es una plataforma de reseñas sobre criptomonedas, iniciada por un equipo internacional de periodistas financieros y entusiastas de las criptomonedas.
Hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para traerte la información más actualizada y completa sobre compañías de criptomonedas y blockchain.
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Bert Kozma is a writer and Editor-in-Chief at Previously a sales and marketing expert, he has been an author covering cryptocurrency and financial markets for the last decade. He holds a bachelor’s degree in international business from Saimaa University of Applied Sciences.
Financial journalist. I've been covering financial markets since 2005. Cryptocurrency writer since 2016. Love cooking, reading and spending time with my dogs.
Journalist, cryptocurrency enthusiast. I've being investing in cryptocurrencies since 2016. I hold a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering.
I am a financial journalist with 10 years of experience. Worked for many web publications. I have a Master's degree in political science. I've become especially interested in cryptocurrencies since 2017.
Author and journalist. Wannabe trader. I love swimming and playing basketball. Have an interest in martial arts.
Financial writer with over 10 years of experience. For most of my career I've been somehow involved in blockchain and cryptocurrencies among my other passions. Geek, tech junkie and sith lord.
Author and journalist. Have a bachelor's degree in History and several years of experience in different media