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Liquid - revue de la bourse et avis des utilisateurs

Pays: Singapore
Lancé: 2018
Le volume: $ 11,927,756.0
Paires: 286
Application mobile: iOS, Android
Full address: 2-2-1 Kyobashi Chuou-ku Tokyo Japan
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Grade points: 0.00
Avis d'expert
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May 26, 2020

Liquid est un nouvel échange basé sur les échanges japonais Quoinex et Qryptos en 2018. Liquid's World Book combine un réseau mondial de sources de liquidité en tirant parti des technologies Matching Engine, Smart Order Routing et Cross Currency Conversion Engine de Quoine.

Liquid est une plateforme de trading d'origine mondiale qui prend en charge plusieurs devises fiduciaires et un grand nombre de pièces et jetons. À ce moment, il y a plus de 200 marchés disponibles. Liquid possède des fonctionnalités produit puissantes et des outils de trading sophistiqués comme la conversion de devises en temps réel. Les traders ont une gamme d'avantages tels que des parachutages, des remises sur les frais de trading et le jeton natif de la plateforme de gains, QASH. Cet échange prend en charge l'application mobile afin que les traders puissent gérer leur portefeuille à tout moment.

Notre note
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
Notre note
4 / 5
Pros and Cons
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Avis d'utilisateurs
Евгений 4 April 2022

Биржа полный отстой, я таких еще не видел, когда я ее нашел, то радовался что тут низкие комиссии на покупку USDt, я совершил несколько покупок данной криптовалюты с помощью банковской карты и GPay, но одна моя сделка на 500$ и вторая на 360.82$ была совершена не успешно, а именно деньги списались с карты, а на балансе биржи так и не появились и почвились ошибки вида
"Недействительное состояние транзакции
Your card has not been charged.

Ваша транзакция перешла в незавершенное состояние."

В банке заверили что деньги списаны, а на биржу я пишу уже 4-й день: начал с онлайн чата, 3 открыл и писал каждый день ответа не было ни единого раза, писал в Фейсбук, на электронную почту тоже пишу, искал любые контакты не смог. Мне все еще никто не ответил, надеялся хоть сегодня в понедельник придет ответ, но нет. Это биржа СКАМ.

Самое интересное что часть покупок USDt была успешной и я вывел их из биржи, так как все происходит автоматом. Кстати комиссия TRC-20 тут целых 5 USDt!

Robert 29 January 2020

I like the number of coins.

Pays: Singapore
Lancé: 2018
Le volume: $ 11,927,756.0
Paires: 286
Application mobile: iOS, Android
Full address: 2-2-1 Kyobashi Chuou-ku Tokyo Japan
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Fees: Trading fees:
Crypto/Fiat- 0% (free)
Crypto/Crypto- 0.15% execution value for market taker / -0.075% execution value (rebate) for market maker

(If the user chooses to pay the trading fee using QASH, there will be a 50% discount applies only to crypto/crypto pairs for market takers.)

Trading fee for margin trades made in all pairs (crypto/crypto and crypto/fiat) is 0.05%.

Crypto deposit fee: 0% (free)
Fiat deposit fee:
-SBI Japan (JPY): local transaction fee;
-Swapforex (USD, AUD, SGD, EUR): zero fees;
-UAB Misterango (EUR - for deposits within SEPA): Processing fee of 0.99 EUR is applied by UAB Mistertango. Note that if your account is also held at UAB Mistertango, zero fees is charged.

Crypto withdrawals fee: 0% (Free)
Fiat withdrawals fee:
-USD: 5 USD;
-SGD: 5 SGD;
-EUR: 5 EUR;
-AUD: 5 AUD;
-JPY: Liquid fee 500 JPY + local bank fee 216 JPY (applied only if recipient bank account is local).

Payment processor charges:
-Swapforex: 35.25 USD equivalent per transaction;
-UAB Mistertango (SEPA payments only): 0.99 EUR per transaction, or zero if the beneficiary account is held at UAB Mistertango.

Lending fee:
-"Interest Payment Fee" is 50% of Interest Transfer and is collected by Liquid from the lender whenever Interest Transfer is credited.
Grade points: 0.00
Comparer avec
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List of coins