Land: Sweden
Gegründet: 2020
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Oct 20, 2020

About Crypto4Winners

Since 2019, Crypto4Winners is an online platform actively managing your BTC, ETH, USDT and USDC to provide you a regular passive income by growing your crypto. 

Based in Sweden, the platform is also a member of Crypto Valley, Zug in Switzerland. 

Crypto4Winners is targeting individual or entity holding a crypto wallet that believe in a long-term appreciation of crypto market, don’t have time to manage their crypto assets, want to accumulate more crypto in trusty and transparent way.


Bitcoin Pool

Bitcoin Pool was the first pool launched in July 2019.

The minimum investment in the Pool is 0.2 BTC

The investment objective of the BTC Pool is to achieve capital appreciation (BTC) and maximize absolute returns by investing directly in BTC.

The BTC Pool investment policy is essentially towards the medium to long term.

BTC Pool will have exposure to BTC in a practical and balanced way through the following strategies:

  • Holding in cold storage (Long exposure, medium and long term);
  • Trading (Algorithmic trading, Trading intraday, Scalping, AI Trading).

Ethereum Pool

ETH Pool has been launched in April 2021 with the same characteristics as BTC Pool.

The minimum investment in the Pool is 2.0 ETH

The investment objective of the ETH Pool is to achieve capital appreciation (ETH) and maximize absolute returns by investing directly in ETH.

The ETH Pool investment policy is essentially towards the medium to long term.

ETH Pool will have exposure to ETH in a practicable and balanced way through the following strategies:

  • Holding in cold storage (Long exposure, medium and long term);
  • Trading (Algorithmic trading, Trading intraday, Scalping, AI Trading).

Global Crypto Pool

The minimum investment in the Pool is 10,000.00 USDT/USDC

The investment objective of the Global Crypto Pool is to achieve capital appreciation (USDT & USDC) and maximize absolute returns by investing directly in USDT & USDC through multi-strategies.

The Global Crypto Pool investment policy is essentially towards the medium to long term.

To ensure we fully capture the investable crypto-asset, we may also invest crypto in each strategy depending on the available market opportunities:

  • Holding in cold storage (Long exposure, medium and long term);
  • Trading (Algorithmic trading, Trading intraday, Scalping, AI Trading).
  • Staking;
  • Lending;
  • Mining Pools.

Traded coins & tokens are all officially quoted on Coinmarketcap.

As part of our diversification strategy, our current holdings are:

  • USDT (50%)
  • USDC (40%)
  • Diversified staking (10%)

Website and Help Center 

The website to register on the platform can be accessed at www.crypto4winners.com, and the Help Center can be found at https://crypto4winners.com/support.php. It is suggested that you visit the Help Center for any assistance related to the platform.

Unsere Bewertung
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Ease of use 5 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
Unsere Bewertung
4.2 / 5
Pros and Cons

- Einfach zu bedienen
- Benutzerfreundlich


- Geringe Popularität

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Baut Jeremy 6 March 2022

Le fond fait 5-6% par mois de manière constante c'est assez impressionnant! Très satisfait du service

Léa C4W
8 March 2022
Nous sommes ravis que la plateforme vous convienne!
A bientôt,
Steve Gur. 26 August 2021

I put my BTC on the platform in March 2020. I started with the minimum to test if everything was OK. after having withdraw my BTC, discuss with the team, I have decided to increase my position.
Performance of +/- 0,23% per day in crypto quantity, as a passive HODLer, that is the perfect way to manage my crypto.

Crypto_addict 20 June 2021

A nice way to obtain a regular income in crypto (BTC).
Dashboard is clear and results are published on a daily basis.
Client service is reactive.

Daniel TAVARES PINTO 26 January 2021

I've been investing in this fund for about 6 months now.
I made about 7-8% profit every month. It is really profitable. I had an our discusion before investing with one of the creators who reasured me about my questions.
I highly recommand

5 August 2022
Hi, great may i know how did you manage to get the contact with one of the creator ?
Thank you
Léa Gobert
11 April 2022
Thanks Daniel! All the team is grateful about your comment! See you soon, Léa
Land: Sweden
Gegründet: 2020
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