Estafas Comunes de NFT y Consejos de Seguridad

Estafas Comunes de NFT y Consejos de Seguridad
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Feb 03, 2023 138
Estafas Comunes de NFT y Consejos de Seguridad

Con el rápido avance de la tecnología blockchain y el aumento de Popularidad de las NFT en los últimos años, programadores, jugadores, artistas e incluso adolescentes tienen más oportunidades.

Desafortunadamente, los artistas falsos y otros estafadores que buscan ganancias también han notado nuevas oportunidades. NFT pueden operar en varias cadenas de bloques, pero se centran en gran medida en la cadena de bloques Ethereum. Por lo general, apuntan a un archivo de imagen y actúan como un certificado digital para un solo objeto. Comprender cómo reconocer y evitar estafas se ha vuelto crucial debido al riesgo de pérdida financiera.

Este artículo incluye consejos sobre cómo prevenir las estafas comunes de NFT, así como una lista completa de los tipos de estafas de NFT. Nuestra investigación de los fraudes de NFT proporciona información sobre las estafas que han perseguido al sector desde su debut.

Mercados Falsos

Esta categoría incluye mercados falsos y billeteras que imitan a las legítimas que se distribuyen con frecuencia a través de varios canales, como foros, correos electrónicos, redes sociales y otros. El engaño radica en las sutiles diferencias en el diseño o la URL del sitio web que dificultan a los usuarios distinguir entre empresas falsas y confiables. Esto puede provocar que los usuarios desprevenidos sean engañados y que sus activos estén en riesgo.

Ofertas Falsas

Cuando la criptomoneda con la que enumeró sus productos sufre un cambio, puede conducir a una estafa de oferta. Esto sucede cuando un comprador potencial realiza la oferta más alta sin informarle.

Esta estafa ocurre cuando vende su trabajo en el mercado secundario para que pueda ser víctima de ofertas falsas. Esto ocurre cuando un comprador ofrece pagarle 1 USD en lugar del 1 ETH acordado por su trabajo.

Soporte Técnico Falso

En las plataformas de redes sociales relacionadas con proyectos de tokens no fungibles, los estafadores a menudo se hacen pasar por representantes de servicio al cliente para robar activos almacenados en las billeteras de los usuarios al obtener sus claves privadas.

Estafa de Sorteo

Las estafas de regalos son una forma de engaño en la que los estafadores se hacen pasar por un intercambio de buena reputación o una figura conocida para organizar un concurso falso. Solicitan que se les envíe una cierta cantidad de bitcoin a cambio de la oportunidad de ganar la mitad del "sorteo". Sin embargo, una vez que se envían los fondos, no se pueden recuperar debido a la naturaleza irreversible de las transacciones de bitcoin, lo que permite a los estafadores obtener ganancias.

Tiradores de Alfombra

Las estafas de tirar de alfombras han ganado notoriedad por su capacidad de pasar desapercibidas hasta que es demasiado tarde. Los estafadores generan entusiasmo en torno a un proyecto para atraer inversiones y luego lo abandonan repentinamente, de manera similar a las tácticas de bombeo y descarga. A menudo lo hacen una vez que han agotado los fondos de los inversores, luego desaparecen de las redes sociales y eliminan todo el dinero de sus billeteras.

NFT falsificados

El propietario de una obra de arte no es equivalente a poseer el original o tener control sobre los derechos de propiedad intelectual de una obra de arte. Cualquier imagen se puede transformar en obra de arte en plataformas como OpenSea, incluso si no posee los derechos sobre ella. Las personas engañosas pueden explotar esto reproduciendo NFT del trabajo de otro usuario, engañando a los compradores para que crean que están adquiriendo obras de arte auténticas y luego vendiendo la imitación en el mercado. Una vez que se expone el engaño, el trabajo falso pierde su valor por completo.

Bomba y Descarga

Los estafadores recurren a estrategias de bombeo y descarga para aumentar artificialmente el precio de su colección con la intención de obtener ganancias. Para lograr esto, publican múltiples ofertas en rápida sucesión para despertar el entusiasmo por la caída. Cuando los precios alcanzan un cierto punto, los estafadores venden sus tenencias, dejando a los compradores desprevenidos con las obras de arte por las que han pagado en exceso.

¿Cómo se protege de las estafas de NFT?

Esta guía fue creada para ayudarlo a defenderse de las estafas de NFT aprendiendo a identificarlas y evitarlas. Los pasos esenciales a tener en cuenta incluyen verificar enlaces y sitios web, realizar investigaciones de antecedentes, verificar la moneda transaccional y usar solo cuentas verificadas. Es crucial no dar contraseñas y examinar cuidadosamente el historial de transacciones y los datos de la billetera de una colección antes de comprarla. Verifique la cantidad de transacciones y compradores en plataformas como OpenSea para mayor seguridad contra el fraude de bombeo y descarga. Comuníquese con el artista a través de las redes sociales para mayor seguridad.

Es necesario hacer una investigación de antecedentes fundamentales y confirmar la autenticidad de la fuente. El siguiente paso es verificar que el sitio web sea legítimo y que los antecedentes de la cuenta del vendedor sean confiables.

Verificar la moneda transaccional antes de comenzar las transacciones ayudará a prevenir estafas.

Para evitar la estafa de soporte falso, asegúrese de acceder solo a un canal de telegram o servidor de Discord específico a través de la página o sitio oficial de un creador.

Puede evitar estafas falsificadas asegurándose de que cualquier trabajo que compre en un mercado provenga de una cuenta verificada.


Fraude los incidentes están apareciendo cada vez con más frecuencia a medida que el ecosistema se desarrolla y crece. Es crucial informarse sobre las estrategias que utilizan los estafadores en el mercado y mantenerse al día con las leyes y desarrollos tecnológicos más recientes en el sector si uno quiere protegerse de estos esquemas. A pesar de que Estafas de NFT cada vez son más comunes, hay precauciones que puede tomar para proteger sus activos. En primer lugar, debe proteger su billetera de los piratas informáticos y nunca divulgar sus claves privadas. Se recomienda establecer su cuenta en una billetera confiable para reducir aún más la posibilidad de ser presa de sitios comerciales sospechosos. Hay una serie de dispositivos digitales bien conocidos carteras disponible para que usted seleccione.

Las opiniones y valoraciones expresadas en el texto son las opiniones del autor del artículo y pueden no representar la posición de Cryptogeek. No olvide que invertir en criptomonedas y operar en el intercambio está asociado con el riesgo. Antes de tomar decisiones, asegúrese de hacer su propia investigación sobre el mercado y los productos que le interesan.

Manela Rios
26 November 2023
I was so frustrated when I lost my entire savings investing in cryptocurrency, I was contacted online by a lady through email pretending to be an account manager of a bank, who told me I could double my savings through cryptocurrency investment. I never imagined it was be a scam and I was going to lose everything. It went on for weeks until I realized that I had been scammed. All hope was lost, I was devastated and broke.  Fortunately, I came across an article on Reddit about HackProf, I contacted them and provided all the information regarding my case. I was amazed at how quickly they recovered my funds. Contact them on Hackingprofessional3 AT g m a i l d oot c o m

Chad Crabtree
24 November 2023
It might be equally disheartening as losing the key to your virtual vault when your wallet credentials are lost. But worry not—Adware Recovery Specialist has the master key to uncover your wealth in digital form. They make use of sophisticated methods to retrieve your misplaced wallet credentials, restoring your access to your Bitcoins. It's similar to having a digital locksmith on your own that can unlock your virtual safe. When it comes to recovering lost or stolen Bitcoins, Adware Recovery Specialist pulls out all the stops. They investigate hacks and breaches with the determination of a bloodhound on the scent. They leave no digital stone unturned, utilizing their expert skills to trace the elusive trails that lead to your missing cryptocurrency. It's like watching a digital treasure hunt, but with a lot more zeros and ones. Adware Recovery Specialist is investigating if your Bitcoins have been pilfered. Like a digital bounty hunter, they follow the stolen money everywhere, making no omissions in their pursuit of what is properly yours. It is like to viewing a Hollywood heist film, in which the good guys consistently prevail. It is possible to recover your Bitcoins if you are unfortunate enough to lose them or have them stolen. Equipped with their digital skills and unyielding tenacity, Adware Recovery Specialist is coming to save the day. They are your go-to heroes in the digital world, prepared to restore your confidence in the enchanted realm of cryptocurrencies and recover any lost or stolen Bitcoins. If you want to get your valuable bitcoins back, you need to act quickly. Understanding this, Adware Recovery Specialist has perfected their quick and effective recovery method. They get to work quickly to retrieve your misplaced money by using state-of-the-art technologies and their knowledge. These Adware get you back on track quickly; there's no need to sit around for weeks or months.

Contact info:
WhatsApp ‪+1 (937) 500‑9144

Marcie Dove
17 November 2023
Bitcoin, the digital currency that has taken the world by storm, has become increasingly popular in recent years. With its decentralized nature and potential for high returns, it's no wonder that more and more people are investing in Bitcoin. However, along with its rise in popularity comes the risk of loss. Losing your hard-earned Bitcoin can be disastrous, regardless of whether it was caused by hostile hackers, human error, or a technological malfunction. Anyone would lose sleep at night imagining all that money vanishing out of thin air. Adrian Lamo Hacker and other recovery services can help with it. Losing Bitcoin is not just a financial setback; it can have far-reaching consequences. Imagine losing your life savings or a significant investment in the blink of an eye. It can lead to feelings of frustration, despair, and even regret. Thankfully, there is a ray of brightness. Recovery services are experts at helping people find their misplaced Bitcoin, providing a semblance of hope to those who had given up on life. It's true what they say, "better late than never," and every attempt is worthwhile in the case of retrieving lost Bitcoin. Adrian Lamo Hacker is a well-known brand when it comes to recovering lost Bitcoin. They have established themselves as a dependable resource for people in need thanks to their knowledge and specialized services. Adrian Lamo Hacker offers a solution for any scenario, from getting money back from misplaced wallets to getting stolen Bitcoin back from compromised exchanges. Call Adrian Lamo Hacker for assistance through


WhatsApp: ‪+1 (313) 213‑2442


15 November 2023
FOR BEST RECOVERING AND HACKING SERVICE CONTACT (GHOSTCHAMPIONWIZARD AT GMAIL DOT COM).. Be warned, most of these hackers called here are imposters, I know how real hackers work, they never advertise in such a gullible way and they are always discreet. I was tricked so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to RECOVERY my funds from online crypto i invested a sum of $798,456 USDT and when i was in need of funds i tried to withdraw about $240,000 USDT but the site required for a withdrawal fees which i paid and the required for security fees i was so frustrated and i sober on all day was i was in a deep mess , finally my friend introduced me to a group of trusted hackers who work with discretion and delivery promptly, they do all sorts of recovery i contacted them via there hacking can involve a range of techniques, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning Finally the helped me in recover my investment funds their skills for recovering is very unique legal and legitimate purposes. You can also contact them via Telegram
Telegram :

15 November 2023
FOR BEST RECOVERING AND HACKING SERVICE CONTACT (GHOSTCHAMPIONWIZARD AT GMAIL DOT COM).. Be warned, most of these hackers called here are imposters, I know how real hackers work, they never advertise in such a gullible way and they are always discreet. I was tricked so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to RECOVERY my funds from online crypto i invested a sum of $798,456 USDT and when i was in need of funds i tried to withdraw about $240,000 USDT but the site required for a withdrawal fees which i paid and the required for security fees i was so frustrated and i sober on all day was i was in a deep mess , finally my friend introduced me to a group of trusted hackers who work with discretion and delivery promptly, they do all sorts of recovery i contacted them via there hacking can involve a range of techniques, such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning Finally the helped me in recover my investment funds their skills for recovering is very unique legal and legitimate purposes. You can also contact them via Telegram
Telegram :

Sophia Richardson
2 November 2023
I’m one of those few people who invested in the cryptocurrency market and was hoping to make enough profits after my retirement. Unfortunately, I had invested in a platform that was out to steal from me, I lost around $275,000 to this platform excluding the promised profits. I had lost every penny I invested into it including the money I had to borrow from friends. I thought it was all over until I came across a Cryptocurrency recovery expert, Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who helped me recover my money from these fake investors. It took Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery 48 hours to recover my money and I was able to track down these people. I’m truly grateful for their service and I highly recommend them to anyone with the same problem.


Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

Irene Clark
1 November 2023

Get to note the scammers and seek help immediately!

Don’t be fooled by big profits and money guarantee. Mostly those who promise big money in the crypto market are scammers. Never allow investment plans on a dating app. Scammers mostly use the investment tactic to ask for cryptocurrency. They may also reach out to you in the disguise of big companies, celebrities and government agencies. If someone reaches you out of the blues in pretense of being an investment manager or promising you free money. Always ask questions before making any anonymous payments. Honest investors are always ready to share that information in detail.

Seek out in case you are facing such losses immediately. They have been known for over 5 years for their recovery services. Be safe.

Pamela murphy
31 October 2023
Beware of Hackers while trading on Bitcoin,I learnt this the hard way .
As I was trading on Bitcoin on the 23 of September 2023, my account was hacked and my $139,000 that I was trading with disappeared in thin air I was devastated and in distress,I immediately started looking for ways on how I could recover my lost funds! I went through several ads and I came across an Ad on after doing thorough research I noticed several people had gotten help from him and were actually happy after getting back all their lost funds, I personally inboxed several of them and they confirmed of the excellent service they received from Lee ultimate hacker that's when I made contact too and as advertised I am here to testify that he helped me recover all my $139,000 that I had lost.He also gave me tips on how to keep my bitcoin account safe from hackers. If in any case you have lost funds while trading on Bitcoin hurriedly contact his services are 100% guaranteed and he doesn't waste time with recovering what you lost.

27 October 2023
Century Hackers Crypto Recovery Service are group of professional hacker's with all kind of ethical hacking skill's, Century Hackers has gone wide and broad, they are all over the web at a search of Century Hackers Crypto Recovery on your browser, you will find information on how to reach and hire their Crypto Recovery service or other related hacking issues. It was an incredibly experience with Century Hackers after being through thorns and shackle on an exchange platform were i was scammed $876,797.00, my funds got recovered back after 1 year, Century Hackers made it possible. I tried other hacker but the more i hire them the more they keep scamming me until i was direct on how to make use of search words to connect directly to Century Hackers who are ranked as the best hacker on web. Contact then via ( ) website: or Telegram : @Marvels109 they help me recover all my stolen funds back am so grateful

24 October 2023
My husband and I lost $50,000 worth of Bitcoins and USDT to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months back, we saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency to make huge profits from our investments. We contacted a broker online who was pretending to be an account manager for a Forex trading firm, we invested a huge part of our retirement savings and business money into this platform not realizing it was all a scam to steal away our money. After weeks of trying to withdraw, this broker continued to request more money until we were broke and in debt, it felt as if we were losing our lives. Fortunately for us, we saw an article about Richard Pryce Wizard we were not in a hurry to contact them but we did some research about their services and found out they could help us recover our money from these scammers, we contacted Richard Pryce Wizard and in a space of 72 hours, Richard Pryce Wizard was able to recover everything, this company did a thorough investigation with the information we provided them and ensured that every penny was returned to us, it felt so unreal how they were able to recover everything we have lost. We are truly grateful for the help of the Richard Pryce Wizard and we are putting this out there to everyone who needs their services. EMAIL:( or whatsapp:+1 (614) 963-6517)

mary christina
19 October 2023

"EthicRefinence is an absolute lifesaver! I had lost all hope of ever seeing my stolen Bitcoin worth $34,000 again. But thanks to their quick and efficient actions, I was able to recover it all! Their expertise in the field of cryptocurrency and their dedication to their clients is unmatched. I can confidently say that EthicRefinence has saved me from financial ruin and I am forever grateful. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, EthicRefinence is definitely the team to trust!"
you can also contact them via
ethicsrefinance @gmail .com
www.ethicsrefinance .com

You can also contact them for the service below
Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
Bank Transfer
PayPal / Skrill Transfer
Crypto Mining
CashApp Transfer
Bitcoin Loans
Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

Kate Vallis
14 October 2023
My name is Kate Vallis, and a few months back, I lost my entire savings including my mortgage payments to a fake cryptocurrency investment scheme. I was promised huge returns on my investments but I was surprised when it all went down and I was logged out of my account. I was depressed and devastated, I thought of giving up my life until a promising post popped up on my timeline while I was scrolling through the internet about SpyWeb Cyber Security Service. I was convinced by their positive reviews online and I contacted them immediately, and to my greatest surprise, Spyweb Cyber Security was able to recover all my funds in less than 72 hours. I’m truly grateful for their service and I want to put this out there to anyone who might require their services.
You can reach them directly via

E-mail: Spyweb@Cyberdude .com
Whats-App: + 1 (213) (723) 6292)

14 October 2023
I’m very excited to speak about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related issues.


Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

Jennifer Greenland
13 October 2023
My misplaced cash of roughly $180k were found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. i was able to get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guild lines to recover your stolen funds.


Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

Bonnie Dale
9 October 2023
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery boasts a high success rate and customer satisfaction. Their team of experts has helped numerous clients recover lost Bitcoin and other digital assets, earning a reputation for excellence and reliability. By using their services, individuals can benefit from a high level of expertise, a fast and efficient recovery process, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether you have lost Bitcoin due to hacking, fraud, or other forms of cybercrime,
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery can help you recover your funds and get back on track.
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery can be contacted by: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) /
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326

Nurali Vizirov
5 October 2023
I remember how depressed I was when I lost my money from the coinfx crypto investment scheme. I withdrew the first and second time, and I invested more money. It was during my third withdrawal attempt that it collapsed, and my money was gone. I refused to give up,rather, I went online to search on how to recover lost Cryptocurrencies. Upon my search, I saw reviews on (hackingprofessional3Atg m a i l Dot c [o]m). I contacted him,provided all he requested, and now my coins are back in my wallet.

Paula Gerald
3 October 2023
It a privilege and honor to acknowledge Pro Wizards Gilbert Recovery, for their time and dedication, they always put others first and consider others without demanding anything in return, am so glad I came across them at the right time, because I was almost given up in my business with their help and support my business came back and people from far and near always patronize me, my business is now the talk of town, without them I don’t think my business will have been when it is today am so grateful to them and happy that I came across them on time.Contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)
Page Site:

1 October 2023
I’m very excited to speak about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related issues.


Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

26 September 2023
Thanks to EthicsRefinance, I was able to recover a whopping $78,000 worth of bitcoin which had been lost due to a fraudulent investment scheme. Their expert team of analysts and investigators went above and beyond to track down the culprits and retrieve my stolen assets. Not only did they help recover my funds but they also provided me with valuable advice on how to safeguard my assets from future scams. Thanks to EthicsRefinance, I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing that my hard-earned assets are in safe hands. Highly recommended!
you can also contact them via

EMAIL: ethicsrefinance @gmail .com

WEBISTE: www*ethicsrefinance*com

Keith Rucker
26 September 2023
If you lost money to the Pig Butchering Investment scam, FTX trading scam, Crypto investment scam, you can contact hackingprofessional3 at G m a i L DOT c o m for fast reocvery of your lost fund and other cryptocurrencies