Come identificare ed evitare truffe criptovaluta

Come identificare ed evitare truffe criptovaluta
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Apr 21, 2023 36
Come identificare ed evitare truffe criptovaluta

Le truffe crittografiche sono disponibili in tutte le forme e dimensioni, dalle e-mail di phishing ai progetti di rug pull; l'industria cripto ha familiarità con truffe costose. Col passare del tempo, i truffatori diventano più sofisticati. Al giorno d'oggi, ci sono troppe truffe per tenere il conto.

Tuttavia, questo articolo condividerà i principi fondamentali per aiutare a evitare le truffe crittografiche più comuni.

Il Duck Test

Se cammina come un'anatra e ciarlatano come un'anatra, allora potrebbe essere solo un'anatra. Lo stesso vale per le truffe crittografiche. Il tuo capitale duramente guadagnato è in gioco ogni volta che premi quel pulsante "approva contratto" o premi il grilletto su quella nuova moneta a piccola capitalizzazione.

A questo proposito, è meglio essere sicuri e allontanarsi piuttosto che rischiare se si avverte una truffa. Altre opportunità arriveranno, ma potresti perdere la tua crittografia per sempre.

Pertanto, se solo uno degli altri principi in questo articolo è vero, è meglio evitare qualsiasi cosa tu stia pensando di fare a tutti i costi.

Pompa e discariche

Uno schema di pompa e scarico è una forma di tiro del tappeto che merita una menzione speciale a causa della frequenza con cui si verificano. La comunità cripto è altamente connessa e altamente digitalizzata. 

Ci sono influencer popolari nello spazio che possono causare da soli il prezzo di una moneta a salire di miliardi di capitalizzazione di mercato da un tweet. Recentemente, Elon Musk è stato accusato di eseguire uno schema pump-and-dump. Tuttavia, egli nega e ha chiesto a un giudice di archiviare il caso dal tribunale. 

In una recente dichiarazione, l'avvocato di Musk ha dichiarato: "Non c'è nulla di illegale nel twittare parole di supporto o immagini divertenti su una criptovaluta legittima che continua a detenere una capitalizzazione di mercato di quasi billion 10 miliardi.”

Mentre la causa di Elons si riferisce a Dogecoin, la maggior parte degli schemi di pump-and-dump si riferiscono a bassa capitalizzazione di mercato, monete a basso volume che possono essere più facilmente manipolate nel prezzo. Detto questo, non tutte le monete a bassa capitalizzazione di mercato sono pump and dump, con un sacco di monete promettenti sotto un centesimo in crypto.

La prima fase di un pump-and-dump è una quantità anormalmente grande di attività sui social media per una moneta. Ad esempio, se una crittografia di cui non hai mai sentito parlare compare su Twitter o nei canali Telegram più volte in un giorno, potrebbe essere uno sforzo di marketing per creare hype e aumentare il prezzo della crittografia prima che i fondatori e gli influencer scarichino i loro token.

Un altro segno è se un influencer di spicco promuove una moneta a basso volume di trading. Il basso volume è un segno che ci sono pochi acquirenti e venditori, quindi se un gruppo di venditori entra rapidamente nel mercato, può aumentare il prezzo con poco sforzo. 

Gli influencer che acquistano una criptovaluta a basso volume e la promuovono sui social media potrebbero ottenere rapidamente un enorme profitto.

Quindi, se stai cercando di acquistare cryptos che i grandi influencer stanno promuovendo, assicurati che abbiano un volume di trading elevato e considera anche gli indizi che abbiamo menzionato per rug pulls.

Tuttavia, se stai cercando monete a bassa capitalizzazione con più spazio per la crescita, cerca di trovarle da micro-influencer più piccoli, in quanto non hanno il pubblico per pompare artificialmente il prezzo. 

Se qualcuno ti contatta

Forse lavorano a Binance o Metamask, o è un amante online che improvvisamente ha trasformato la conversazione in Bitcoin; l'ingegneria sociale può essere la truffa più difficile da individuare, ma devi sempre rimanere vigile. 

Le tue chiavi private sono solo per i tuoi occhi; non condividerle mai con nessuno, non importa chi lo chieda. Inoltre, se vieni contattato da qualcuno che afferma di provenire da uno scambio o da un altro servizio che utilizzi, prima di discutere qualsiasi dettaglio con loro, confermalo contattando la società (tramite un indirizzo non fornito dalla persona che ti contatta).

Oltre a cercare di ottenere le tue chiavi private, i truffatori possono contattare le vittime per farle inviare su crypto. Questo potrebbe essere una truffa romanticismo o legati a difficoltà tecniche o guadagno finanziario. 

Tuttavia, prima di premere il pulsante invia, ricorda che questo sconosciuto su Internet potrebbe non essere chi dicono di essere.

Tappeto Tirare

In crypto, un tiro tappeto si riferisce a quando un fondatore costruisce un progetto con hype e aspettative, e una volta che raccolgono fondi, "tirano fuori il tappeto". Per tirare il tappeto, il fondatore sarebbe scaricare le loro monete o utilizzare codice dannoso per estrarre valore dal progetto, lasciando la loro comunità con nulla.

Ci sono due tipi di tappeto tirare: duro e morbido. Un tappeto morbido si riferisce a quando un fondatore cerca di mantenere vivo il progetto, ma una volta che si rendono conto che il progetto non sta facendo soldi, escono, scaricando i loro token sul mercato.

D'altra parte, un tappeto duro è quando un fondatore non ha intenzione di completare il progetto, con il loro unico scopo di raccogliere capitali prima di uscire. Di solito escono rapidamente attraverso backdoor di codice dannoso.’ 

I principali indizi di un potenziale tappeto pull sono: 

  • Un team anonimo 
  • Un vecchio account Twitter per un nuovo progetto.
  • Nessun audit di contratti intelligenti.
  • Distribuzione di token insolitamente centralizzata e sbloccata.
  • Basso coinvolgimento sui social media.
  • Il progetto è un semplice fork rigido rinominato senza un caso d'uso unico.

Link sospetti

Con il crimine legato alle criptovalute si avvicina a una valutazione di $20 miliardi, gli attacchi di phishing sono tra i modi più popolari i truffatori rubano i fondi delle vittime. Una delle forme più pericolose di phishing è dove i truffatori inviano link dannosi a siti simili che estraggono chiavi private.

Recentemente, il fondatore di Moonbirds, Kevin Rose, ha perso la sua collezione NFT da 1,4 milioni di dollari a causa di un attacco di phishing. Il fatto che un fondatore di criptovalute possa cadere vittima di questo tipo di attacco dimostra quanto possano essere convincenti.

Detto questo, ci sono ancora alcuni segni che puoi cercare per mantenere al sicuro le tue risorse crittografiche. Includono rimanere aggiornati con nuovi metodi di phishing, non fare clic sui link delle e-mail (anche se conosci il mittente) e controllare i social media prima di collegare il tuo portafoglio a una DApp nel caso in cui il sito sia stato violato.

Oltre a questo, puoi evitare completamente le truffe di phishing mantenendo solo la crittografia a cui hai bisogno di accesso immediato nel tuo portafoglio caldo, con il resto che va alla conservazione a freddo.

Le opinioni e le valutazioni espresse nel testo sono le opinioni dell'autore dell'articolo e potrebbero non rappresentare la posizione di Cryptogeek. Non dimenticare che investire in criptovalute e fare trading in borsa è associato al rischio. Prima di prendere decisioni, assicurati di fare le tue ricerche sul mercato e sui prodotti che ti interessano.

Amelia Rose
16 October, 5:11 AM
When I lost my money to online scammers through crypto investment, I never thought I could ever retrieve back my money again but I decided to give it a try after my Inlaw introduced me to this incredible honest hacker that she had worked with to retrieve back her bitcoin when she mistakenly sent it to a wrong wallet address when trying to make payment to someone, so when I brought up the issue of me loosing money to an online investment in a dinner at my place she was curious to hear how it happened and it turned out she still had the hackers contact which she provided me with later on, I reached out the next morning and provided the transaction hash, wallet address of the scammers and the website, I was surprised after receiving the first half of my money within just 24 hours and the rest is being traced back to the second wallet address I made payment to, IntelligenceCyberWizard and his team brought back my hope of living back to life because I never thought of what I could have done if I wasn’t able to recover this money back, this includes my retirement funds, I’m so grateful to the team for their effort and good service, if you're encountering same issue kindly reach out to them on the provided details bellow:


Instagram: Intelligence_cyber_wizard

Scocca Abo
10 October, 2:04 PM
Fallen A Victim Of A Crypto Scam? - Recover Your Funds Right Now

Wassup Folks,
I genuinely hope this finds you well.
I wanted to share some wonderful news with you today: with the assistance of Recovery Nerds, I just recovered my lost Crypto worth $174,000 that was stolen by scammers. It all started earlier last month, when I received an email from a stranger advertising a bogus Bitcoin investment opportunity. I fell for his fake promises and invested with the company. Fortunately, with the assistance of Recovery Nerds, I was able to detect the fraud before it was too late. The Expert was able to retrieve the funds promptly and efficiently, and I am truly grateful for His knowledge and assistance. If you ever find yourself in a scenario like this, I highly suggest mailus @ recoverynerds . com. WEBSITE: recoverynerds . com The Expert's assistance was crucial.
WhatsApp; +1 (5,1,4,3,1,2,2,8,0,3,

Best regards

George Arends
26 September, 7:57 PM

Good day all, I’m truly grateful for the service of Ghost Cyber Recovery, who was able to help me recover my Bitcoin back, A while ago, I was scammed of Bitcoin worth $122,000, I was completely devastated but fortunately for me, I was introduced to Ghost Cyber Recovery by my colleague and I contacted them immediately to assist me in recovering my bitcoins. However after losing your crypto to scammers, all hope is not gone. There is a professional recovery team, Ghost Cyber Recovery. The team is specialized in helping individuals retrieve their lost or stolen funds. Ghost Cyber Recovery is a team with a high record track of recovery success, thus they are the highly recommended Recovery company to help scam victims recover their lost funds.

More Info;
WhatsApp +1 734 743 1873
Email: (

jennifer bryner
6 July, 5:26 PM

I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $38,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband's urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

Anthony Steven
26 January, 11:09 AM

The Captain Jack Crypto expert in Bitcoin recovery. Recovering Lost Funds From Online Fraudsters / Bitcoin Mining / Bitcoin Recovery / Improve Your Credit Score and Obtain Authorization for Remote Mobile Spy Control. Extraction of bad records from database systems, both public and private. Captain Jack Crypto can be contacted via email at

Grace .O. Addisson
16 November 2023
One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $14000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met Jeff Silbert who is A recovery expert that works with Jeff affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law firm. he worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact him via his
mail: jeffsilbert39 gmail. Com
WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524 Or WhatsApp 1 (470 ) 469-9769.

I advice everyone to always be careful because my experience with them cost me mentally and financially, thankful to the security agency that helped me to investigate and recovered my money mail Jeff on Jeffsilbert39 g Ma il c0m

19 September 2023
About 2 months ago my husband was convinced on Facebook to invest in a crypto investment that projected a huge profit in only few weeks. He went ahead and put in about $ 352, 000 worth of BTC. After waiting for more than a month and still nothing happen, it was apparent he had been sc^mmed. He approached me and explained everything to me. This really made me sad. I looked online and all the information I was getting says the BTC is gone. I met with my younger sister a few days later and explained to her and that is when she introduced me to a hacker named ‘REFUND POLICY’ whom she had known since her college days. I was reluctant at first to contact this hacker as I did not believe the situation was repairable, but it only took them less than 48hrs in recovering our BTC. It was like a miracle, I will forever be grateful to REFUND POLICY and that is why I am putting their contact details here in case anyone here need their services, they can also help you investigate your cheating partner. Email: COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE AT GEEMAIL DOT COM
Whats app:+ 1[949]649[9963] . Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need their service.. [THEY DIDNT CHARGE ME ANY UPFRONT PAYMENT]

19 September 2023
I'm 54 years old from the WASHINTON USA.

My family and I were left with nothing after falling prey to a cryptocurrency investment fraud that took $807,000 in USDT and Bitcoins from us. We were quite fortunate to stumble across a post about RECOVER MASTERS, a cryptocurrency and funds recovery organization with extensive cybersecurity knowledge. Recovery Masters were able to recover all of our cash, and they were tracked down and reported to the right authorities using the information we gave. In my opinion, you should use Recovery Masters to recover your cryptocurrency.

Contact info Whatsapp + 1[949]649[9963]


19 September 2023
My name is Julia Brooke and I’m from West Virginia, USA. A few months after my retirement, I was introduced to cryptocurrency trading and investment by a group that contacted me online. Unknowingly to me, I was being catfished. I lost almost all my retirement savings to these con men. I had given up and was depressed until a friend of mine told me about COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE Service, a cryptocurrency recovery company with 100% success stories. I didn’t hesitate to contact this company and I provided them with all the information including my wallet address, It took Spyweb Cyber Service 48 hours to recover my money. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend their service to everyone willing to recover their cryptocurrency funds. E-mail: [COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE@GMAIL.COM]

9 September 2023
Have you been scammed of your funds? I was a victim of this a few months ago where I invested a total of $5000 into a crypto investment trade. It was going well for the first 2 months and I was reinvesting with profits. Just to wake up one day and I was sent a message about how my account had been suspended by the Crypto company I invested in and I wouldn’t gain any more access to my account. This made me really depressed and I needed quick help. Thanks to a friend who linked me up with a recovery expert. He and his team helped me in recovering all my lost funds including profits. I am so grateful to have met him as he also guided me in confirming the right crypto companies to invest in. If you in any way need this help, email

Helen wilson
26 August 2023
I was duped some I regulated platform, but I wish I had not even paid credence to them. I lost a lot to them because they're not real. I am thankful for the opportunity to receive aid by Mr Jeff through his mail Jeffsilbert39 @ gmail. com. He supported me through reclaiming what I lost to them with little effort on my parts. Thank again, Jeff. You could also WhatsApp him privately at +.8,.4., 9.,4., 7,.6.,7, 1.,5..2,,4.

Ben Taylor
21 August 2023
RecoveryBureauC @ gmail c0m offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI technology has been the latest trick used by many fake cryptocurrency investment theft. I fell for this deceit just last week when I got a phone call from someone who impersonated my close friend and introduced me to this investment project. He describes just exactly like her and how she’s been benefiting from the profits of the investment so I decided to invest not knowing I would get tricked. I almost lost about 858,000 USDT of my inheritance funds and money borrowed from different loan agents on this Chinese investment platform. After few days of losing this huge funds I did thorough search for help and I found RecoveryBureauC @ gmail, c0m whom I reported my situation. I opened a case with this team and they assured me of a swift action immediately. To my surprise within few hours I reached out to them they were able to retrieve the first tranche of my stolen funds and the remaining subsequently. Their services were seamless and perfect without any hassle. I’m glad I got rescued and I’ll urge you to look this firm up for all asset recovery help. Other services are phone monitoring, catch a suspected cheating spouse, tax evasion, boost of credit scores, erasing of bad debts etc. This expert offers spot on services


WhatsApp: +56 9 3325 4446

Frank Thompson
21 August 2023

Sometimes in July, I got duped by a fake cryptocurrency investment website name which is now unreachable of about $235,000. I got lured into investing on this platform with the intent of earning 25percent of my investment monthly as profit. I thought it was a good project as they got many referrals on the internet not knowing I was just about to enrich a stranger. They took my funds and left me with nothing so I got disturbed. I searched the web to find a legitimate and genuine assets recovery personnel. After several searches I found RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL COM who has many truthful reviews on the internet describing his recovery services and how well he has helped several victims of internet theft retrieved their funds. I speedily contacted this expert at and hired him. He gave me few instructions and told me about the recovery procedure which I obliged. To my greatest surprise my funds got retrieved totally within few hours I hired him, this is the best service I ever got on the internet. If you need similar assistance on how to recover your stolen assets, send a detailed report of your case to this firm now for a spot on assistance. 


WhatsApp: +56 9 3325 4446

shedrack Avi
10 August 2023
Is it possible for scam victims to receive their money back? Yes, if you have been a victim of a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, you may be able to reclaim what was stolen from you, but only if you report it to the appropriate authorities. You may reclaim what you've lost with the appropriate strategy and evidence. Those in charge of these unregulated platforms would most likely try to persuade you that what happened to your money was an unfortunate occurrence when, in reality, it was a sophisticated theft. If you or someone you know has been a victim of these situations, you should know that there are resources available to assist you. Simply do a search about . It is never too late if you have the right information, your sanity can be restored or WhatsApp + 1 (470 ) 469-9769

Jay Doris
14 July 2023

Am here to testify about the handwork of A Great Verified Hacker ( Mr Morris Gray )Who helped me recover back my lost funds from the hands of scammers who Ripped me off my money and made me helpless, I could not afford to pay my bills after the whole incident, But a friend of mine helped me out by given me the contact info of trusted Recovery Expert, his email: Morris gray 830 @ gmail . com contact him or chat him up on (+1- /607-69 )8-0239 ) and he will help you recover your lost funds If you have been a victim of any binary/ cryptocurrency or online scam, Mobile spy, Mobile Hack contact this Trusted and Verified hacker, He is highly recommendable and was efficient in getting my lost funds back, 11btc of my lost funds was refunded back with his help, He is the Best in Hacking jobs, contact him ( MORRIS GRAY 830 AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM.….

17 June 2023
( MorrisGray830 At gmail Dot Com, is the man for the job ) This man is dedicated to his work and you can trust him more than yourself. I contacted him a year and a half Ago and he didn’t succeed. when i got ripped of $491,000 worth of bitcoins by scammers, I tried several recovery programs with no success too. I kept on. And now after so much time Mr Morris Gray contacted me with a success, and the reward he took was small because obviously he is doing this because he wants to help idiots like me who fell for crypto scam, and love his job. Of course he could have taken all the coins and not tell me , I was not syncing this wallet for a year, but he didn’t. He is the MAN guys , He is! If you have been a victim of crypto scam before you can trust Morris Gray 10000000%. I thought there were no such good genuine guys anymore on earth, but Mr Morris Gray brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you sir…you can reach him via ( MORRIS GRAY 830 at Gmaill dot com ) or Whatsapp +1 (607)698-0239..

Gray walker
23 May 2023
I was a victim approximately seven months ago. Through  a phishing scam, a grifter gained access to my account. They made off with 2.8 BTC. I was horrified. I attempted everything to get my money refunded by contacting support, but they can not even help me. However, a friend of mine told me about a recovery expert with the mail (jeffsilbert39 @ gmail • com). he assisted me in combating different investment fraudsters, but I can only thank God that I was able to reclaim my funds DM him on whatsapp +84 94 7671524.