国: Singapore
ローンチ: 2018
ウェブサイト: www.liquid.com
ボリューム: $ 11,927,756.0
ペア: 286
モバイルアプリ: iOS, Android
Full address: 2-2-1 Kyobashi Chuou-ku Tokyo Japan
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Grade points: 0.00
May 26, 2020

Liquidは、2018年に日本のQuoinexおよびQryptos取引所に基づいた新しい取引所です。LiquidのWorld Bookは、Quoineのマッチングエンジン、スマートオーダールーティング、およびクロスカレンシー変換エンジンのテクノロジーを活用して、流動性ソースのグローバルネットワークを組み合わせています。

Liquidはグローバルに調達された取引プラットフォームであり、複数のフィアット通貨と多数のコインとトークンをサポートしています。現時点では、200を超える市場が利用可能です。 Liquidには、強力な製品機能と、リアルタイムの通貨換算などの高度な取引ツールがあります。トレーダーには、エアドロップ、取引手数料の割引、プラットフォームのネイティブトークンであるQASHなどのさまざまなメリットがあります。この取引所はモバイルアプリをサポートしているため、トレーダーはいつでもポートフォリオを管理できます。

Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
4 / 5
Pros and Cons

Liquid に関するレビューを書いてください。他の人が製品を選ぶ際にこのレビューが極めて重要になる場合があります。不正確な情報や理不尽な批判は避けてください。



Kelly Brutt 22 Jan

Online Bitcoin trading is one of the most popular means through which scammers use to defraud people online, i lost over $91k investing my bitcoin with a fake company, A lot of people are still passing through it now which is very bad some are yet to recover from the trauma but the good news is that most of those funds are stocked in a hidden wallet of the scammer before is liquefied. I was once a victim, I lost about $91k worth of bitcoin investing with a fake company it was recovery agency that helped me to trace it from the scammer's hidden wallet and retrieve it back to me without any upfront charges in fact I was so glad with this, I can confidently recommend this free recovery agency to anyone that desires their assistance. kindly contact the email address below for more information or help on how to successfully recover back your funds.
Mail: maciofonespyrix@gmail.com
Instagram: Zipcrak

melisa levy 19 Jan

As a newbie to cryptocurrency, I lost a lot of money up to $170,000 I would like to express my gratitude to Expert Bernie Doran for their exceptional assistance in recovering my funds from a forex broker. Their expertise and professionalism in navigating the complex process were truly commendable. Through their guidance and relentless efforts, I was able to successfully retrieve my funds of $170,000, providing me with much-needed relief. I highly recommend him on Gmail - Berniedoransignals@ gmail. com to anyone facing similar challenges, as their dedication and commitment to helping clients are truly impressive. Thank you, Bernie doran, for your invaluable support in resolving this matter.

Евгений 4 April 2022

Биржа полный отстой, я таких еще не видел, когда я ее нашел, то радовался что тут низкие комиссии на покупку USDt, я совершил несколько покупок данной криптовалюты с помощью банковской карты и GPay, но одна моя сделка на 500$ и вторая на 360.82$ была совершена не успешно, а именно деньги списались с карты, а на балансе биржи так и не появились и почвились ошибки вида
"Недействительное состояние транзакции
Your card has not been charged.

Ваша транзакция перешла в незавершенное состояние."

В банке заверили что деньги списаны, а на биржу я пишу уже 4-й день: начал с онлайн чата, 3 открыл и писал каждый день ответа не было ни единого раза, писал в Фейсбук, на электронную почту тоже пишу, искал любые контакты не смог. Мне все еще никто не ответил, надеялся хоть сегодня в понедельник придет ответ, но нет. Это биржа СКАМ.

Самое интересное что часть покупок USDt была успешной и я вывел их из биржи, так как все происходит автоматом. Кстати комиссия TRC-20 тут целых 5 USDt!

Robert 29 January 2020

I like the number of coins.

国: Singapore
ローンチ: 2018
ウェブサイト: www.liquid.com
ボリューム: $ 11,927,756.0
ペア: 286
モバイルアプリ: iOS, Android
Full address: 2-2-1 Kyobashi Chuou-ku Tokyo Japan
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Grade points: 0.00
HitBTC Cryptocurrency Exchangeは、エストニアの専門家とイスラエルの起業家によって2013年に作成されたプラットフォームで、300以上の暗号通貨ペアを取引できます。このプラットフォームは2013年に立ち上げられ、その投資額は約600万ドルでした。
デジタルコインの人気と需要はある程度減少しましたが、多くのユーザーは引き続きデジタルコインを積極的に使用しています。これは、暗号通貨の特定の機能によって好まれます。多くの場合、あるタイプの暗号を別のコインと交換する必要があります。何をすべきか?この記事では、暗号通貨の交換に最適なソリューションの1つであるChangellyについて検討します。それは十分に安全で、試す価値がありますか?チャンゲリーは合法ですか? Changellyは詐欺ですか?これらの質問はすべて、この記事で回答されます。
シンガポールに拠点を置く取引所BitMaxは2018年に開始されました。 現在、交換は調整されたボリュームによってトップ100の真ん中にあります。 取引所には、法定入出金はありません。 のプラットフォームにより高いカスタマイズできるチャート作成を試みることができ詳細な解析としています。

List of coins