País: International
Lanzado: 2017
Security: Third Party
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: Centralized
Revisión experta
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Sep 23, 2020

Nexo Lending platform is a blockchain-based platform that provides crypto-backed loans to its customers. That's why Nexo lending is also known as the instant crypto line of credit where one can get extra cash in USD or EUR without having to relinquish their ownership of cryptocurrencies at the same time.

Nuestra calificación
Security 3 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Ease of use 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Nuestra calificación
3.6 / 5
Pros and Cons

- Determinista Jerárquico
- Amigable


- Falta de Autenticación de Dos factores
- Sin Firma múltiple

Escríbe tu opinión
Por favor elija su calificación
Tu reseña

Deja tu comentario sobre Nexo Wallet aquí. Por favor recuerda de que tu opinión puede ser crucial para el usuario al momento de elegir un producto, así que trata de evitar impreciciones y críticas irrazonables.

Tu nombre
Tu correo

Su correo no se mostrará en el sitio

Reseñas de los usuarios
Alex Osazuwa otote 28 December 2024

It's an horn to accept the this rewards thanks

Nicky 24 June 2021

Seems to be OK

Ethan Avril
15 December 2023
Maria Renee, God I'll keep blessing you , I got my withdrawal yesterday. bitcoin trader is still the very best platform I have experience myself, because they are very reliable and legit too, I invested $1000 to earn $12,500……everything was so easy than I thought, I kindly recommend Maria Renee, you're the best trader I can recommended for anyone who wants to invest and trade with a genuine trader.. If you have interest kindly contact her via. Email:
Telegram: @Mariarenee820
WhatsApp: +17326309483
I love you all.
God bless you.
Nicole 11 May 2021

Nice. Liked using it.

Ethan Avril
15 December 2023
Maria Renee, God I'll keep blessing you , I got my withdrawal yesterday. bitcoin trader is still the very best platform I have experience myself, because they are very reliable and legit too, I invested $1000 to earn $12,500……everything was so easy than I thought, I kindly recommend Maria Renee, you're the best trader I can recommended for anyone who wants to invest and trade with a genuine trader.. If you have interest kindly contact her via. Email:
Telegram: @Mariarenee820
WhatsApp: +17326309483
I love you all.
God bless you.
Saramago 7 February 2021

It says that I could get a more profit, like additional 12 % but I still condfused and I didn't get it.

País: International
Lanzado: 2017
Security: Third Party
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: Centralized
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