CoinBene 是一家成立于2017的加密货币交易所。 它位于新加坡,以其调整后的交易量保持领先地位。 该交易所有超过70个硬币上市,几乎200个活跃市场。 像市场上的许多交易所一样,CoinBene有一个本地令牌,您可以使用它来减少交易费用。 CoinBene的令牌(CONI)将交易费用减半至0.05。
Stay away. Coins disappears there. My wife has lost her savings on this exchange. We are taking all steps to recover this and will report to the authorities in both the Singapore and the US.
I had my coin deposited into Coinbene, needed to transfer it to another exchange and then it disappeared. I have written more than 20 emails to them and they have been unable to credit my account.
KYC policies look good, so I created an account, but then when I was about to deposit my ETC, I see that their ETC deposits are disabled; FML.
CoinBene was advised by friends.In General, I am not disappointed,everything is fine.