Security: Personal
Anonymity: Low
Ease of use: Easy
Has vouchers and offers: yes
Platforms: Hardware, Windows, Android
ValidationType: Centralized
Sep 11, 2020

Swiss Bank In Your Pocket is a new Hardware wallet for Windows and Android with a defining feature called "Dynamic Key Creation" that allows private keys to be created by the user and never be stored, either on a device or a third party server.

A PC and smartphone applications need to be downloaded. The PC Application interacts with the phone over Bluetooth with an encrypted connection.

By visiting the website and entering your email, you will get access to download the platform. The Swiss Bank In Your Pocket app does not require the user to download the blockchain. This device is available for 99€.

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Cartman 2 March 2023

I didn't find information about a hardware wallet, I see only news about cryptocurrency.

Rocco Yu 2 November 2021

In comparison with the more famous hardware wallets, this one definitely loses. I'm still not sure if it was the right decision to give money for it.

Security: Personal
Anonymity: Low
Ease of use: Easy
Has vouchers and offers: yes
Platforms: Hardware, Windows, Android
ValidationType: Centralized
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