Peercoin(PPC)是最早的数字硬币之一,于2012年发布。它是第一个将“权益证明”概念付诸实践的硬币。 Peercoin是一种点对点的加密货币,是可开采的。 PPC在交易所广泛存在。您也可以以法定货币购买该硬币。
比特币钻石目前基于加密货币X13协议。您可以在我们合作伙伴的窗口小部件上查看Bitcoin Diamond的市值和交易量。您也可以在Cryptogeek.info上看到最新的BCD价格。您可以在此处留下有关比特币钻石加密货币的反馈和评论。
CORE is a non-inflationary cryptocurrency that is designed to execute profit-generating strategies autonomously with a completely decentralized approach. In existing autonomous strategy-executing platforms a team or single developer is solely responsible for determining how locked funds are used to generate ROI. This is hazardous to the health of the fund as it grows, as it creates flawed incentives, and invites mistakes to be made. CORE does away with this dynamic and instead opts for one with decentralized governance.