Seite: bonpay.com
Security: Third Party
Anonymity: Low
Ease of use: Easy
Features: 2 Factor Authentication
Platforms: Web
ValidationType: Centralized
Sep 03, 2020

BonPay is a project by a a team of Bitcoin enthusiasts with the aim Bitcoin transfers more simple, safe and seamless. It includes a wide range of solutions, from Bitcoin storage to plastic or virtual card, helping to pay with Bitcoin anywhere. 

The BonPay wallet is a web-based Bitcoin wallet that makes transactions simple. It features a two-factor authentication (2FA) holding the fort and the ability to make purchases with Bitcoin or withdraw cash instantly at any place, where MasterCard® is accepted.

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Kastro 24 January 2021

Debit card deposits go smoothly.

Bruce david
6 August 2023
I fell victim to some scam forex trading platform and I lost a lot of my funds to them but thanks to Lisa for her help in getting my funds recovered. She work with a recovery company called Lost funds rescue and you can as well reach to their webmail via support @ Lfrescue. org. I got all my funds recovered after reporting to Mrs Lisa via her mail Lisa.Eric @ proton .me or WhatsApp + 1 (470 ) 469-9769 if you need help in getting your lost funds back as well.
Seite: bonpay.com
Security: Third Party
Anonymity: Low
Ease of use: Easy
Features: 2 Factor Authentication
Platforms: Web
ValidationType: Centralized
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