Bitcoin Gold (BTG) ist eine Bitcoin-Gabelung, die 2017 stattfand. Das ursprüngliche Ziel der Schaffung von Bitcoin Gold bestand darin, den Grad der Dezentralisierung des Bitcoin-Netzwerks zu erhöhen, da sich herausstellte, dass der größte Teil des Netzwerks von wenigen Mining-Pools kontrolliert wird.
Nectar was originally launched in 2017 by the Bitfinex spin-off exchange, Ethfinex — a team based out of London, UK — with the purpose of rewarding market makers for the value they create whilst simultaneously serving as the primary voting mechanism, allowing traders to govern the exchange and decide, among other things, which tokens they wish to see listed next. The project was designed to experiment with and develop novel governance processes with the aim of solving pain points seen with centralized exchanges including opaque and costly token listing procedures.
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