detectar, pero siempre debes estar atento. 

Sus claves privadas son solo para sus ojos; nunca las comparta con nadie, sin importar quién lo pregunte. Además, si alguien se pone en contacto con usted que dice ser de un intercambio u otro servicio que utiliza, antes de discutir cualquier detalle con ellos, confírmelo poniéndose en contacto con la empresa (a través de una dirección no proporcionada por la persona que se pone en contacto con usted).

Además de intentar obtener sus claves privadas,los estafadores pueden contactar a las víctimas para que envíen criptomonedas. Esto podría ser una estafa romántica o estar relacionado con dificultades técnicas o ganancias financieras. 

Sin embargo, antes de presionar el botón de enviar, recuerde que este extraño en Internet podría no ser quien dice ser.

Tirador de Alfombra

En criptografía, un tirón de alfombra se refiere a cuando un fundador construye un proyecto con exageración y expectativa, y una vez que recauda fondos, 'tira de la alfombra'. Para tirar de la alfombra, el fundador tiraba sus monedas o usaba código malicioso para extraer valor del proyecto, dejando a su comunidad sin nada.

Hay dos tipos de tirar de la alfombra: duro y suave. Una alfombra suave se refiere a cuando un fundador intenta mantener vivo el proyecto, pero una vez que se da cuenta de que el proyecto no está generando dinero, sale y arroja sus tokens al mercado.

Por otro lado, una alfombra dura es cuando un fundador no tiene intención de completar el proyecto, con su único objetivo de recaudar capital antes de salir. Por lo general, salen rápidamente a través de puertas traseras de código malicioso.’ 

Las principales pistas de un posible tirón de la alfombra son: 

  • Un equipo anónimo 
  • Una vieja cuenta de Twitter para un nuevo proyecto.
  • Sin auditorías de contratos inteligentes.
  • Distribución de tokens inusualmente centralizada y desbloqueada.
  • Baja participación en las redes sociales.
  • El proyecto es una bifurcación dura simple renombrada sin un caso de uso único.

Enlaces Sospechosos

Con delitos relacionados con criptomonedas que se acercan a una valoración de USD 20 mil millones, los ataques de phishing se encuentran entre las formas más populares en que los estafadores roban los fondos de las víctimas . Una de las formas más peligrosas de phishing es cuando los estafadores envían enlaces maliciosos a sitios similares que extraen claves privadas.

Recientemente, el fundador de Moonbirds, Kevin Rose, perdió su colección de NFT de USD 1,4 millones por un ataque de phishing. El hecho de que un fundador de criptomonedas pueda ser víctima de este tipo de ataque muestra lo convincentes que pueden ser.

Dicho esto, todavía hay algunas señales que puede buscar para mantener seguros sus criptoactivos. Incluyen mantenerse actualizado con los nuevos métodos de phishing, no hacer clic en los enlaces de los correos electrónicos (incluso si conoce al remitente) y verificar las redes sociales antes de conectar su billetera a una DApp en caso de que el sitio haya sido pirateado.

Además de esto, puede evitar por completo las estafas de phishing manteniendo solo la criptografía a la que necesita acceso inmediato en su billetera activa, y el resto se almacena en frío.

Las opiniones y valoraciones expresadas en el texto son las opiniones del autor del artículo y pueden no representar la posición de Cryptogeek. No olvide que invertir en criptomonedas y operar en el intercambio está asociado con el riesgo. Antes de tomar decisiones, asegúrese de hacer su propia investigación sobre el mercado y los productos que le interesan.

Evie Douglas
19 March, 3:43 AM
I did lose a lot of money once on an investment fraud involving bitcoins. At the most enticing rates I've ever seen, I invested $98,320 USD on a bitcoin trading platform. Unfortunately, though, I did not have a good experience. Subsequently, I discovered that everything was a scam and my funds were wasted. Because I was so depressed at the time, I had to figure out a way to get my money back. I quickly told a friend about my predicament and the incident. Consequently, he advocated for me to get in touch with Cyber Asset Recovery. He had my deepest gratitude. I would have been really despairing and forlorn if it weren't for Cyber Asset Recovery, the software physician. The cryptocurrency recovery company Cyber Asset Recovery are well known and reliable. Cyber Asset Recovery successfully recovered my pilfered funds in just two days. The swiftness with which they were able to locate my lost funds astounded me. Because of this, I've decided to share my story and recommend their services to anyone who is reading this review and in need of assistance to recovery his or her stolen or lost Cryptocurrency.
Contact Info:
Email: C y b e r a s s e t r e c o v e r y @ p r o t o n m a i l . c o m

Evie Douglas
19 March, 3:42 AM
I did lose a lot of money once on an investment fraud involving bitcoins. At the most enticing rates I've ever seen, I invested $98,320 USD on a bitcoin trading platform. Unfortunately, though, I did not have a good experience. Subsequently, I discovered that everything was a scam and my funds were wasted. Because I was so depressed at the time, I had to figure out a way to get my money back. I quickly told a friend about my predicament and the incident. Consequently, he advocated for me to get in touch with Cyber Asset Recovery. He had my deepest gratitude. I would have been really despairing and forlorn if it weren't for Cyber Asset Recovery, the software physician. The cryptocurrency recovery company Cyber Asset Recovery are well known and reliable. Cyber Asset Recovery successfully recovered my pilfered funds in just two days. The swiftness with which they were able to locate my lost funds astounded me. Because of this, I've decided to share my story and recommend their services to anyone who is reading this review and in need of assistance to recovery his or her stolen or lost Cryptocurrency.
Contact Info:
Email: C y b e r a s s e t r e c o v e r y @ p r o t o n m a i l . c o m

Drahomíra Artur
19 February, 9:39 PM
I'm truly grateful for the service of the Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Service. I never would have imagined that I could recover my stolen bitcoins and gain back access to my wallet after losing over $665,211 to a fake investment platform. It's truly amazing the kind of service Jeanson James Ancheta wizard company provides, I was able to recover all that was stolen from me within 72 hours, Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Service provides top-notch services and is very professional indeed. If you ever doubt the recovery of cryptocurrency once it is lost, I suggest you rethink and research more before losing hope. There are so many victims of cryptocurrency scams who concluded that it is impossible to recover their funds. Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Service is here to provide that service for you. I highly recommend their services to everyone who wishes to recover any cryptocurrency. Jeanson James Ancheta wizard can be contacted via their E-mail address:(jeansonjamesanchetawizard62@gmail.com) I'm truly grateful for their service and work ethics. WhatsApp +44 (7440) 105166 or +44 (7506) 216101.

Hannah Clark
13 February, 11:03 PM
Looking to recover lost funds from a scam or fraudulent activity? Look no further than Wizard Asset Recovery, your trusted partner in financial recovery. With their expertise and dedication, Wizard Asset Recovery specializes in helping individuals like you retrieve your hard-earned money that was wrongfully taken from you.

Contacting Wizard Asset Recovery is easy. Simply reach out to them through their official website or WhatsApp for immediate assistance. You can also send them an email at Wizardassetrecovery@gmx.us. Their team of professionals is ready to listen to your story, assess your situation, and provide you with the guidance and support you need to begin the recovery process.

Don't let scammers get away with your money. Take action today and reclaim what's rightfully yours with the help of Wizard Asset Recovery. Contact them now to get started on your path to financial recovery.

Jacalyn Armstrong
6 February, 10:26 AM
It will be bad to keep this alone to myself. I came across the best  Advance ATM CARD hacker  who really helped me to get 200,000 dollars which has a 5,000 daily withdrawal limit, they are very honest and diligent in their work. All I did was to order for the ATM card  and  after  4 working days  I received my own ATM card from the delivery company with the card pin number. To my greatest surprise, the ATM card works at the ATM machine in my country   . Contact her via: advanceatmcard@gmail.com WhatsApp number +33758779954  

Jacalyn Armstrong
6 February, 10:24 AM
It will be bad to keep this alone to myself. I came across the best  Advance ATM CARD hacker  who really helped me to get 200,000 dollars which has a 5,000 daily withdrawal limit, they are very honest and diligent in their work. All I did was to order for the ATM card  and  after  4 working days  I received my own ATM card from the delivery company with the card pin number. To my greatest surprise, the ATM card works at the ATM machine in my country   . Contact her via: advanceatmcard@gmail.com WhatsApp number +33758779954  

Jackson N
30 January, 11:19 PM
How To Track Down And Recover Lost Hacked Or Stolen BTC//ETH - Captain WebGenesis.

Hello everyone. I'm Jackson, and I wanted to sincerely thank the woman who commented about how she was able to get her bitcoin back into her wallet with the assistance of CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. Coincidentally, I was having a similar issue, so I had to contact the expert right away to get help getting my money back.
It is with great satisfaction that I attest to the fact that CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS comes highly recommended for any type of Bitcoin recovery services. I was able to get back all my lost funds in a short period of time.
I recommend CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS to all victims who have fallen prey to these online Ponzi schemes.
(Captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com) or WhatsApp; +1(701)(31)4-27-29

Visite; www.captainwebgenesis.com

Kristine Rodman
30 January, 11:04 AM
In the land of doubts and fraud victims losing trust in humanity, Cyber Genie Hack Pro has emerged as a beacon and ray of light to those who have lost their money to various forms of fraudulent schemes. I was fortunate to have been linked to the Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery team, I was able to recover what I thought was lost forever. A global solution to crypto recovery skepticism, Cyber Genie Recovery is the best option when it comes to getting your lost or sent Bitcoin back. Tons of their clients around the globe have come to trust their efficiency in analyzing client tasks, high professionalism in private investigation, and well-structured map for recovering or tracking stolen money and forgotten wallets. Their outstanding and remarkable accomplishments laid out there got my interest. Privacy and confidentiality when dealing with Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery team are outstanding. You can trust that your sensitive data will remain confidential throughout the recovery process confidently knowing they won't temper with any penny of yours after the recovery or after sharing with them all your data. When dealing with Cyber Genie Hack Pro Recovery experts, you should expect just one thing, SUCCESS!! Buzz them via the below reaches.
W.A.: +1 -2-5-2-512-0-3-91.
E.mail.: Cybergenie (@) Cyberservices (.) C0 M

Baiwir‎ Marion
29 January, 8:58 PM
I know a professional Private Investigator named jeanson who has worked for me before on something i can’t disclose, he offers very legitimate services such as clearing of bad records online without being traced back to you, He clone/hack mobile phones, hack Facebook account, instagram, WhatsApp, emails, Twitter, bank accounts, Skype, FIXES CREDIT REPORTs, track calls. He also help retrieve accounts that have been taking by hackers. His charges are affordable, reliable and 100% safe. For his job well done this is my own way to show appreciation, Contact them on email:(jeansonjamesanchetawizard62@gmail.com) or WhatsApp number: +44 (7440) 105166 or +44 (7506) 216101.

Laura.F webb
29 January, 5:23 PM
With the internet playing an increasingly deeper and deeper role in our live, so do hackers.
Most folks only see the bad side of what they do, but few do know you can also hire a hacker for yourself, and take advantage of their skills for your own life.
In this guide i will show you step by step how you can find a hacker and how to hire a hacker. Where to find hackers for hire?

On the normal internet, it is hard to find real hackers for hire, since they seek anonymity for their job.

So you will have to go to the dark web if you want to find a good hacker.

To access the dark web you need the tor browser from torproject. org or for android phones there is Orbot and the Orweb browser.

In this guide i also want to show you a few web sites where you can hire a hacker:

we have configured it for you to be able to access it with your normal browser

One relatively new but well known website for dark web hackers for hire is

the forensic team at thehackerspro. com with vladimir kolarov of the former kiosk computer club of germany handling a lot of their databse penetration
you can open a detailed case on proh4ckz@protonmail with their team for a forensic audit

27 January, 9:03 AM
I Recovery Finally Recover My Cryptocurrency With The Help Of CYBER ASSET RECOVERY.

I couldn’t believe my luck when Cyber Asset Recovery managed to retrieve my lost Bitcoin. It was like finding a pot of gold at the end of a digital rainbow. Let me share my own harrowing experience with crypto theft. I recently found myself in the unfortunate position of losing $30,000 to a cunning hacker. It was a devastating blow to my savings and a wake-up call to the vulnerability of the digital world. The feeling of helplessness and anger was overwhelming, and I knew I needed to take action. Not only does cryptocurrency theft deplete our bank accounts, but it also negatively impacts our mental health. These kinds of situations can leave behind stress, worry, and annoyance long after the money has disappeared. We must come up with trustworthy and practical ways to take back what is truly ours. Thank you,
Cyber Asset Recovery for helping me take back my lost bitcoin. I am dearly appreciative of the way I was helped by you guys. contact Cyber Asset Recovery to help you get your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency by emailing them or visit their website.
Email at: Cyberassetrecovery@protonmail.com
Website: https://cyberassetrecovery.pro/

Rita Alison
26 January, 12:24 PM
Damn This people took so much from me, i was referred to Hoskey Team by a frnd via hoskeyteam@proton. me or https: //hoskeyteaam.online/.
are Expert Wizard in technology and i was able to Recover all invested Funds including my profit in Total, My advice is we all stay aware from Negative comments , Stay Caution You all

Anthony Steven
26 January, 11:09 AM

The Captain Jack Crypto expert in Bitcoin recovery. Recovering Lost Funds From Online Fraudsters / Bitcoin Mining / Bitcoin Recovery / Improve Your Credit Score and Obtain Authorization for Remote Mobile Spy Control. Extraction of bad records from database systems, both public and private. Captain Jack Crypto can be contacted via email at captainjackcrypto@europe.com.

Anthony Steven
25 January, 9:51 AM

The Captain Jack Crypto expert in Bitcoin recovery. Recovering Lost Funds From Online Fraudsters / Bitcoin Mining / Bitcoin Recovery / Improve Your Credit Score and Obtain Authorization for Remote Mobile Spy Control. Extraction of bad records from database systems, both public and private. Captain Jack Crypto can be contacted via email at captainjackcrypto@europe.com.

Brenda Sabasty
20 January, 12:57 AM
It can be quite bad to lose money. It can, to put it mildly, always lead to hopelessness and suffering, which is exactly what happened to me. Everything appeared genuine until I discovered, after putting $1,894,000 in cryptocurrencies in an online investment scam, that I had been conned. I had been depressed for days until I saw an article about Redeemed Hacker-Pro, a hacking and digital asset recovery agency, and how they help victims of fraud regain their lost money. After some hesitation, I chose to give them a shot. Working with Redeemed Hacker-Pro, I was able to recover my stolen money back after a few procedures in a matter of hours. Redeemed Hacker-Pro is also available to assist any further victims of scams. reach out to them now through their urgent line at' Email:- redeemed.h.p@consultant.com or Website:- https://redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro

Christian Walter
15 January, 1:29 PM
I have a strong interest in this subject due to my prior experiences, which have increased my understanding of it. Had I had this information earlier, I would not have fallen victim to scams to the extent that I did. In my quest to earn enough money to retire early, I lost a lot of money to several investing platforms. I was clueless about how to restart after losing everything. Fortunately, I was directed to LORD HACKER ULTIMATE DIGITAL ASSETS RECOVERY AGENCY by a friend. I was able to contact them at L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, and they helped me recover my lost 11.6 BTC and introduced me to reliable investment platforms that are currently helping me realize my ambition of retiring early. Given how crucial this is, I hope it will assist someone who is in need, you can also reach out to them on WhatsApp: +16266210821, Telegram: @Lordhackerultimate & Signal: +16266210821

James blood
15 January, 10:58 AM
I lost over 4 btc investing to an online platform I didn't know what to do because I was unable to withdraw my profit, I believed that I would be able to cover the debt with my profits and I thought there won't be even a chance to get my investment back. Until I contacted Gavin ray after seeing positive reviews about him 4days back on this platform , I got in touch with him and he gave an explanation of how the process would look like and what exactly we need to put in place for this to work out, which I did and followed all his instructions to my greatest surprise I confirmed the payment of my recovered funds to my bank account, he has been really helpful to me, I bet you all should contact him on email: gavinray78@gmail.com or WhatsApp ‪+1 (352) 322‑2096‬ ‪‬, he’s genuine

Jude Ike
11 January, 10:35 AM
I sincerely appreciate GEO COORDINATES HACKER for your efforts in helping me recover my lost funds. Although losing bitcoin can be demoralizing, there is still hope for recovering what is legitimately yours with GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I learned some valuable lessons. It’s important to approach recovery services cautiously and do thorough research before trusting anyone with your assets. Trustworthy recovery services will provide clear information, have a solid reputation, and offer transparent communication. When selecting a recovery service, it's essential to consider their track record, expertise, and testimonials. GEO COORDINATES HACKER has got all it takes to assist you in recovering your lost Funds/Bitcoin only if you let them come to your aid. You can easily contact him through Email; geocoordinateshacker@proton.me.

Gregory Blake
10 January, 1:03 AM
lost $230,000 worth of Bitcoins to a scam cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months back, I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency to make huge profits from our investments. We contacted a broker online who was pretending to be an account manager for a forex trading firm, I invested a huge part of my retirement savings and business money into this platform not realizing it was all a scam . After weeks of trying to withdraw, this broker continued to request more money until i went broke . I almost gave up till I saw an article about this recovery investigator , I did some research about their services and found out they could help me recover back my money from these scammers, In a space of 72 hours he was able to recover everything back to my account, If you have also lost funds and need to recover it then contact : ( motivfundsrecovery@ g mail DOTcom )

9 January, 7:32 PM
From my experience, I guess the best way to avoid online scam is by having a very thorough investigation about the subject matter. If i had this advice i would probably have not gone through the ordeal i went through some months past. Binary Options is a blessing to some and curse to many, it almost ruined me. Gracefully, i got in contact with a certified recovery specialist ( Mr WALLINCE ) who helped me with refunds. I can’t say for any other recovery expert but this ( MR WALLINCE ) came to my rescue and I RECOMMEND ONLY his service.

Contact hes support team for further assistance: