Land: China
Gegründet: 2018
Seite: bilaxy.com
Volumen: $ 986,043,033.0
Paare: 157
App: iOS, Android
Full address: Hong Kong (The exchange does not disclose the exact location of its office)
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Grade points: 0.00
May 29, 2020

Bilaxy ist eine zentralisierte Kryptowährungsbörse, die 2018 eingeführt wurde. Sein gemeldetes Volumen beträgt etwa $ 98-105 mln. Der Austausch ist sowohl in englischer als auch in chinesischer Version verfügbar. 

Bilaxy hat 157 verfügbare Handelspaare und 134 Münzen. Exchange bietet die Möglichkeit, mit einer Reihe verschiedener Altcoins gegen die ETH zu handeln. Die Händler werden keinen Fiat-Devisenhandel finden, und es gibt auch keinen Handel gegen BTC. 

Bilaxy berechnet eine Auszahlungsgebühr von 0.01 ETH, wenn Sie Ether abheben. Einzahlungen sind an der Börse kostenlos. 

Die Börse verlangt, die KYC-Überprüfung abzuschließen, um mit dem Handel auf der Plattform fortzufahren. Es gibt ein Empfehlungsprogramm für die Exchange-Benutzer.

Unsere Bewertung
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
Unsere Bewertung
4 / 5
Pros and Cons
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Marian 2 January 2022

Withdrawal fees are insane! If I want to withdraw my 500$ I need to pay 7000$ as fees! I have my money in Bilaxy from more then one year and I can’t withdraw! Scammers!

2 March 2023
Hello, I’m sorry to hear that your $7000 is being held, similar issues happened to me and I take the prominent action by contacting N ė L L c å p i TaL• org
Влад 3 June 2021

Биржа мошенник! Будьте осторожны! Прилагаю скрин. Под видом технического обслуживания кошелька ARRR (Пират) уже неделю как заморозили кошелек и просят немножко подождать, терпеливо, как они сами выражаются. Количество Arrr около 1000 монет.

Review image
Angel 24 April 2021

Llevo 3 días y aún no me han confirmado un retiro. Lamentable

Salvatore D'Acunzo 7 March 2021


blah 13 February 2021

very poor. Their platform is excessively slow, they do not offer market trading, do not offer stop loss, plus require bs KYC do not use this exchange

Land: China
Gegründet: 2018
Seite: bilaxy.com
Volumen: $ 986,043,033.0
Paare: 157
App: iOS, Android
Full address: Hong Kong (The exchange does not disclose the exact location of its office)
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Grade points: 0.00
Vergleichen mit
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Trotz eines gewissen Rückgangs der Popularität und Nachfrage nach digitalen Münzen setzen viele Benutzer diese weiterhin aktiv ein. Dies wird durch die spezifischen Merkmale und Fähigkeiten von Kryptowährungen begünstigt. Oft muss eine Art von Krypto gegen eine andere Münze ausgetauscht werden. Was ist zu tun? In diesem Artikel werden wir eine der besten Lösungen für den Kryptowährungsaustausch betrachten - Changelly. Ist es sicher genug und einen Versuch wert? Ist Changelly legal? Ist Changelly Betrug? Alle diese Fragen werden in diesem Artikel beantwortet.
Kraken wurde 2011 gegründet und zwei Jahre später offiziell eröffnet. Es ist einer der ältesten aktiven Kryptowährungsbörsen. Kraken bietet effiziente Handelsmöglichkeiten in zahlreichen Fiat-Währungen. Derzeit ist das Unternehmen weltweit führend in Bezug auf das Handelsvolumen von Bitcoin zu Euro. Die Börse unterstützt sowohl Krypto- und Fiat-Einzahlungen als auch Auszahlungen.

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