Crypto Dogfight: Should Investors Back Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, or Shiba Memu?

Crypto Dogfight: Should Investors Back Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, or Shiba Memu?
Sep 20, 2023 1
Crypto Dogfight: Should Investors Back Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, or Shiba Memu?

A multi-token meme coin showdown is underway in the cryptocurrency arena, featuring Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and the emerging contender, Shiba Memu. Each of these tokens has proven that the meme coin market is nothing to shake a stick at. Meme coins were originally seen as worthless, but the market sector is now worth over $15.4 billion, prompting investors to take these tokens seriously.

What do these coins offer, and can one of them prove itself as a better investment option than the rest?

The bark behind the coins: a quick intro to Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Shiba Memu

In the bustling world of cryptocurrencies, three canine contenders have caught the public's eye: Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and the new cryptocurrency, Shiba Memu. Let's take a quick sniff around to understand what each brings to the dog park.

First up, Shiba Inu. Originating as a meme coin like its predecessor Dogecoin, Shiba Inu has evolved into a serious project. With its recent focus on Shibarium, a blockchain network, Shiba Inu aims to make a mark in the metaverse and gaming sectors. But it's not all smooth sailing; the coin faced some hiccups during its initial launch, causing a temporary dip in its value.

Next, the OG meme coin, Dogecoin. Initially created as a joke, Dogecoin has found its way into the mainstream, thanks in part to high-profile endorsements like Elon Musk. Recently, the coin saw a 10% price bump due to speculation about its integration into the newly rebranded X platform. However, it's a volatile ride, with futures traders losing millions betting on its price.

Last but not least, the new cryptocurrency on the block, Shiba Memu. This pup is not just another meme coin; it's backed by unique AI capabilities and has recently extended its presale, offering investors a chance to double their profits.

So, which dog has the loudest bark and the biggest bite? Stick around as we dig deeper into these intriguing options.

AI: the reason Shiba Memu is the alpha dog

In the crowded kennel of meme coins, Shiba Memu stands out as the alpha dog, thanks to its groundbreaking AI capabilities. While Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have their merits, this new cryptocurrency is taking a tech-savvy leap into the future. But how exactly does AI set Shiba Memu apart, and what does it mean for its price?

Shiba Memu's AI technology is designed to optimize trading strategies, analyze market trends, and even predict price fluctuations. This isn't just a gimmick; it's a game-changer. By leveraging AI, Shiba Memu aims to offer a more stable and potentially profitable investment opportunity. Imagine a cryptocurrency that learns from its environment and adapts, much like a well-trained pooch responding to commands.

The AI capabilities not only add a layer of sophistication but also create a unique selling point that could drive up demand and, consequently, its price. While Shiba Inu has its Shibarium and Dogecoin has its celebrity endorsements, Shiba Memu has something neither can offer: the power of artificial intelligence.

So, when it comes to being the alpha in this dog-eat-dog world of cryptocurrencies, Shiba Memu's AI prowess gives it a leg up on the competition.

More chance to grow: Shiba Memu's presale gets an extension

The Shiba Memu presale operates on a unique model that features daily price hikes, creating a sense of urgency among potential investors. Each day, the price of Shiba Memu tokens increases, incentivizing early participation for maximum gains.

In a move that has tails wagging across the crypto community, Shiba Memu recently announced an extension of its presale, setting it apart from competitors like Shiba Inu and adding another twist to the new cryptocurrency landscape. Initially slated to end on September 1, the presale has now been extended to October 31. But what does this mean for potential investors and the coin's price?

The daily price of Shiba Memu tokens increases by $0.000225 at 18:00 BST (British Summer Time). Starting at $0.011125, the price is projected to reach around $0.0379 by the end of the extended presale, marking an increase of over 240% since the start of the presale on 4 July. 

The extension comes in response to a howl of requests from the community. New investors now have the same opportunity to make the 119% gains that early adopters have enjoyed. For those who've already thrown their bone into the Shiba Memu ring, the extension offers a chance to potentially double their profits. It's a win-win that could significantly impact the coin's price in a positive way.

The presale extension also adds fuel to the already blazing momentum Shiba Memu has garnered, with its presale raise already exceeding $2.2 million. While Shiba Inu may have its technological advancements and Dogecoin its celebrity backing, Shiba Memu is carving out its own niche, offering both technological innovation and extended investment opportunities.

Analysts are extremely bullish about the Shiba Memu presale, with estimates of a 50x increase by the time the new year rolls around, and even 100x by the time the Christmas trees go up in 2024.

So, if you're looking to fetch some serious profits, Shiba Memu's extended presale might just be the stick you want to chase.

Paws and reflect: which dog will fetch you the most profit?

As we reach the end of our leash in this crypto dogfight, it's time to paws and reflect on which canine contender could fetch you the most profit. We've sniffed around Shiba Inu's technological advancements, Dogecoin's celebrity endorsements, and the new cryptocurrency, Shiba Memu, with its unique AI capabilities and extended presale.

So, which pup should you adopt into your investment portfolio? Shiba Inu offers a promising future with its focus on Shibarium and potential applications in the metaverse and gaming. Dogecoin, the OG meme coin, has the backing of high-profile figures like Elon Musk but comes with the risk of market volatility.

However, Shiba Memu seems to offer the best of both worlds. Its AI capabilities provide a level of sophistication and potential stability that neither Shiba Inu nor Dogecoin can match. Add to that the extended presale, which offers both new and early investors a chance to make significant gains, and you have a compelling case for why Shiba Memu could be the alpha dog in this race.

In this dog-eat-dog world of cryptocurrencies, our final verdict leans towards Shiba Memu as the most promising option for investors looking to fetch some serious profits.


At the end of this comprehensive comparison, Shiba Memu stands out as the alpha dog in the cryptocurrency race. Offering both technological innovation and extended investment opportunities, this new cryptocurrency shows immense promise. With unique AI capabilities and a presale that has already raised exceeded $2.6m, Shiba Memu emerges as the most promising option for those seeking significant investment gains.

Shiba Memu tokens are now available at $0.0271 and will make an exciting addition to any well-balanced crypto portfolio. 

Find out more information and where you can buy SHMU during its presale.

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