Seite: go.zengo.com
Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Features: 2 Factor Authentication, Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: SPV
Feb 01, 2022
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Fakeq 24 February 2023

ZenGo is easy to use, with a simple interface and great security features, making it a reliable and trustworthy wallet for storing cryptocurrencies

Dawn Vargas 14 February 2022

A good wallet that is easy to use and works well. There is a wide variety of cryptocurrencies available for storage, the app works quickly and doesn't freeze. I liked my experience with this wallet.

Seite: go.zengo.com
Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Features: 2 Factor Authentication, Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source
Platforms: Android, iOS
ValidationType: SPV
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