Coinbaseは銀行口座をリンクしても安全ですか? Coinbaseセキュリティ分析

Coinbaseは銀行口座をリンクしても安全ですか?  Coinbaseセキュリティ分析
Mar 30, 2022 45
Coinbaseは銀行口座をリンクしても安全ですか?  Coinbaseセキュリティ分析

コインベース 銀行口座をリンクするのは本当に安全ですか? ある時点で多くのトレーダー、投資家、cryptomarket愛好家がこの質問をしているかもしれません。 それでは、この質問に答えてみましょう。

すべてのcryptocurrencyトレーダーや投資家が行うべき最初のステップは何ですか,これはまた、同様に外国為替市場のようなものです,さらには株式市場? 答えは簡単です:いくつかのデューデリジェンスを行い、会社が正式に規制されているかどうかを検索します。 FINRA、NFA、SEC、FinCEN、FCAなどの当局によって規制されている場合、これらの金融規制当局はCoinbaseなどの金融サービスを提供する様々な企業を監視し、提供される規則やサー 

に関連する質問 コインベース 安全性は次のように答えることができます コインベース 米国では、ほとんどの米国の管轄区域でお金の送信に従事するためにライセンスされています。 さらに、CoinbaseはFinCENとのマネーサービス事業として登録されています。 



米国以外の国籍を持つ居住者のための国際的なレベルでは、英国に拠点を置くC.B.Payments Limitedと呼ばれる会社との契約があり、Financial Conduct Authorityによって承認されています。 


RedditのCoinbaseに関するいくつかの意見は、Coinbaseの安全性に関する多くの有用な情報を提供することができます。 120万人のユーザーを持つRedditのBitcoinコミュニティは、BitcoinとCoinbaseに関連する良い情報源です。 多くのユーザーは、Coinbaseが安全で信頼できるかどうかを尋ねます。 

そのような問題を持っていなかった人などの答えがあります。 多くの人々は、Coinbaseはあなたが呼び出すことができ、実際の顧客サポートとそこに最高の、最も信頼性の高い交換であると言います。 


多くの人々は、しかし、料金や手数料について文句を言います。 そして、過去に大きな取引所や鉱業プールがハッキングされ、お金の一部を失ったという事実についての懸念があります。 2019では、いくつかの注目すべき暗号通貨交換ハックは、Bitrue、GateHubに関連する物語です, バイナンス、Bithump、およびCoinBene。 しかし、いくつかの交換は正常にハッキングに耐えます。 例えば, HitBTC 2013年の発売以来、ほぼ最小の手数料を請求することは一度もハッキングされていません。







ただし、国際的な引き出しには違いがあり、Coinbase銀行の振込時間は異なる場合があります。 ヨーロッパのお客様の場合、引き出しには一から二営業日かかります。 カナダのお客様の場合、Coinbaseの転送時間はヨーロッパのお客様の場合と同じです。 

シンガポールのお客様の場合、引き出しを処理するための時間は少し高く、二から三営業日です。 シンガポールの顧客は、S$2.99手数料で引き出し要求を処理する同じ日のためのはるかに速い時間を望んでいる場合でも、オプションがあります。 欧州のお客様とカナダのお客様には、Coinbase銀行振込の手数料がかかります。 ヨーロッパの顧客のための手数料は€0,15であり、カナダの顧客のために、カナダドルを引き出すためにfee1手数料があります。


何について コインベース 銀行口座の確認? 

コインベース 機密情報を安全に保つために必要な手順を実行し、非常に機密情報の一つは、任意のユーザーまたは顧客の個人的な銀行口座です。 彼らは暗号化されたサーバーとSSL証明書を使用しますが、すべての従業員に厳格な身元確認があります。 米国のお客様は、数分以内に銀行口座を確認できます。 

実際の銀行認証情報はCoinbase自体には送信されません。 それでも、使用されている別のサードパーティのサービスがあり、Plaid Technologies,Inc.と呼ばれています。、アカウントのインスタント検証を提供する目的で。 彼らは即座に自分のアカウントを確認していた後、ユーザーはいつでも自分のオンラインバンキングパスワードを変更することができます。 

銀行口座は、お支払い方法ページをクリックして追加できます。 お客様は、メインアカウントページの右上にある[スタート]メニューを使用できます。 バンク-オブ-アメリカ、チェイス、シティバンクなどの様々な銀行の選択があります。 

オンラインバンキングのユーザー名とパスワードは、任意の米国の顧客、ワンタイム検証ステップのために要求されます。 銀行のセキュリティ手順に応じて、追加のセキュリティ質問をすることができます。 


預金の検証は、ユーザーのアカウントに二つの小さなテスト預金を実行する手順です。 二、三営業日後、ユーザーは、単に支払いページを使用して確認ボタンをクリックすることで、銀行口座を確認することができます。 正しい二つの預金金額を入力し、預金金額を確認を押すことにより、銀行口座が最終的に検証されます。 

ヨーロッパの顧客などの他の国籍の場合、Coinbase EURウォレットに完全なSEPA預金をする必要があります。 手順は簡単で、引き出しが完了するまでには1〜3営業日しかかかりません。

本文中に記載されている意見や評価は、記事の著者の見解であり、Cryptogeekの立場を表すものではない場合があります。 仮想通貨への投資と取引所での取引にはリスクが伴うことを忘れないでください。 決定を下す前に、市場とあなたが興味を持っている製品についてあなた自身の研究をすることを忘れないでください。

16 September, 3:07 PM
Please let them know that this a scam company I lost my funds to them thanks to 'JEFF for helping me in recovery my funds. Ema!led him for help (JeffSilbert 39 gma!l c0 m)
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16 September, 2:21 PM
hello guys i wan to say this because its risky because its easy for you to loss your funds to these fake trading platforms. i was a victim to a sc.m crypto global fx i lost 75% of all i had but am glad i was able to recover them back with the assistance of a financial consultant named Jeff i mail him vIa jeffsilbert 3 9 g mail com and he was there for me till the end i got my refunds.

Adams Uk
29 December 2023
They scammed me of £45,900 and denied me access to my account. I called them and they gave me another story and changed my account manager  got my money back when I reached out to a recovery expert via Gmail ( hoskey 44april@gmail .com or hoskeyteam@ proton. meto help me recover my money and it was successful.

Adams Fidelis
11 December 2023
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Mercy Brown
11 December 2023
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Bruce David
3 December 2023
Is it possible for one to recover lost in crypto, as the case may be, on your own; you will need the help of a qualified expert. An individual or group of persons who are skilled at operating within the crypto network are known as recovery specialists. They possess in-depth knowledge of the whole network, the appropriate software, and the secret keys necessary to track each transaction. I lost $64, 000 worth of Bitcoin in a binary option scam, but thanks to Mr. Jeff's great advice, I recovered every cent back. MAILING LIST: Jeffsilbert39 G mail + 1 (470 ) 469-9769.

Sheile Navarro
11 November 2023
One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $140,000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months. I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met Olivia who is A recovery expert that works with Olivia Trader affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law firm. he worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact her via
mail: oliviatrader 44 @
WhatsApp +1 (423) 248 - 2140

Grace .O. Addisson
6 November 2023
I also lost about $175,000 to a Greenfield Capital broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam binary options, dating scams and fake ICOs.
However , I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of a recovery professional named Jeff Silbert, and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to scam.
you can reach out to him by searching by Contacting Below:
Email: Jeffsilbert 39 g mail c0m.
What app + 1 (470 ) 469-9769

29 October 2023
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Rita Alison
26 October 2023
got me so disappointed as i tried to get help,
Damn This people took so much from me, i was referred to Hoskey Team by a frnd via hoskeyteam@proton .me
are Expert Wizard in technology and i was able to Recover all invested Funds including my profit in Total, My advice is we all stay aware from Negative comments , Stay Caution You all

Anastácia Joaquín
26 October 2023
I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about a Recovery Expert Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. I would highly recommend Jeanson James Ancheta wizard agent to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. He is the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. Kindly reach out to him if you need any help.( or WhatsApp number: +447529524472.

Adams Uk
23 October 2023
Crypto mining is good with a positive platform, But when join the wrong platform you get your Investment lost,
is never late you can retrive back invested crypto as i Got my money back when I reached out to a recovery expert via mails...hoskeyteam@ proton. me
to help me recover my money and it was successful.

19 September 2023
Thankfully, folks that have fallen victim to these online trading Ponzi companies are getting back their money with the help of COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE. In case you ever lost your Crypto Assets to these internet fraudsters, You can recover your lost funds with the aid of this Expert too. COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE is a licensed Cryptocurrency Hacker with a US base who specializes in finding lost coins and bitcoin. The Expert protected my retirement assets from an online scammer. Contact Captain WebGenesis if you're a victim searching for an ethical hacker to get your money back. CONTACT INFO[COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE@GMAIL.COM]

19 September 2023
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8 September 2023
I know and can recommend a very efficient and trustworthy hacker. I got his email address on Quora , he is a very nice and he has helped me a couple of times even helped me recover stolen funds in my Coinbase account at a very affordable price. he offers a top notch service and I am really glad I contacted him. He's the right person you need to talk to if you want to retrieve your stolen crypto currencies & bitcoin accounts, deleted/old texts, call logs ,emails ,photos and also hack any of your spouse’s social network account Facebook,
twitter, Instagram, messenger chats, snapchat, reddit, telegram, tinder and WhatsApp, He offers a legit and wide range of hacking services. His charges are affordable and reliable, This is my way of showing appreciation for a job well done. contact him for help via address below..
Email : Leonardomitnickhacking@gmail. com

Patricial Morg
7 September 2023
Hello Audience, My Gratitude Goes to Mrs Hoskey Recovery Expert ORG, and it would be selfish of me if I don't recommend them
I got my Invested monies all back, always make sure you are Trading with an Honest Broker not Lexatrade i fully recommend the Hockey Team in Crypto Ordeals through <
https: // Telephone {what app) +44 79 49 40 31 32.

Digital Agency
7 September 2023
Search here

26 August 2023
Big FRAUD - Please do NOT invest - READ review

I request whoever reading this review to please NOT to invest in Lexatrade. This is a big fraud.

* They talk nicely before investing
* Show profits early staged
* Plead you to add more funds
* There is not withdrawal option please note this. You need take approval from these. Scam people which will never happen
If you insist for withdrawal they will advice to open a deal against the market trends and you will lose all you funds in one deal

I have been a victim about seven months back. Con artist gained access to my wallet through a phishing scam. They stole 2.8 BTC. I was devastated. I did everything to get back my funds by contacting the support, but there was nothing they could do. Finally, a friend told me about a recovery Expert named Jeff Silbert mail ( jeffsilbert39 gmail. com ); he helped fight against various investment scams, and I could only thank God I got my funds recovered at +84 94 767 1524.

Frank Thompson
21 August 2023
RecoveryBureauC @ gmail c0m offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI technology has been the latest trick used by many fake cryptocurrency investment theft. I fell for this deceit just last week when I got a phone call from someone who impersonated my close friend and introduced me to this investment project. He describes just exactly like her and how she’s been benefiting from the profits of the investment so I decided to invest not knowing I would get tricked. I almost lost about 858,000 USDT of my inheritance funds and money borrowed from different loan agents on this Chinese investment platform. After few days of losing this huge funds I did thorough search for help and I found RecoveryBureauC @ gmail, c0m whom I reported my situation. I opened a case with this team and they assured me of a swift action immediately. To my surprise within few hours I reached out to them they were able to retrieve the first tranche of my stolen funds and the remaining subsequently. Their services were seamless and perfect without any hassle. I’m glad I got rescued and I’ll urge you to look this firm up for all asset recovery help. Other services are phone monitoring, catch a suspected cheating spouse, tax evasion, boost of credit scores, erasing of bad debts etc


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