Time New Bank(TNB)是一种ERC-20令牌,目前正逐步过渡到其自己的主网。这是用于根据时间价值传输资产的结算令牌。在撰写本文时,您可以在Bitfinex交易所上对基于以太坊的TNB代币兑美元进行交易。
缩写MIT代表MiaoA International Timechain。该平台的目的是开发时间价值传输网络。它的开发人员提供了一个钱包,您可以在其中保存私钥。
我们在这里欢迎您对Time New Bank加密货币的反馈和评论。
I think I like it. No issues here.
TNB is my fav. I'm rating it 5/5 and continue hodling :)
This system was able to amaze me with its multilevelness. The developers ended up with an excellent standardized system based on a scientific and analytical model. I think this could attract a lot of demand.